
时间:2011-08-11 07:50:03

标签: vb.net visual-studio vb6-migration

将VB6代码升级到VB.NET时遇到错误。错误发生在 AddressOf WindowProc




Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32"  Alias "SetWindowLongA"(
                    ByVal hWnd As Integer, 
                    ByVal nIndex As Integer, 
                    ByVal dwNewLong As Integer) As Integer


Dim GWL_WNDPROC As Short = -4  
Dim hWnd As Integer


Function WindowProc(ByVal hw As Integer, ByVal uMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Integer

    Dim x As Integer
    Dim a As String
    Dim wp As Short
    Dim temp As Object
    Dim ReadBuffer(1000) As Byte
    'Debug.Print uMsg, wParam, lParam
    Select Case uMsg
        Case 1025
            Debug.Print(VB6.TabLayout(uMsg, wParam, lParam))
            Debug.Print(uMsg & "  " & wParam & "  " & lParam)

            e_err = WSAGetAsyncError(lParam)
            e_errstr = GetWSAErrorString(e_err)

            If e_err <> 0 Then
                Debug.Print("Error String returned -> " & e_err & " - " & e_errstr)
                do_cancel = True
                'Exit Function
            End If
            Select Case lParam
                Case FD_READ 'lets check for data
                    x = recv(mysock, ReadBuffer(0), 1000, 0) 'try to get some
                    If x > 0 Then 'was there any?
                        'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constant vbUnicode was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="55B59875-9A95-4B71-9D6A-7C294BF7139D"'
                        'a = StrConv(System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString(ReadBuffer), vbUnicode) 'yep, lets change it to stuff we can understand
                        a = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString(ReadBuffer) 'yep, lets change it to stuff we can understand

                        rtncode = Val(Mid(a, 1, 3))
                        'Debug.Print "Analysing code " & rtncode & "..."
                        Select Case rtncode
                            Case 354, 250

                                Progress = Progress + 1

                                Debug.Print(">>Progress becomes " & Progress)
                            Case 220
                                Debug.Print("Recieved Greenlight")
                                Green_Light = True
                            Case 221

                                Progress = Progress + 1

                                Debug.Print(">>Progress becomes " & Progress)
                            Case 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 451, 452, 500
                                Debug.Print("There was some error at the server side")
                                Debug.Print("error code is " & rtncode)
                                do_cancel = True
                        End Select
                    End If
                Case FD_CONNECT 'did we connect?
                    mysock = wParam 'yep, we did! yayay
                    'Debug.Print WSAGetAsyncError(lParam) & "error code"
                    'Debug.Print mysock & " - Mysocket Value"

                Case FD_CLOSE 'uh oh. they closed the connection
                    Call closesocket(wp) 'so we need to close
            End Select
    End Select
    'let the msg get through to the form
    WindowProc = CallWindowProc(lpPrevWndProc, hw, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
End Function


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您是否考虑过覆盖表单的WndProc方法,而不是尝试使用P / Invoke来设置窗口过程?在重写期间可能需要更多的工作,但最终会得到更好的代码。上一个链接的示例:

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
        ' Listen for operating system messages
        Select Case (m.Msg)
            ' The WM_ACTIVATEAPP message occurs when the application
            ' becomes the active application or becomes inactive.

                ' The WParam value identifies what is occurring.
                appActive = (m.WParam.ToInt32() <> 0)

                ' Invalidate to get new text painted.

        End Select
    End Sub


我还发现了一篇文章".NET Makes Window Subclassing Easy",例如,如果您不拥有您尝试子类化的窗口,那么该文章可能会有用。不管怎么说,不推荐的一种方法是尝试使用SetWindowLong覆盖Window Proc