
时间:2011-08-29 03:36:51

标签: algorithm recursion


*描述一个递归算法,它将检查数组A是否为 整数包含一个整数A [i],它是两个整数的和 出现在A的早期,即

 A[i] = A[j] +A[k] for j,k < i.



6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


bool check (A, i, j, k)
    if (A[j] + A[k] == A[i])
        return true
        if      (k + 1 < j)      return check (A, i, j, k + 1)
        else if (j + 1 < i)      return check (A, i, j + 1, 0)
        else if (i + 1 < A.size) return check (A, i + 1, 1, 0)
        else                     return false

使用check(A, 2, 1, 0)调用递归函数。要突出显示算法的主要部分,它不会检查数组最初是否包含两个以上的元素。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


search(A, j, k) {
   for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
      if (A[i] == A[j] + A[k]) {
         return i;
   if (k + 1 == A.length) {
      if (j + 1 < A.length) {
         return search(A, j + 1, 0);
      return -1; // not found
   return search (A, j, k + 1);


search(A, 0, 0);

答案 2 :(得分:1)

在python中。第一个函数(搜索效率较低O(n 3 )),但它也给出j和k,第二个函数更有效(O(n 2 ) ),但只返回i。

def search(A, i):
    for j in xrange(i):
        for k in xrange(i):
            if A[i] == (A[j] + A[k]):
                return i, j, k

    if i > 0:
        return search(A, i - 1)

def search2(A, i, sums):
    if A[i] in sums:
        return i

    if i == len(A) - 1:
        return None

    for j in range(i + 1):
        sums.add(A[i] + A[j])
    return search2(A, i + 1, sums)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print search([1, 4, 3], 2)
    print search([1, 3, 4], 2)

    print search2([1, 4, 3], 0, set())
    print search2([1, 3, 4], 0, set())


(2, 0, 1)

答案 3 :(得分:0)

这个算法应该相当有效(好吧, O(n 2 ):

import Data.Set (Set, empty, fromList, member, union)

-- Helper function (which does all the work)
hassum' :: (Ord a, Num a) => Set a -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
-- Parameters:
--   1. All known sums upto the current element
--   2. The already handles elements
--   3. The not yet checked elements

-- If there are no elements left to check, there is no sum 
hassum' _    _    []     = False
-- Otherwise...
hassum' sums done (x:xs)
   -- Check if the next element is a known sum
   | x `member` sums     = True
   -- Otherwise calculate new possible sums and check the remaining elements
   | otherwise           = hassum' sums' done' xs
       where sums' = sums `union` fromList [x+d | d <- done]
             done' = x:done

-- Main function
hassum :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> Bool
hassum as = hassum' empty [] as


答案 4 :(得分:0)

Java版本,它还返回i,j,k的索引。 最坏情况的运行时间是O(N ^ 2)

= 1 =使用递归

    private static void findSum(Object[] nums, long k, int[] ids/* indexes*/) {
    // walk from both sides towards center
    int l = ids[0];
    int r = ids[1];
    if (l == r) {
        ids[0] = -1;
        ids[1] = -1;
    int sum = (Integer) nums[l] + (Integer) nums[r];
    if (sum == k) {
    if (sum < k) {
    } else {
    findSum(nums, k, ids);

private static int binarySearchPositionIndexOf(List<Integer> list, int l, int r, int k) {
    int m = (l + r) / 2;
    if (m == l) { // end recursion
        return r;

    int mv = list.get(m);
    if (mv == k) {
        return m;
    if (mv < k) {
        return binarySearchPositionIndexOf(list, m, r, k);
    return binarySearchPositionIndexOf(list, l, m, k);

private static void check(List<Integer> data, List<Integer> shadow, int i, int[] ids) {
    if (i == data.size()) {
        ids[0] = -1;
        ids[1] = -1;
    // sort it in
    int indexAfterSort = -1;
    int v = data.get(i);
    if (v >= data.get(i - 1)) {
        indexAfterSort = i;
    } else if (v <= data.get(0)) {
        indexAfterSort = 0;
    } else if (data.size() == 3) {
        indexAfterSort = i - 1;
    } else {
        indexAfterSort = binarySearchPositionIndexOf(data, 0, i - 1, data.get(i));
    if (indexAfterSort != i) {
        data.add(indexAfterSort, data.remove(i));
        shadow.add(indexAfterSort, shadow.remove(i));
    // find sum
    if (indexAfterSort >= 2) {
        List<Integer> next = data.subList(0, indexAfterSort); //[)
        ids[0] = 0;
        ids[1] = next.size() - 1;
        findSum(next.toArray(), data.get(indexAfterSort), ids);
    // recursion
    if (ids[0] == -1 && ids[1] == -1) {
        check(data, shadow, i + 1, ids);
    ids[0] = shadow.get(ids[0]);
    ids[1] = shadow.get(ids[1]);
    ids[2] = i;

public static int[] check(final int[] array) {
    List shadow = new LinkedList() {{
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

    if (array[0] > array[1]) {
        array[0] ^= array[1];
        array[1] ^= array[0];
        array[0] ^= array[1];

        shadow.add(0, shadow.remove(1));
    int[] resultIndex = new int[3];
    resultIndex[0] = -1;
    resultIndex[1] = -1;
    check(new LinkedList<Integer>() {{
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    }}, shadow, 2, resultIndex);
    return resultIndex;


@Test(timeout = 10L, expected = Test.None.class)
public void test() {
    int[] array = new int[]{4, 10, 15, 2, 7, 1, 20, 25};
    int[] backup = array.clone();
    int[] result =  check(array);
    Assert.assertEquals(backup[result[2]], 25);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[2], 7);

    Assert.assertEquals(backup[result[0]], 10);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[0], 1);

    Assert.assertEquals(backup[result[1]], 15);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[1], 2);

    array = new int[]{4, 10, 15, 2, 7, 1, 10, 125};
    backup = array.clone();
    result =  check(array);

    Assert.assertEquals(result[0], -1);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[1], -1);

= 2 =没有重复的简单:

// running time n + n^2
// O(n^2)
public static int[] check2(final int[] array) {
    int[] r = new int[3];
    r[0] = -1;
    r[1] = -1;
    r[2] = -1;

    Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap(array.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        int v = array[i];
        List<Integer> ids = map.get(v);
        if (ids == null) {
            ids = new LinkedList();
        map.put(v, ids);

    for (int k = 0; k < array.length; k++) {
        int K = array[k];
        for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
            int I = K - array[j];
            if (map.keySet().contains(I)) {
                List<Integer> ids = map.get(I);
                for (int i : ids) {
                    if (i != j) {
                        r[0] = j;
                        r[1] = i;
                        r[2] = k;
                        return r;
    return r;


    int[] array = new int[]{0,8,8};
    int[] result =  check2(array);
    Assert.assertEquals(array[result[2]], 8);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[2], 1);
    Assert.assertEquals(array[result[0]], 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[0], 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(array[result[1]], 8);
    Assert.assertEquals(result[1], 1);

答案 5 :(得分:0)

   * Describe a recursive algorithm that will check if an array A of integers contains
   * an integer A[i] that is the sum of two integers that appear earlier in A, 
   * that is, such that A[i] = A[j]+A[k] for j,k < i.
   * @param A - array
   * @param i - initial starting index (0)
   * @param j - initival value for j (0)
   * @param k - initial value for k (0)
   * @param n - length of A - 1
   * @return - true if combination of previous 2 elements , false otherwise
  public boolean checkIfPreviousTwo(int[] A, int i, int j, int k, int n){
    if(i >= n) return false;
    if(j < i && k < i){
      if(A[j] + A[k] == A[i]) return true;
        checkIfPreviousTwo(A, i, j + 1, k, n) ||
        checkIfPreviousTwo(A, i, j, k + 1, n)
    return checkIfPreviousTwo(A, i + 1, j, k, n);