异步更新ObservableCollection <t>会导致挂起,并且不会进行GUI更新</t>

时间:2011-09-01 16:16:50

标签: c# wpf multithreading observablecollection autoresetevent



以下是 App.xaml

          Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current}, Path=TracertResultNodes}"   
          x:Key="tracertDataView" />



public partial class App : Application
    private ObservableCollection<TracertNode> tracertResultNodes = new ObservableCollection<TracertNode>();

    public void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
          // NOTE: Load sample data does work correctly.. and displays on the screen.  
         //      subsequent updates do not display

    private void LoadSampleData()

         TracertResultNodes = new ObservableCollection<TracertNode>();

        TracertNode t = new TracertNode();
        t.Address = new System.Net.IPAddress(0x2414188f);
        t.RoundTripTime = 30;
        t.Status = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus.BadRoute;


    public ObservableCollection<TracertNode> TracertResultNodes
        get { return this.tracertResultNodes; }
        set { this.tracertResultNodes = value; }

以下是 MainWindow 代码

  public partial class MainWindow : Window
    CollectionViewSource tracertDataView;
    TraceWrapper _tracertWrapper = null;

    public MainWindow()
         _tracertWrapper = new TraceWrapper();

        tracertDataView = (CollectionViewSource)(this.Resources["tracertDataView"]);

    private void DoTrace_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
       ((App)Application.Current).TracertResultNodes = _tracertWrapper.Results;

       _tracertWrapper.DoTrace("", 30, 50);


    /// <summary>
    /// Trace a host.  Note that this object internally calls the Async implementation of .NET's PING. 
    // It works perfectly fine in a CMD host, but not in WPF
    /// </summary>
     public ObservableCollection<TracertNode> DoTrace(string HostOrIP, int maxHops, int TimeOut)
        tracert = new Tracert();

        // The following is triggered for every host that is found, or upon timeout
         //  (up to 30 times by default)
        AutoResetEvent wait = new AutoResetEvent(false);
       tracert.waiter = wait;

        tracert.HostNameOrAddress = HostOrIP;


        this.Results = tracert.NodeList;

        while (tracert.IsDone == false)
            IsDone = tracert.IsDone;
        return tracert.NodeList;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


但是由于Trace已经在另一个线程中运行,你确定没有事件&#34; OnTracertComplete&#34;或者你的Tracert课程中有类似的东西?

如果没有,为什么你不将DispatchTimer放入你的应用程序? 该计时器将定期轮询直到tracert.IsDone变为真。 如果阻止执行应用程序线程直到操作完成,则会阻止窗口事件循环的执行,因此窗口永远不会更新。

另一个重要的事情是:你无法从另一个线程更新ObservableCollections。 注意并确保WPF窗口中更新的所有内容都是从窗口的同一个线程执行的。不知道你的Trace类究竟做了什么,但你的问题似乎当然是等待循环,在GUI应用程序中没有用。



    public delegate void TracertCallbacHandler(Tracert sender, TracertNode newNode);

    public class Tracert
        public event TracertCallbacHandler NewNodeFound;
        public event EventHandler TracertCompleted;

        public void Trace()

        // This function gets called in tracert thread\async method.
        private void FunctionCalledInThreadWhenPingCompletes(TracertNode newNode)
            var handler = this.NewNodeFound;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, newNode);

        // This function gets called in tracert thread\async methods when everything ends.
        private void FunctionCalledWhenEverythingDone()
            var handler = this.TracertCompleted;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);


以下是运行tracert的代码, 这是TracertWrapper。

    // Keep the observable collection as a field.
    private ObservableCollection<TracertNode> pTracertNodes;

    // Keep the instance of the running tracert as a field, we need it.
    private Tracert pTracert;

    public bool IsTracertRunning
        get { return this.pTracert != null; }

    public ObservableCollection<TracertNode> DoTrace(string hostOrIP, int maxHops, int timeOut)
        // If we are not already running a tracert...
        if (this.pTracert == null)
            // Clear or creates the list of tracert nodes.
            if (this.pTracertNodes == null)
                this.pTracertNodes = new ObservableCollection<TracertNode>();

            var tracert = new Tracert();
            tracert.HostNameOrAddress = hostOrIP;
            tracert.MaxHops = maxHops;
            tracert.TimeOut = timeOut;

            tracert.NewNodeFound += delegate(Tracert sender, TracertNode newNode)
                // This method is called inside Tracert thread.
                // We need to use synchronization context to execute this method in our main window thread.

                SynchronizationContext.Current.Post(delegate(object state)
                    // This method is called inside window thread.
                    this.OnTracertNodeFound(this.pTracertNodes, newNode);
                }, null);

            tracert.TracertCompleted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // This method is called inside Tracert thread.
                // We need to use synchronization context to execute this method in our main window thread.

                SynchronizationContext.Current.Post(delegate(object state)
                    // This method is called inside window thread.
                }, null);


            this.pTracert = tracert;

        return this.pTracertNodes;

    protected virtual void OnTracertCompleted()
        // Remove tracert object,
        // we need this to let the garbage collector being able to release that objects.
        // We need also to allow another traceroute since the previous one completed.
        this.pTracert = null;

        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("TraceRoute completed!");

    protected virtual void OnTracertNodeFound(ObservableCollection<TracertNode> collection, TracertNode newNode)
        // Add our tracert node.

答案 1 :(得分:1)





答案 2 :(得分:1)





private void DoTrace_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
       foreach(var traceNode in _tracertWrapper.Results)

       _tracertWrapper.DoTrace("", 30, 50);
