有谁知道如何在Eclipse DDMS文件资源管理器中创建文件夹树?

时间:2011-08-28 17:25:50

标签: android emulation explorer ddms

我正在尝试在sdcard文件夹下创建路径“/ package name / databases”。有谁得到了这个秘密?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:1)

只需选择父文件夹,然后点击小 + (“新建文件夹”)。再次为下一个子文件夹执行此操作。

enter image description here

答案 2 :(得分:0)


 Access to your Android SDK Tools folder and use command “mksdcard” in order to create one.

 By default installation on Windows, the Tools folder should be here:

  C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools
 Using following syntax to create your desired SD Card

  mksdcard [memory size] [output file]

For example, I’d like to create a SD card with 200 MB in memory and put the files in 
 C:\Personel\AndroidNewbie\SDCard with file named “sdcard_dev.iso“, I do like this:

 mksdcard 256M C:\Personel\AndroidNewbie\SDCard\<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">sdcard_dev.iso</span>



You’ve done creating your desired SD Card, now you need it to be used by Android emulator. Open Eclipse, 
   access to your project.
   On menu Run -> Run Configurations, click on Android Configuration on the left tree menu, click on tab 
  Target on the right pane. You will see at the bottom: “Additional Emulator Commandline Options” and an 
  Input/Edit box below:
 Just type your input sdcard following syntax   
  -sdcard [sdcard location]

 For example, with the SD Card I’ve created above, I type:  

 -sdcard C:\Personel\AndroidNewbie\SDCard\<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">sdcard_dev.iso</span>