
时间:2011-08-25 23:23:25

标签: bash time benchmarking


/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed,\n%U user,\n%S system, \n %P CPU, \n%M
max-mem footprint in KB, \n%t avg-mem footprint in KB, \n%K Average total
(data+stack+text) memory,\n%F major page faults, \n%I file system
inputs by the process, \n%O file system outputs by the process, \n%r
socket messages received, \n%s socket messages sent, \n%x status"  yum
install nmap


1:35.15 elapsed,
3.17 user,
0.40 system,
 3% CPU,
0 max-mem footprint in KB,
0 avg-mem footprint in KB,
0 Average total (data+stack+text) memory,
127 major page faults,
0 file system inputs by the process, 
0 file system outputs by the process,
0 socket messages received,
0 socket messages sent,
0 status

这不是我期望的 - 特别是0值。即使我将命令更改为ping google.com,套接字消息也是0.发生了什么?还有其他选择吗?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Not all resources are measured by all versions of Unix,
so some of the values might be reported as zero. The present
selection was mostly inspired by the data provided by 4.2 or


0.00 user,
0.01 system, 
 1% CPU, 
0 max-mem footprint in KB, 
0 avg-mem footprint in KB, 
0 Average total (data+stack+text) memory,
0 major page faults, 
0 file system inputs by the process, 
0 file system outputs by the process, 
151 socket messages received, 
8 socket messages sent, 
0 status

希望有所帮助, 亚历克斯。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

请勿使用time进行基准测试。 time命令的某些字段按照[1]中的规定被破坏。但是时间(实际,用户和CPU时间)的基本功能仍然完好无损。

[1] Maximum resident set size does not make sense
