
时间:2009-04-02 22:36:00

标签: javascript jquery html regex


  1. 选择类别为“foo”的所有节点。
  2. 查找这些节点中以“*”开头的所有单词。
  3. 使用<span class="xyz"> ... </span>围绕这些字词,其中xyz是单词本身。
  4. 例如,内容:

      <li class="foo">
        *abc def *ghi
      <li class="bar">
        abc *def *ghi


      <li class="foo">
        <span class="abc">*abc</span> def <span class="ghi">*ghi</span>
      <li class="bar">
        abc *def *ghi    <!-- Not part of a node with class "foo", so
      </li>                     no changes made. -->


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


UE_replacer = function (node) {

   // just for performance, skip attribute and
   // comment nodes (types 2 and 8, respectively)
   if (node.nodeType == 2) return;
   if (node.nodeType == 8) return;

   // for text nodes (type 3), wrap words of the
   // form *xyzzy with a span that has class xyzzy
   if (node.nodeType == 3) {

      // in the actual text, the nodeValue, change
      // all strings ('g'=global) that start and end
      // on a word boundary ('\b') where the first
      // character is '*' and is followed by one or
      // more ('+'=one or more) 'word' characters
      // ('\w'=word character). save all the word
      // characters (that's what parens do) so that
      // they can be used in the replacement string
      // ('$1'=re-use saved characters).
      var text = node.nodeValue.replace(
            '<span class="$1">*$1</span>'   // <== Wrong!

      // set the new text back into the nodeValue
      node.nodeValue = text;

   // for all other node types, call this function
   // recursively on all its child nodes
   for (var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; ++i) {
      UE_replacer( node.childNodes[i] );

// start the replacement on 'document', which is
// the root node
UE_replacer( document );

更新:为了对比strager's answer的方向,我摆脱了我的拙劣jQuery并保持正则表达式尽可能简单。这种“原始”javascript方法比我预期的要容易得多。

虽然jQuery显然很适合操作DOM结构,但实际上并不容易弄清楚如何操作 text 元素。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

不要尝试处理元素的innerHTML / html()。这将永远不会起作用,因为正则表达式不足以解析HTML。只需遍历Text节点,寻找您想要的内容:

// Replace words in text content, recursively walking element children.
function wrapWordsInDescendants(element, tagName, className) {
    for (var i= element.childNodes.length; i-->0;) {
        var child= element.childNodes[i];
        if (child.nodeType==1) // Node.ELEMENT_NODE
            wrapWordsInDescendants(child, tagName, className);
        else if (child.nodeType==3) // Node.TEXT_NODE
            wrapWordsInText(child, tagName, className);

// Replace words in a single text node
function wrapWordsInText(node, tagName, className) {

    // Get list of *word indexes
    var ixs= [];
    var match;
    while (match= starword.exec(node.data))
        ixs.push([match.index, match.index+match[0].length]);

    // Wrap each in the given element
    for (var i= ixs.length; i-->0;) {
        var element= document.createElement(tagName);
        element.className= className;
        node.parentNode.insertBefore(element, node.nextSibling);
var starword= /(^|\W)\*\w+\b/g;

// Process all elements with class 'foo'
$('.foo').each(function() {
    wrapWordsInDescendants(this, 'span', 'xyz');

// If you're not using jQuery, you'll need the below bits instead of $...

// Fix missing indexOf method on IE
if (![].indexOf) Array.prototype.indexOf= function(item) {
    for (var i= 0; i<this.length; i++)
        if (this[i]==item)
            return i;
    return -1;

// Iterating over '*' (all elements) is not fast; if possible, reduce to
// all elements called 'li', or all element inside a certain element etc.
var elements= document.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i= elements.length; i-->0;)
    if (elements[i].className.split(' ').indexOf('foo')!=-1)
        wrapWordsInDescendants(elements[i], 'span', 'xyz');

答案 2 :(得分:0)


s/\*\(\w+\)\b\(?![^<]*>\)/<span class="\1">*\1</span>/g


$('li.foo').each(function() {
    var html = $(this).html();
    html = html.replace(/\*(\w+)\b(?![^<]*>)/g, "<span class=\"$1\">*$1</span>");

