
时间:2011-08-12 14:03:27

标签: sql sql-server pivot-table


|    id    |     time     |     pair_id    |
-----------+--------------+ ---------------
1          | 123123123    |      1         |
2          | 123168877    |      1         |

我有另一个表tbl_throws,它保存每个玩家的分数。如果您想知道,this a basic dice rolling game

|   id     |    game_id   |   player_id   |  score  |
|    1     |    1         |   1           |   2     | 
|    2     |    1         |   2           |   5     |
|    3     |    1         |   1           |   9     |
|    4     |    1         |   2           |   11    |
|    5     |    2         |   1           |   7     | 
|    6     |    2         |   2           |   6     |

现在,id这里是投掷ID,而不是游戏ID。在这里,每个player_id 1和2的玩家都会掷骰子两次,并且在相同的游戏中获得相应的分数,而在另一个游戏中只有一次


|  game_id   | game_time | player1_total | player2_total|
|     1      | 123123123 |     11        |     16       |
|     2      | 123168877 |     7         |     6        |

我尝试了很多mumbo jumbo查询,但没有任何结果给出正确的结果? 对此有什么正确的查询?



因此,我即将提供的信息可能有助于消除混淆。 还有另一张表,其中包含玩家的信息。 tbl_pupil 结构如下

|   id    |   unique_id   | name     |
|   1     |     001       | some     |
|   2     |     002       | another  |


|   id    |   player1     | player2  |
|   1     |     1         | 2        |

So, now 
    p1.id as player1id
    p1.name as player1name
    t.score as player1score
    p2.id as player2id
    p2.name as player2name
    t.score as player2score
    tbl_game g,
    inner join tbl_pair as pair on g.pair_id = pair.id
    inner join tbl_pupil as p1 on p1.id = pair.player1
    inner join tbl_pupil as p2 on p2.id = pair.player2
    inner join tbl_throw as t on g.id = t.game_id


|   id    |   time  |   player1id    |  player1name |   player1score  |   player2id   |    player2name   |  player2score   |
|   1     |   12    |   1            |  some        |   5             |   2           |    another       |  2              |
|   1     |   12    |   1            |  some        |   5             |   2           |    another       |  5              |
|   1     |   12    |   1            |  some        |   9             |   2           |    another       |  9              |
|   1     |   12    |   1            |  some        |   11            |   2           |    another       |  11             |


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  tbl_game.id AS game_id, 
  tbl_game.time AS game_time, 
  SUM(CASE WHEN player_id = 1 THEN score ELSE 0 END) AS player1_total, 
  SUM(CASE WHEN player_id = 2 THEN score ELSE 0 END) AS player2_total
FROM tbl_game JOIN tbl_thorws ON tbl_game.id = tbl_throws.game_id
GROUP BY tbl_game.id

答案 1 :(得分:1)


SELECT  G.Id as Game_Id, 
        G.time as Game_Time,
        SUM(CASE WHEN t.Player_id = 1 THEN t.score ELSE 0 END) as Player1_total,
        SUM(CASE WHEN t.Player_id = 2 THEN t.score ELSE 0 END) as Player2_total
FROM tbl_game G
INNER JOIN tbl_throws T
    ON g.id = t.game_id
GROUP BY g.ID, g.time

答案 2 :(得分:1)


    game_id = g.id,
    game_time = g.time,
    player1_total = SUM(case t.player_id when p.player1_id then t.score else 0 end),
    player2_total = SUM(case t.player_id when p.player2_id then t.score else 0 end)
    tbl_game g
    join tbl_throws t on g.id = t.game_id
    join ( --Get the player IDs for this game
            player1_id = MIN(player_id),
            player2_id = MAX(player_id)
        group by game_id
    ) p     
        on p.game_id = t.game_id
group by 
    g.id, g.time

为了好玩,我已将上述内容概括为允许更多> 2名球员:


;WITH tbl_game as (
    select ID = 1, time = 123123123, pair_id = 1
    union select ID = 2, time = 123168877, pair_id = 1
tbl_throws as (

select id = 1, game_id = 1, player_id = 1, score = 2
union select id = 2, game_id = 1, player_id = 2, score = 5
union select id = 2, game_id = 1, player_id = 3, score = 5
union select id = 3, game_id = 1, player_id = 1, score = 9
union select id = 4, game_id = 1, player_id = 2, score = 11
union select id = 5, game_id = 2, player_id = 1, score = 7
union select id = 6, game_id = 2, player_id = 2, score = 6
    game_id = g.id,
    game_time = g.time,
    player1_id = MAX(case x.player_no when 1 then t.player_id else 0 end),
    player1_total = SUM(case x.player_no when 1 then t.score else 0 end),
    player1_id = MAX(case x.player_no when 2 then t.player_id else 0 end),
    player2_total = SUM(case x.player_no when 2 then t.score else 0 end),
    player3_id = MAX(case x.player_no when 3 then t.player_id else 0 end),
    player3_total = SUM(case x.player_no when 3 then t.score else 0 end),
    player4_id = MAX(case x.player_no when 4 then t.player_id else 0 end),
    player4_total = SUM(case x.player_no when 4 then t.score else 0 end)
    /* Add more rows for the number of players permitted in a single game */
    tbl_game g
    join tbl_throws t on g.id = t.game_id
    cross apply (
        select player_no = COUNT(distinct player_id) 
        from tbl_throws sub 
        where sub.player_id <= t.player_id 
                and Sub.game_id = t.game_id
    ) x
group by 
    g.id, g.time

答案 3 :(得分:0)


  tbl_game.id as game_id, 
  tbl_game.time as game_time, 
  SUM(player1.score) as player1_total, 
  SUM(player2.score) as player2_total
FROM tbl_game
INNER JOIN tbl_throws player1 ON player1.game_id = tbl_game.id AND player1.player_id = 1
INNER JOIN tbl_throws player2 ON player2.game_id = tbl_game.id AND player2.player_id = 2
GROUP BY tbl_game.id, tbl_game.time

答案 4 :(得分:0)

SELECT t.game_id
     , t.game_time
     , ( SELECT SUM(t.score)
         FROM tbl_throws AS t
         WHERE t.game_id = g.id
           AND player_id = 1
       ) AS player1_total
     , ( SELECT SUM(t.score)
         FROM tbl_throws AS t
         WHERE t.game_id = g.id
           AND player_id = 2
       ) AS player2_total
FROM tbl_game AS g