
时间:2011-08-16 19:56:40

标签: c# list reflection c#-2.0


public interface IWriteable
    IList<PropertyInfo> WriteableProperties();


public abstract class Foo
    private IList<PropertyInfo> _props;

    protected Foo()
        this._props = new List<PropertyInfo>();

        foreach (PropertyInfo p in this.GetType().GetProperties())
            if (Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(WriteableAttribute)))

    #region IWriteable Members

    public IList<PropertyInfo> WriteableProperties()
        return this._props;


public class Bar : Foo
    public string A
        get { return "A"; }

    public string B
        get { return "B"; }

    public string C
        get { return "C"; }

    // Snip





GetProperties方法不返回特定属性   订单,例如字母或声明订单。你的代码一定不能   取决于返回属性的顺序,因为那样   订单各不相同。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


[Writeable(Order = 1)]


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class WriteableAttribute : Attribute
    public int Order { get; set; }


private readonly List<PropertyInfo> _props;

protected Foo()
    _props = new List<PropertyInfo>();

    var props = new Dictionary<int, PropertyInfo>();

    foreach (PropertyInfo p in GetType().GetProperties())
        if (Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(WriteableAttribute)))
            var attr = (WriteableAttribute)p

            props.Add(attr.Order, p);

    _props.AddRange(props.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value));

NB 对于生产代码,我建议缓存属性信息(例如每种类型),因为如果为每个实例执行此操作将会相对较慢。

更新 - 缓存


public static class PropertyReflector
    private static readonly object SyncObj = new object();

    private static readonly Dictionary<Type, List<PropertyInfo>> PropLookup =
        new Dictionary<Type, List<PropertyInfo>>();

    public static IList<PropertyInfo> GetWritableProperties(Type type)
        lock (SyncObj)
            List<PropertyInfo> props;

            if (!PropLookup.TryGetValue(type, out props))
                var propsOrder = new Dictionary<int, PropertyInfo>();

                foreach (PropertyInfo p in type.GetProperties())
                    if (Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(WriteableAttribute)))
                        var attr = (WriteableAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(
                            typeof(WriteableAttribute), inherit: true)[0];

                        propsOrder.Add(attr.Order, p);

                props = new List<PropertyInfo>(propsOrder
                    .OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key)
                    .Select(kvp => kvp.Value));

                PropLookup.Add(type, props);

            return props;

更新 - No Linq


List<int> order = new List<int>(propsOrder.Keys);

props = new List<PropertyInfo>();

order.ForEach(i => props.Add(propsOrder[i]));

PropLookup.Add(type, props);

更新 - Full Linq


static IList<PropertyInfo> GetWritableProperties(Type type)
    lock (SyncObj)
        List<PropertyInfo> props;

        if (!PropLookup.TryGetValue(type, out props))
            props = type.GetProperties()
                .Select(p => new { p, Atts = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WriteableAttribute), inherit: true) })
                .Where(p => p.Atts.Length != 0)
                .OrderBy(p => ((WriteableAttribute)p.Atts[0]).Order)
                .Select(p => p.p)

            PropLookup.Add(type, props);

        return props;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


class FieldSorter : IComparer, IComparer<DisplayAttribute>, IEqualityComparer<DisplayAttribute>
    public int Compare(object x, object y)
        return Compare((DisplayAttribute)x, (DisplayAttribute)y);
    public int Compare(DisplayAttribute x, DisplayAttribute y)
        return x.Order.CompareTo(y.Order);
    public bool Equals(DisplayAttribute x, DisplayAttribute y)
        return Compare(x, y) == 0;
    public int GetHashCode(DisplayAttribute obj)
        return obj.GetHashCode();

    public static SortedList<DisplayAttribute, PropertyInfo> GetSortedFields(Type type)
        PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties();
        var sortedProps = new SortedList<DisplayAttribute, PropertyInfo>(props.Length, new FieldSorter());
        object[] atts;
        int assignedOrder = 1000; // anything without pre-assigned order gets a ridiculously high order value. same for duplicates.
        foreach (var prop in props)
            atts = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), true);
            if (atts.Length > 0)
                var att = (DisplayAttribute)atts[0];
                if (!att.GetOrder().HasValue || sortedProps.Keys.Contains(att, new FieldSorter()))
                    att.Order = assignedOrder++;
                sortedProps.Add(att, prop);
        return sortedProps;



        public class Stats 
            [Display(Name = "Changes", Description = "Changed records.", Order = 8)]
            public int RecordsWithChanges { get; set; }
            [Display(Name = "Invalid", Description = "Number of invalid records analyzed.", Order = 4)]
            public int InvalidRecordCount { get; set; }
            [Display(Name = "Valid", Description = "Number of valid records.", Order = 6)]
            public int ValidRecordCount { get; set; }
            [Display(Name = "Cost", Description = "Number of records with a Cost value.", Order = 10)]
            public int RecordsWithCost { get; set; }
            public Stats(int changed, int valid, int invalid, int cost)
                RecordsWithChanges = changed;
                ValidRecordCount = valid;
                InvalidRecordCount = invalid;
                RecordsWithCost = cost;

        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                var foo = new Stats(123, 456, 7, 89);
                var fields = FieldSorter.GetSortedFields(foo.GetType());
                foreach (DisplayAttribute att in fields.Keys)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} ({2}) == {3}", 
                        att.Order, att.Name, att.Description, fields[att].GetValue(foo, null));



4: Invalid (Number of invalid records analyzed.) -- 7
6: Valid (Number of valid records.) -- 456
8: Changes (Changed records.) -- 123
10: Cost (Number of records with a Cost value.) -- 89