
时间:2011-08-17 15:35:52

标签: regex perl encoding character-encoding decoding



无论如何,如果没有办法通过模块或功能处理, 有没有办法通过正则表达式来提高效率?


但似乎tr只用char替换char而不是chars序列的char :(



7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


%subs = ( '+' => 'PLUS' );
my $pat = join '|', map quotemeta, keys %subs;

Base 26可以做,但实现起来有点困难和低效,因为26不是2的幂。但它绝对是你想要的。我会看到编码。


sub bytes_to_base16 {
   my $e = unpack('H*', $_);
   $e =~ tr/0123456789ABCDEFabcdef/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPKLMNOP/;
   return $e;

sub base16_to_bytes {
   my $e = $_[0];
   $e =~ tr/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP/0123456789ABCDEF/;
   return pack('H*', $_);


$ perl -MMath::BigInt -MMath::BigFloat -E'
   my $n = Math::BigInt->new(1);
   my $bs = 0;
   for (1..10) {
      $n <<= 8;
      my $bd16 = 2*$bs;
      my $bd26 = Math::BigFloat->new($n)->blog(26, 5)->bceil->numify;
      say sprintf "%2d bytes takes %2d base16 digits or %2d base26 digits.".
                  " base26 is %3.0f%% of the size of base16.",
         $bs, $bd16, $bd26, $bd26/$bd16*100;
 1 bytes takes  2 base16 digits or  2 base26 digits. base26 is 100% of the size of base16.
 2 bytes takes  4 base16 digits or  4 base26 digits. base26 is 100% of the size of base16.
 3 bytes takes  6 base16 digits or  6 base26 digits. base26 is 100% of the size of base16.
 4 bytes takes  8 base16 digits or  7 base26 digits. base26 is  88% of the size of base16.
 5 bytes takes 10 base16 digits or  9 base26 digits. base26 is  90% of the size of base16.
 6 bytes takes 12 base16 digits or 11 base26 digits. base26 is  92% of the size of base16.
 7 bytes takes 14 base16 digits or 12 base26 digits. base26 is  86% of the size of base16.
 8 bytes takes 16 base16 digits or 14 base26 digits. base26 is  88% of the size of base16.
 9 bytes takes 18 base16 digits or 16 base26 digits. base26 is  89% of the size of base16.
10 bytes takes 20 base16 digits or 18 base26 digits. base26 is  90% of the size of base16.


$ perl -MMath::BigInt -MMath::BigFloat -E'
   my $bs = 0;
   for (1..10) {
      my $bd16 = 2*$bs;
      my $bd26 = int($bs/4)*7 + ($bs%4)*2;
      say sprintf "%2d bytes takes %2d base16 digits or %2d base26 digits.".
                  " base26 is %3.0f%% of the size of base16.",
         $bs, $bd16, $bd26, $bd26/$bd16*100;
 1 bytes takes  2 base16 digits or  2 base26 digits. base26 is 100% of the size of base16.
 2 bytes takes  4 base16 digits or  4 base26 digits. base26 is 100% of the size of base16.
 3 bytes takes  6 base16 digits or  6 base26 digits. base26 is 100% of the size of base16.
 4 bytes takes  8 base16 digits or  7 base26 digits. base26 is  88% of the size of base16.
 5 bytes takes 10 base16 digits or  9 base26 digits. base26 is  90% of the size of base16.
 6 bytes takes 12 base16 digits or 11 base26 digits. base26 is  92% of the size of base16.
 7 bytes takes 14 base16 digits or 13 base26 digits. base26 is  93% of the size of base16.
 8 bytes takes 16 base16 digits or 14 base26 digits. base26 is  88% of the size of base16.
 9 bytes takes 18 base16 digits or 16 base26 digits. base26 is  89% of the size of base16.
10 bytes takes 20 base16 digits or 18 base26 digits. base26 is  90% of the size of base16.




my @syms = ('A'..'Z');
my %syms = map { $syms[$_] => $_ } 0..$#syms;

sub bytes_to_base26 {
   my $e = '';

   my $full_blocks = int(length($_[0]) / 4);
   for (0..$full_blocks-1) {
      my $block = unpack('N', substr($_[0], $_*4, 4));
      $e .= join '', @syms[
         $block / 26**6 % 26,
         $block / 26**5 % 26,
         $block / 26**4 % 26,
         $block / 26**3 % 26,
         $block / 26**2 % 26,
         $block / 26**1 % 26,
         $block / 26**0 % 26,

   my $extra = substr($_[0], $full_blocks*4);
   for my $block (unpack('C*', $extra)) {
      $e .= join '', @syms[
         $block / 26**1 % 26,
         $block / 26**0 % 26,

   return $e;

sub base26_to_bytes {
   my $d = '';

   my $full_blocks = int(length($_[0]) / 7);
   for (0..$full_blocks-1) {
      my $block = 0;
      $block = $block*26 + $syms{$_} for unpack '(a)*', substr($_[0], $_*7, 7);
      $d .= pack('N', $block);

   my $extra = substr($_[0], $full_blocks*7);
   my @extra = unpack('(a)*', $extra);
   while (@extra) {
      my $block = 0;
      $block = $block*26 + $syms{ shift(@extra) };
      $block = $block*26 + $syms{ shift(@extra) };
      $d .= pack('C', $block);

   return $d;

答案 1 :(得分:3)

最简单的方法是使用base16编码,正如其他人所建议的那样,并将数字重新映射到字母 - 但是你只使用了26个字符中的16个,这很浪费。

最有效的编码可能是base26,但这将非常困难 - 实际上,您将整个输入视为一个大的二进制数,并将其从基数2转换为基数为26。

log2(26)刚刚超过4.7,所以最多(在没有压缩的情况下)你可以编码每个字母4.7位。较少浪费的编码可能编码7个字母中的4个字节(32位)。 7个字母为您提供大约32.9位信息,因此您不会丢失太多信息。它都可以用32位算法完成。然后,如果输入不是4个字节的倍数,你将不得不决定该怎么做。

(实际的实施留作练习 - 至少现在。)

答案 2 :(得分:0)




编辑2:FWIW,我在CPAN上看到Convert :: Base32,Encode :: Base32和MIME :: Base32。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


然而,8位拉丁输入可以使用65 +($ Char&amp; 15).65 +($ Char&gt;&gt; 4)从0-255映射到[AP] [AP],并且在输出时反转,但是RZ会被浪费,输入中会有很多漏洞,虽然这可以通过gzip首先解决。

德国人通常用X来表示空格,如果真的有必要拼写标点符号,试图避免拼写同样的东西两次。 我知道这很烦人,但事实就是如此。如果我们增加轮子上的字母数量,那么它就不再是Enigma机器了!

#Tinigma 2010 123 rng ini "GHWVYYDVPQGEWQWVT"
$t=uc$ARGV[3];$t=~s/[^A-Z]//g;$b=26;$j=0;@N=qw(7 25 11 6 1);@R

答案 4 :(得分:0)

Keith Thompsonjrockway已经简要提及了此解决方案。


  • 任何文件(二进制或文本)都可以看作一个大数字。
    将该文件的字节视为2 8 = 256个基数的数字。
  • 任何数字都可以转换为N≥2的自然基数。
  • 可以自由选择以N为底的数字的N个数字。
    通常我们使用012,…,但是也可以使用ABC,…甚至{{ 1}},??,…。


  • 将文件读为一个大数字F。
  • 使用数字Z-A在基数26中打印F。



这将打印编码#! /usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Math::BigInt try => 'GMP'; our $plaintextDigits = join('', map(chr, 0..255)); our $codeDigits = join('', 'A'..'Z'); sub baseConversion { my ($str, $inDigits, $outDigits) = @_; return Math::BigInt ->from_base($str, length $inDigits, $inDigits) ->to_base(length $outDigits, $outDigits); } sub encode { return baseConversion shift, $main::plaintextDigits, $main::codeDigits; } sub decode { return baseConversion shift, $main::codeDigits, $main::plaintextDigits; } my $input = 'String to be encoded. Or use `shift` to read an CLI argument.'; print "input:\n$input\n"; my $encoded = encode $input; print "\nencoded:\n$encoded\n"; my $decoded = decode $encoded; print "\ndecoded:\n$decoded\n"; ,然后将其正确解码。


  • 编码后的文本尽可能节省空间。获得较短编码的唯一方法是在对输入进行编码之前先对其进行压缩。
  • 理论上,编码和解码非常简单,因为它们只是基本转换。


  • 转换效率不是很高
    • 文件必须适合内存。
    • 转换的时间复杂度在输入大小上是超线性的。由于26不是2的幂,我们必须为每个输出数字除以输入数字(具有文件的大小!)。
      但是,实际上这可能是可以接受的,因为我怀疑您只处理较短的字符串。在我的系统(i5-4570,3.2 GHz)上,上面未优化的实现立即进行了1 kB的编码和解码。没有GMP,10 kB需要11秒。使用GMP 100 kB需要10秒。


  • our $...Digitsfrom_base可能更有效地实现,因为默认实现可能不知道数字to_base是连续的。

答案 5 :(得分:-1)


答案 6 :(得分:-2)



    use strict;  
    use warnings;  
    use 5.012;  

    # 7095527/perl-how-to-encode-and-decode-characters-in-uppercase-alpha-letters-only  

    my $string = "abcDEFghijklMNO1234567890pqr+_)!@#}{?";  
    my @arr = split //, uc($string);  

    my (@intermediate, $char);  
    for my $char(@arr) {  
        if ($char =~ /[A-Z]/) {  
            say "ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): $char";  
        } else {  
            say "WTF? \$char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: $char";  

    =head OUTPUT:  

    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): A
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): B
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): C
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): D
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): E
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): F
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): G
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): H
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): I
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): J
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): K
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): L
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): M
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): N
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): O
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 1
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 2
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 3
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 4
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 5
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 6
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 7
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 8
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 9
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: 0
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): P
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): Q
    ENIGMA char found (possibly uc'ed): R
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: +
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: _
    WTF? $char at line17 is !~ /[A-Z]/: )


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