
时间:2011-08-06 01:25:29

标签: biztalk biztalk-2010 hl7 hl7-v2

我有一个ORU R01版本2.4消息,我正试图通过,但由于某种原因,它一直给我一个数据类型错误在接收方。以下是信息:

PV1|1|E|ED^OFF UNIT^OFFUNIT^02|1|||070706^TestDoc^Edward^S^""^""||||||||||||9999999995||||||||||||||||||||DMC|||||20110526231400|20110701014900||||||||
OBR|1|339999-333333333-1-77777|339999-333333333-1-77777|ED HP|||20110527003054|||||||||||||77777^MedVa Chart|77777-RES333333333-339999-1-9999999995|
OBX|1|FT|ED HP||~Depaul Medical Center - Norfolk, VA 23505~~Patient: MALEPAT5 L MEDVATEST DOB: 5/15/1990~~MR #: 333333333 Age/Gender: 21y M~~DOS: 5/26/2011 23:14 Acct #: 9999999995~~Private Phys: Patient denies having a primary    ED Phys: Edward S. TestDoc, NP-C~              care physician.~~CHIEF COMPLAINT: Enc. Type: ACUITY:~~Sore throat Initial 4_Level 4~~HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS ~Note~~Medical screening exam initiated: May 26, 2011 00:36~~HPI text: 21 year old male to the emergency room with a c/o sore throat pain~for the past week. Pt denies cough, N\T\V, diarrhea, and fever.~~Approximate time of injury/onset of symptoms 1 week(s) ago~~Medical and surgical history obtained.~~PAST HISTORY ~Past Medical/Surgical History~~ The history is provided by the patient~~ The patient's pertinent past medical history is as follows: Obesity~~ The patient's pertinent past surgical history is as follows: None~~ Patient allergies: No known allergies.~~ Home medications: Ibuprofen PO~~ The medication history was obtained from: verbally from the patient~~At the time of this signature, I have reviewed and agree with documented Past~History, Home Medications, Allergies, Social History and Family History.~~Past Social History~~Patient does not use tobacco.~~Patient does not use alcohol.~~Patient does not use drugs.~~EXAM ~CONSTITUTIONAL: Alert, in no apparent distress; well-developed;~well-nourished.~HEAD: Normocephalic, atraumatic~EYES: PERRL; EOM's intact.~ENTM: Nose: no rhinorrhea; Throat: no erythema or exudate, mucous membranes~moist. The bilateral tonsils are edematous and the uvula is mildly enlarged.~No exudates are noted. the tonsils do not touch.~Neck: No JVD, supple without lymphadenopathy~RESP: Chest clear, equal breath sounds.~CV: S1 and S2 WNL; No murmurs, gallops or rubs.~GI: Normal bowel sounds, abdomen soft and non-tender. No masses or~organomegaly.~GU: No costo-vertebral angle tenderness.~BACK: Non-tender~UPPER EXT: Normal inspection~LOWER EXT: No edema, no calf tenderness. Distal pulses intact.~NEURO: CN intact, reflexes 2/4 and sym, strength 5/5 and sym, sensation~intact.~SKIN: No rashes; Normal for age and stage.~PSYCH: Alert and oriented, normal affect.~~Printed By User N. Interface on 5/27/2011 12:30 AM~~Discharge Summary~~||||||S|


Error happened in body during parsing

Error # 1
Segment Id: PV1_PatientVisit
Sequence Number: 1
Field Number: 52
Error Number: 102
Error Description: Data type error
Encoding System: HL7nnnn 

Error # 2
Segment Id: OBR_ObservationRequest
Sequence Number: 1
Field Number: 20
Error Number: 102
Error Description: Data type error
Encoding System: HL7nnnn


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这已经解决了。我最终必须自定义段和数据类型模式,以解决上面的两个错误。需要更改段模式以在PV1段的末尾添加另一个字段以接受最后一个字段。 OBR20需要引用一个自定义数据类型,该类型包含两个字符串以便正确处理