我这里有一个函数,用于删除与特定对象相关的一大块HTML。当点击页面上的减号(' - ')时会发生这种情况。
// We're making an instruction list, so this is
// a "step" in the instructions, which we encapsulate in
// an object. parent_container is a div that we're
// attaching this good stuff too.
function step()
// initializations, which are set outside the constructor, but before the delete
// button can be clicked
this.next = null;
this.prev = null;
this.identifier = unique;
// ... making all the divs and html stuctures ...
this.container = document.createElement('div');
this.container.id = step_container_id+current_count;
// the delete button's all set up, now we need to define it's callback!
delete_button.onclick = this.delete_step;
// and hook that bad mama jama into the rest of the DOM
// last little hook ups
// etc...
// Here's how I make it a member:
step.prototype.delete_step = function()
// and here's me seeing if things worked out:
我们最终获得的是崩溃,因为容器未定义。 “这个”也不是一个对象。最后,我需要创建一种方法,让onClick结果可以访问特定对象属性,相对于单击的对象。如果我能做到这一点,我们就是金色的。
编辑:我觉得我可能与step.prototype.delete_button = function()造成了混淆,这是一个错字。它的名字是delete_step。 delete_button只是一个标签。因此,我们尝试使用名为delete_step()的方法获取step对象容器变量,该方法在单击delete_button标记时调用。抱歉!