
时间:2011-09-03 03:30:11

标签: c# serialization vb6 binary


  Open WritingPath & "\FplDb.txt" For Random As #1 Len = Len(WpRec)
    For i = 1 To 99
      WpRec.WpIndex = FplDB(i, 1)
      WpRec.WpName = FplDB(i, 2)
      WpRec.WpLat = FplDB(i, 3)
      WpRec.WpLon = FplDB(i, 4)
      WpRec.WpLatDir = FplDB(i, 5)
      WpRec.WpLonDir = FplDB(i, 6)
      Put #1, i, WpRec
   Next i
   Close #1
   SaveOk = 1
   FplSave = SaveOk
   Exit Function

此函数使用“Open”和“Put”语句对99个结构(WpRec)的矩阵进行二进制序列化。但是我没有得到它的编码方式......这对我很重要因为我需要在C#中重写相同的序列化但是我需要知道使用什么编码方法,所以我可以在C#中做同样的事情。 ..

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

VB6中的一个棘手的问题是你被允许声明具有固定长度字符串的结构,这样你就可以编写包含不需要长度前缀的字符串的记录。字符串缓冲区的长度编码为类型,而不是需要与记录一起写出。这允许固定大小的记录。在.NET中,由于VB.NET具有支持它向后兼容的机制,因此它有点被遗忘,但据我所知,它并不是真正用于C#:How to declare a fixed-length string in VB.NET?


但是,您可以使用System.BitConverter更好地控制如何将记录序列化和反序列化为字节(System.IO.BinaryReader和System.IO.BinaryWriter可能没有用,因为它们假设字符串具有长度前缀)。请记住,VB6 Integer映射到.NET Int16,VB6 Long是.Net Int32。我不确切知道你如何定义你的VB6结构,但这里有一个可能的实现作为例子:

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
     WpRecType[] WpRec = new WpRecType[3];
     WpRec[0] = new WpRecType();
     WpRec[0].WpIndex = 0;
     WpRec[0].WpName = "New York";
     WpRec[0].WpLat = 40.783f;
     WpRec[0].WpLon = 73.967f;
     WpRec[0].WpLatDir = 1;
     WpRec[0].WpLonDir = 1;
     WpRec[1] = new WpRecType();
     WpRec[1].WpIndex = 1;
     WpRec[1].WpName = "Minneapolis";
     WpRec[1].WpLat = 44.983f;
     WpRec[1].WpLon = 93.233f;
     WpRec[1].WpLatDir = 1;
     WpRec[1].WpLonDir = 1;
     WpRec[2] = new WpRecType();
     WpRec[2].WpIndex = 2;
     WpRec[2].WpName = "Moscow";
     WpRec[2].WpLat = 55.75f;
     WpRec[2].WpLon = 37.6f;
     WpRec[2].WpLatDir = 1;
     WpRec[2].WpLonDir = 2;
     byte[] buffer = new byte[WpRecType.RecordSize];
     using (System.IO.FileStream stm = 
        new System.IO.FileStream(@"C:\Users\Public\Documents\FplDb.dat",
        System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite))
        stm.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        stm.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        stm.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        // Seek to record #1, load and display it
        stm.Seek(WpRecType.RecordSize * 1, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
        stm.Read(buffer, 0, WpRecType.RecordSize);
        WpRecType rec = new WpRecType(buffer);
        Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}: {2} {3}, {4} {5}", rec.WpIndex, rec.WpName,
           rec.WpLat, (rec.WpLatDir == 1) ? "N" : "S",
           rec.WpLon, (rec.WpLonDir == 1) ? "W" : "E");

class WpRecType
  public short WpIndex;
  public string WpName;
  public Single WpLat;
  public Single WpLon;
  public byte WpLatDir;
  public byte WpLonDir;

  const int WpNameBytes = 40; // 20 unicode characters
  public const int RecordSize = WpNameBytes + 12;

  public void SerializeInto(byte[] target)
     int position = 0;
     BitConverter.GetBytes(WpIndex).CopyTo(target, position);
     position += 2;
     System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(WpName).CopyTo(target, position);
     position += WpNameBytes;
     BitConverter.GetBytes(WpLat).CopyTo(target, position);
     position += 4;
     BitConverter.GetBytes(WpLon).CopyTo(target, position);
     position += 4;
     target[position++] = WpLatDir;
     target[position++] = WpLonDir;

  public void Deserialize(byte[] source)
     int position = 0;
     WpIndex = BitConverter.ToInt16(source, position);
     position += 2;
     WpName = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(source, position, WpNameBytes);
     position += WpNameBytes;
     WpLat = BitConverter.ToSingle(source, position);
     position += 4;
     WpLon = BitConverter.ToSingle(source, position);
     position += 4;
     WpLatDir = source[position++];
     WpLonDir = source[position++];

  public WpRecType()

  public WpRecType(byte[] source)

答案 1 :(得分:2)




Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileOpen (1, WritingPath & "\FplDb.txt", OpenMode.Random, 
for (i = 1; i < 100 ; i++) {
  WpRec.WpIndex = FplDB(i, 1)
  WpRec.WpName = FplDB(i, 2)
  WpRec.WpLat = FplDB(i, 3)
  WpRec.WpLon = FplDB(i, 4)
  WpRec.WpLatDir = FplDB(i, 5)
  WpRec.WpLonDir = FplDB(i, 6)
  Microsoft.VisualBasic.FilePut(1, WpRec, i)

我认为Marshal.SizeOf(WpRec)返回Len(WpRec)将在VB6中返回的相同值 - 请检查一下。

答案 2 :(得分:0)
