
时间:2011-08-30 16:25:39

标签: perl unicode utf-8


使用我的mac中的.DS_Store文件,我得到以下输出。我想了解如何解决警告(即不仅忽略它们,而是正确处理它们)。我也在寻找一种方法来验证我做得对。例如。 od -c .DS_Store是一种方法,但我没有看到与输出的一对一匹配。

>charlist_v4 .DS_Store
utf8 "\x80" does not map to Unicode at /Users/ericdp/bin/charlist_v4 line 210.
utf8 "\x80" does not map to Unicode at /Users/ericdp/bin/charlist_v4 line 210.
utf8 "\x80" does not map to Unicode at /Users/ericdp/bin/charlist_v4 line 210.
utf8 "\x80" does not map to Unicode at /Users/ericdp/bin/charlist_v4 line 210.
utf8 "\x80" does not map to Unicode at /Users/ericdp/bin/charlist_v4 line 210.
utf8 "\x80" does not map to Unicode at /Users/ericdp/bin/charlist_v4 line 210.
               Dec     Hex  Letter   Count  Desc

     1       0  0x0000  [NUL]        6,020  C0 Control Character Set - Null (^@ \0)                                         
     2       1  0x0001  [SOH]           59  C0 Control Character Set - Start of Header (^A)                                 
     3       2  0x0002  [STX]            8  C0 Control Character Set - Start of Text (^B)                                   
     4       3  0x0003  [ETX]            1  C0 Control Character Set - End of Text (^C)                                     
     5       4  0x0004  [EOT]            7  C0 Control Character Set - End of Transmission (^D)                             
     6       8  0x0008  [BS]             9  C0 Control Character Set - Backspace (^H \b)                                    
     7      11  0x000B  [VT]             2  C0 Control Character Set - Vertical Tabulation (^K \v)                          
     8      16  0x0010  [DLE]            9  C0 Control Character Set - Data Line Escape (^P)                                
     9      24  0x0018  [CAN]            1  C0 Control Character Set - Cancel (^X)                                          
    10      32  0x0020  [SP]             7  Space                                                                           
    11      37  0x0025  [%]          2  PERCENT SIGN                                                                    
    12      48  0x0030  [ ]          6  DIGIT ZERO                                                                      
    13      49  0x0031  [1]          1  DIGIT ONE                                                                       
    14      56  0x0038  [8]          6  DIGIT EIGHT                                                                     
    15      64  0x0040  [@]          7  COMMERCIAL AT                                                                   
    16      66  0x0042  [B]          2  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B                                                          
    17      68  0x0044  [D]          2  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D                                                          
    18      69  0x0045  [E]          1  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E                                                          
    19      83  0x0053  [S]          1  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S                                                          
    20      92  0x005C  [\]          6  REVERSE SOLIDUS                                                                 
    21      96  0x0060  [`]          1  GRAVE ACCENT                                                                    
    22     100  0x0064  [d]          1  LATIN SMALL LETTER D                                                            
    23     117  0x0075  [u]          1  LATIN SMALL LETTER U                                                            
    24     120  0x0078  [x]          6  LATIN SMALL LETTER X     

  # ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
  # charlist2.pl
  # count every character in a file
  # Version 1: 16 Aug 05  bb
  # Version 2: 21 Sep 05 jw v2 modified layout of output file
  # Version 3: 2005-10-15 bh Added -f and -r options
  # Version 4: 31 Jan 2010 EDP - added UTF-8 functionality
  # ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
  $| = 1;             # Do not buffer output
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Encode qw(encode :fallbacks);

  #use open IO => ':utf8'; # all I/O in utf8
  #no warnings 'utf8'; # but ignore utf-8 warnings
  #binmode( STDIN, ":utf8" );
  #binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );
  #binmode( STDERR, ":utf8" );

  use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';
  use Cwd 'abs_path'; # get full absolute path to files, regardless of where it is ran from
    no warnings;      # warnings doesn't like $0 below
    use constant {
      PROGRAM  => abs_path( $0 ),  # get full path, not relative path
      DEBUG    => $ENV{ 'DEBUG' }  # to turn on debugging:  export DEBUG=1

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  our $Version = "4.0";

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  use Getopt::Std;
  our ( $opt_f, $opt_r );
  getopts( 'fr' );

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  die <<"eof" unless $#ARGV >= 0;
    charlist2.pl [-f] [-r]  infile > outfile

  Given a text file, count the number of times each character occurs.
  Print out the count, also giving the decimal equivalent of each character.

  -f sort by frequency

  -r reverse sort order

  Version $Version
  my $file = $ARGV[0];
  my %ctrls;

    sub commify {
    # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    # Description : commify a number
    # Arguments   : number
    # Returns     : string equivalent with commas every three numbers to the
    #               left of the decimal
    # Example     : $num_str = commify 1234.5678  # == 1,234.5678
    # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

      my $text = reverse $_[0];
      $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
      return scalar reverse $text;

    } # commify

    sub trim {
    # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    # Description : Trim spaces before and after a string
    # Arguments   : string
    # Returns     : regex out any leading/trailing spaces
    # Example     : print trim( '     a  ' )  # 'a'
    # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

      my ( $str ) = shift =~ m!^\s*(.+?)\s*$!i;
      defined $str ? return $str : return '';

    } # trim

    sub ident {
    # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    # Description : Identify everything about this character
    # Arguments   : line counter
    #               character code (i.e. space = 32)
    #               count of how many we found
    # Returns     : output line to STDOUT
    # Example     : ident( line_num=>$cnt,
    #                      char_code=>$idx,
    #                      count=>$count[$idx] );
    # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

    my %args = @_;
    my $line_num = $args{line_num} || die 'ident( line_num=> ) paramer required';
    my $char_code = $args{char_code} ;#|| die 'ident( char_code=> ) paramer required';
    my $count = $args{count} || die 'ident( count=> ) paramer required';

    my ( $c, $h, $n );

    # ---------- ---------- ----------
    # Gather what unicode information about this character
    # ---------- ---------- ----------
    my $info=eval { charinfo( $char_code ) };

    # ---------- ---------- ----------
    # and we find something
    # ---------- ---------- ----------
    if ( defined $info )

      # ---------- ---------- ----------
      # what if it is one of the control
      # characters defined at the end of
      # this file?
      # ---------- ---------- ----------
      if ( defined $ctrls{$char_code} )

        $c = trim( $ctrls{$char_code}[0] );
        $h = $info->{code};
        $n = trim( $ctrls{$char_code}[1] );


        # ---------- ---------- ----------
        # what did we find?
        # ---------- ---------- ----------
        $c = chr( $char_code ) || ' ';
        eval {

          no warnings;
          if ( $info->{combining} > 0 )
            $c = ' ' . $c;

        $h = $info->{code} || ' ';
        $n = trim( $info->{name} ) || ' ';



      # ---------- ---------- ----------
      # we didn't find anything in the system files.
      # it may not be up-to-date
      # ---------- ---------- ----------
      $n = '<undef>';

    print sprintf( "%6d", $line_num ) . "\t";
    print sprintf( "%6d", $char_code ) ."\t";
    print '0x' . $h . "\t";
    print sprintf( "[%-1s]\t", $c );
    print sprintf( "%10s", commify( $count ) ) . "\t";
    print sprintf( "%-80s", $n );
    print "\n";
    } # ident

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  # Load special control characters from DATA below
  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  while ( <DATA> )

    last unless /\S/;
    my ( $key, @data ) = split /,/;
    $ctrls{$key} = \@data;


  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  # Read the file
  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  my $line;
  my @count;

  #open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or die "Unable to open $file - $!\n";
  #while ( $line = <$fh> )

  open( my $fh, '<:encoding( UTF-8 )', $file ) or die "Unable to open $file - $!\n";
  while ( $line = encode( 'UTF-8', <$fh>, FB_PERLQQ ) )

    my @chars = split( //, $line );
    foreach my $char ( @chars )

  #    utf8::decode( $char ) or die "unable to change [$char] to utf8";
      $count[ ord( $char ) ]++;


  close $fh or die "Unable to close $file: $!\n";

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  #  http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#gen6
  #  1114111 = 0x10FFFF - max possible value in Unicode UTF-8 v.5.2.
  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  my @list = ( 0 .. 1114111 );
  @list = sort { $count[$a] || 0 <=> $count[$b] || 0 } @list if $opt_f;
  @list = reverse @list if $opt_r;

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  # Show what we found
  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  print "\t   Dec\t   Hex\tLetter\t Count\tDesc\n\n";
  my $cnt = 1;
  for my $idx ( @list )

    if ( $count[$idx] )

      print "line_num=>$cnt\tchar_code=>$idx\tcount=>$count[$idx]\n" if DEBUG;
      ident( line_num=>$cnt,
             count=>$count[$idx] );



  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  # All done
  # ---------- ---------- ----------

  # ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  # These special characters don't have all
  # this extra definition, so let's make this list
  # ---------- ---------- ----------
  0,NUL,C0 Control Character Set - Null (^@ \0)
  1,SOH,C0 Control Character Set - Start of Header (^A)
  2,STX,C0 Control Character Set - Start of Text (^B)
  3,ETX,C0 Control Character Set - End of Text (^C)
  4,EOT,C0 Control Character Set - End of Transmission (^D)
  5,ENQ,C0 Control Character Set - Enquiry (^E)
  6,ACK,C0 Control Character Set - Acknowledge (^F)
  7,BEL,C0 Control Character Set - Bell(^G \a)
  8,BS,C0 Control Character Set - Backspace (^H \b)
  9,HT,C0 Control Character Set - Horizontal Tabulation (^I \t)
  10,LF,C0 Control Character Set - Line Feed (^J \n)
  11,VT,C0 Control Character Set - Vertical Tabulation (^K \v)
  12,FF,C0 Control Character Set - Form Feed (^L \f)
  13,CR,C0 Control Character Set - Carriage Return (^M \r)
  14,SO,C0 Control Character Set - Shift Out (^N)
  15,SI,C0 Control Character Set - Shift In (^O)
  16,DLE,C0 Control Character Set - Data Line Escape (^P)
  17,DC1,C0 Control Character Set - Device Control One (^Q) - XON
  18,DC2,C0 Control Character Set - Device Control Two (^R)
  19,DC3,C0 Control Character Set - Device Control Three (^S) - XOFF
  20,DC4,C0 Control Character Set - Device Control Four (^T)
  21,NAK,C0 Control Character Set - Negative Acknowledge (^U)
  22,SYN,C0 Control Character Set - Synchronous Idle (^V)
  23,ETB,C0 Control Character Set - End of Transmission Block (^W)
  24,CAN,C0 Control Character Set - Cancel (^X)
  25,EM,C0 Control Character Set - End of Medium (^Y)
  26,SUB,C0 Control Character Set - Substitute (^Z)
  27,ESC,C0 Control Character Set - Escape (^[, \e)
  28,FS,C0 Control Character Set - File Separator (^\)
  29,GS,C0 Control Character Set - Group Separator (^])
  30,RS,C0 Control Character Set - Record Separator (^^)
  31,US,C0 Control Character Set - Unit Separator (^_)
  127,DEL,Delete (^?)
  128,PAD,C1 Control Character Set - Padding Character
  129,HOP,C1 Control Character Set - High Octet Preset
  130,BPH,C1 Control Character Set - Break Permitted Here
  131,NBH,C1 Control Character Set - No Break Here
  132,IND,C1 Control Character Set - Index
  133,NEL,C1 Control Character Set - Next Line
  134,SSA,C1 Control Character Set - Start of Selected Area
  135,ESA,C1 Control Character Set - End of Selected Area
  136,HTS,C1 Control Character Set - Horizontal Tabulation Set
  137,HTJ,C1 Control Character Set - Horizontal Tabulation with Justification
  138,VTS,C1 Control Character Set - Vertical Tabulation Set
  139,PLD,C1 Control Character Set - Partial Line Down
  140,PLU,C1 Control Character Set - Partial Line Up
  141,RI,C1 Control Character Set - Reverse Index
  142,SS2,C1 Control Character Set - Single-Shift Two
  143,SS3,C1 Control Character Set - Single-Shift Three
  144,DCS,C1 Control Character Set - Device Control String
  145,PU1,C1 Control Character Set - Private Use One
  146,PU2,C1 Control Character Set - Private Use Two
  147,STS,C1 Control Character Set - Set Transmit State
  148,CCH,C1 Control Character Set - Cancel Character
  149,MW,C1 Control Character Set - Message Waiting
  150,SPA,C1 Control Character Set - Start of Guarded Protected Area
  151,EPA,C1 Control Character Set - End of Guarded Protected Area
  152,SOS,C1 Control Character Set - Start of String
  153,SGCI,C1 Control Character Set - Single Graphic Character Introducer
  154,SCI,C1 Control Character Set - Single Character Introducer
  155,CSI,C1 Control Character Set - Control Sequence Introducer
  156,ST,C1 Control Character Set - String Terminator
  157,OSC,C1 Control Character Set - Operating System Command
  158,PM,C1 Control Character Set - Privacy Message
  159,APC,C1 Control Character Set - Application Program Command

  # ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


这是一个大纲。 永远不要进行自己的手动解码!我唯一需要做的就是处理一个文件,其中编码从一行到另一行不等。相反,始终在流上设置编码,无论是通过以下方式之一:

  • 标准{in,out,err}和危险PERLUNICODE的{​​{1}} envariable:标准S 对于文件
  • D pragma。
  • 在3⁺-arg use open的模式参数中。
  • open的第二个参数中。



现在,您有一个use warnings; use warnings FATAL => "utf8"; use charnames (); my %seen = (); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8") || die "binmode failed"; binmode(STDIN, ":encoding(UTF-8)") || die "binmode failed"; while (<STDIN>) { $seen{$_}++ for split //; } close(STDIN) || die "can't close STDIN: $!"; 哈希值,该哈希值由每个字符编制索引,其关联值为实例计数。






  • 使用魔法打开修剪#!/usr/bin/env perl # # unicount - count code points in input # Tom Christiansen <tchrist@perl.com> use v5.12; use strict; use sigtrap; use warnings; use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std ); use charnames (); use List::Util qw(max); use Unicode::UCD qw(charinfo charblock); my $total = 0; my %seen = (); while (<>) { $total += length; $seen{$_}++ for split //; }; my $dec_width = length($total); my $hex_width = max(4, length sprintf("%x", max map { ord } keys %seen)); for (sort keys %seen) { my $count = $seen{$_}; my $gcat = charinfo(ord())->{category}; my $name = charnames::viacode(ord()) || "<unnamed code point in @{[charblock(ord())]}>"; printf "%*d U+%0*X GC=%2s %s\n", $dec_width => $count, $hex_width => ord(), $gcat => $name; } exit; 类型扩展名。
  • 它在podfiles中查找嵌入的.gz。这可以扩展到html和xml文件。
  • 如果文件的扩展名与有效的编码别名匹配,则然后使用该编码。例如,=encodingfoo.latin1foo.utf8,{{ 1}},foo.cp1252foo.utf16。我坚信不存在纯文本文件,因此foo.utf16be扩展名应立即禁止使用。
  • 否则假设二进制文件为字节,否则为utf8。



答案 1 :(得分:4)
