
时间:2011-09-07 17:04:40

标签: c# .net vb.net 3d perspective

我想要做的事情听起来很简单,但到目前为止我没有在互联网上找到一种在DotNet中做到这一点的方法,也没有找到第三方组件来做到这一点(没有花费数千个完全不必要的功能) 。 这是:

我有一个地砖(实际照片)的jpeg,我用它创建了一个棋盘图案。 在dotnet中,可以轻松旋转和拼接照片,并将最终图像保存为jpeg。


这是一个与地毯类似的网站,但我需要在WinForms应用程序中执行此操作: Flor Website



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


你需要的是一些3D渲染引擎,你可以在其中绘制多边形(在透视图中),并用纹理(如地毯)覆盖它们。对于.Net 2.0,我建议使用SlimDX,它是DirectX的一个端口,允许你渲染多边形,但有一些学习曲线。如果您使用的是WPF(.Net 3.0及更高版本),则内置的3D画布允许您以透视方式绘制纹理多边形。对于您的目的,这可能比SlimDX更容易/更好学习。我确信有一种方法可以将3D画布的输出重定向到jpeg ...

如果您不需要很好的性能并且限制纹理的方向(例如,始终是水平地板或始终是垂直墙),您可以大大简化问题。如果是这样,您可以使用.Net 2.0中的简单绘图循环自行渲染。

答案 1 :(得分:3)



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace floorDrawer
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

        ResizeRedraw = DoubleBuffered = true;

        Width = 800;
        Height = 600;

        Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Form1_Paint);


    void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

        // a few parameters that control the projection transform
        // these are the parameters that you can modify to change 
        // the output

        double cz = 10; // distortion
        double m = 1000; // magnification, usually around 1000 (the pixel width of the monitor)

        double y0 = -100; // floor height

        string texturePath = @"c:\pj\Hydrangeas.jpg";//@"c:\pj\Chrysanthemum.jpg";

        // screen size
        int height = ClientSize.Height;
        int width = ClientSize.Width;

        // center of screen
        double cx = width / 2;
        double cy = height / 2;

        // render destination
        var dst = new Bitmap(width, height);

        // source texture

        var src = Bitmap.FromFile(texturePath) as Bitmap;

        // texture dimensions
        int tw = src.Width;
        int th = src.Height;

        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                double v = m * y0 / (y - cy) - cz;
                double u = (x - cx) * (v + cz) / m;

                int uu = ((int)u % tw + tw) % tw;
                int vv = ((int)v % th + th) % th;
                // The following .SetPixel() and .GetPixel() are painfully slow
                // You can replace this whole loop with an equivalent implementation
                // using pointers inside unsafe{} code to make it much faster.
                // Note that by casting u and v into integers, we are performing
                // a nearest pixel interpolation...  It's sloppy but effective.

                dst.SetPixel(x, y, src.GetPixel(uu, vv));

        // draw result on the form
        e.Graphics.DrawImage(dst, 0, 0);


This is a sample output using one of Windows 7 sample images.

Another example using another Windows 7 sample picture.