
时间:2011-08-23 21:20:30

标签: iphone ios core-audio audiounit audioformat

我正在使用Apple的MixerHost示例项目,该项目设置一个音频单元处理图表,该图表由连接到远程I / O音频单元的多声道混音器音频单元组成。我试图在两者之间放置一个格式转换器音频单元,这样我就可以转换混音器输出的格式。


Member Nodes:
node 1: 'auou' 'rioc' 'appl', instance 0x1cdf10 O  
node 2: 'aufc' 'conv' 'appl', instance 0x1ce890 O  
node 3: 'aumx' 'mcmx' 'appl', instance 0x1ceba0 O  
node   3 bus   0 => node   2 bus   1
node   2 bus   0 => node   1 bus   0  [ 2 ch,      0 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000000C) 16-bit little-endian signed integer]


NSLog (@"Configuring and then initializing audio processing graph");
OSStatus result = noErr;

// Create a new audio processing graph.
result = NewAUGraph (&processingGraph);

if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"NewAUGraph" withStatus: result]; return;}

// Specify the audio unit component descriptions for the audio units to be
//    added to the graph.

// I/O unit
AudioComponentDescription ioUnitDescription;
ioUnitDescription.componentType          = kAudioUnitType_Output;
ioUnitDescription.componentSubType       = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO;
ioUnitDescription.componentManufacturer  = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
ioUnitDescription.componentFlags         = 0;
ioUnitDescription.componentFlagsMask     = 0;

// Converter unit
AudioComponentDescription ConverterUnitDescription;
ConverterUnitDescription.componentType          = kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter;
ConverterUnitDescription.componentSubType       = kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter;
ConverterUnitDescription.componentManufacturer  = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
ConverterUnitDescription.componentFlags         = 0;
ConverterUnitDescription.componentFlagsMask     = 0;

// Multichannel mixer unit
AudioComponentDescription MixerUnitDescription;
MixerUnitDescription.componentType          = kAudioUnitType_Mixer;
MixerUnitDescription.componentSubType       = kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer;
MixerUnitDescription.componentManufacturer  = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
MixerUnitDescription.componentFlags         = 0;
MixerUnitDescription.componentFlagsMask     = 0;

// Add nodes to the audio processing graph.
NSLog (@"Adding nodes to audio processing graph");

AUNode   mixerNode;      // node for Multichannel Mixer unit
AUNode   converterNode;  // node for AU Converter unit
AUNode   ioNode;         // node for I/O unit

// Add the nodes to the audio processing graph
result =    AUGraphAddNode (
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNewNode failed for I/O unit" withStatus: result]; return;}

result =    AUGraphAddNode (
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNewNode failed for Converter unit" withStatus: result]; return;}

result =    AUGraphAddNode (
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNewNode failed for Mixer unit" withStatus: result]; return;}

// Open the audio processing graph

// Following this call, the audio units are instantiated but not initialized
//    (no resource allocation occurs and the audio units are not in a state to
//    process audio).
result = AUGraphOpen (processingGraph);

if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphOpen" withStatus: result]; return;}

// Obtain the audio unit instances from their corresponding nodes.

AudioUnit                       mixerUnit;
AudioUnit                       converterUnit;
AudioUnit                       ioUnit;

result =    AUGraphNodeInfo (
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNodeInfo" withStatus: result]; return;}

result =    AUGraphNodeInfo (
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNodeInfo" withStatus: result]; return;}

result =    AUGraphNodeInfo (
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNodeInfo" withStatus: result]; return;}

// Audio Unit Setup

// Set the mixer unit's output sample rate format. This is the only aspect of the output stream
//    format that must be explicitly set.
NSLog (@"Setting sample rate for mixer unit output scope");
result = AudioUnitSetProperty (
             sizeof (graphSampleRate)
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AudioUnitSetProperty (set mixer unit output stream format)" withStatus: result]; return;}

// Connect the nodes of the audio processing graph

NSLog (@"Connecting the mixer output to the input of the converter unit input element");
result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput (
             mixerNode,         // source node
             0,                 // source node output bus number
             converterNode,     // destination node
             1                  // destination node input bus number
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphConnectNodeInput" withStatus: result]; return;}

NSLog (@"Connecting the converter output to the input of the I/O unit output element");
result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput (
             converterNode,     // source node
             0,                 // source node output bus number
             ioNode,            // destination node
             0                  // destination node input bus number
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphConnectNodeInput" withStatus: result]; return;}

// Initialize audio processing graph

// Diagnostic code
// Call CAShow if you want to look at the state of the audio processing 
//    graph.
NSLog (@"Audio processing graph state immediately before initializing it:");
CAShow (processingGraph);

NSLog (@"Initializing the audio processing graph");
// Initialize the audio processing graph, configure audio data stream formats for
//    each input and output, and validate the connections between audio units.
result = AUGraphInitialize (processingGraph);

if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphInitialize" withStatus: result]; return;}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


node   3 bus   0 => node   2 bus   1



result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput (
             mixerNode,         // source node
             0,                 // source node output bus number
             converterNode,     // destination node
             0                  // destination node input bus number

HTH。 :)