尝试编写一个询问客户端系统的小程序(Snow Leopard及更高版本),列出声称能够编辑单个给定文件的应用程序。用户选择一个应用程序,然后我的applet调用Launch Services来启动应用程序,并以文件作为参数。
我可以通过调用LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL获取符合条件的应用程序列表。 我可以通过调用FSPathMakeRef将文件路径转换为FSRef对象。 我不能做的是构造和使用LSApplicationParameters对象(其成员之一是FSRef),以便成功调用LSOPenURLsWithRole(其中一个参数是LSApplicationParameters)。
interface MyCarbonWrapper extends com.sun.jna.Library
public static final MyCarbonWrapper INSTANCE =
(MyCarbonWrapper) Native.loadLibrary("Carbon", MyCarbonWrapper.class);
// .. various function declarations, including
com.sun.jna.Pointer LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL(Object curlRef, int rolesMask);
int FSPathMakeRef(Object path, PointerByReference ref, Void isDirectory);
int LSOpenURLsWithRole(Pointer ptrArray, int roles, Void inAEParam,
Structure myLSApplicationParams, Void outPsns, int inMaxPSCount);
// unsuccessful attempt to define a mapped LSApplicationParameters
public static class LSApplicationParameters
public int version;
public int flags;
public Pointer Application;
public Void asyncLaunchRefCon;
public Void environment;
public Void argv;
public Void initialEvent;
public static final int sizeof = 28;
public void openWith(String filePath)
// create a CURLRef for the selected application - OK
// Create a FSRef from the CURLRef - OK
// Create a CFArray to contain the file argument - OK
// create and attempt to populate a LSApplicationParameters instance - problematic
// call LSOpenURLsWithRole - failure. Returned error code is -50
据我所知,Snow Leopard似乎已经放弃了对以FSRef为参数的一系列API的支持。对我而言,我一点也不清楚我支持什么,不支持什么。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
放弃了Carbon的LSOpenApplication后,我实现了一个使用Rococoa桥接Objective-C和Java的解决方案。不是必须将Cocoa复合方法名称转换为openFile:withApplication to openFile_withApplication。
// Declare an interface which will call on a rococoa class:
public interface NSWorkspace extends NSObject
public static final _Class CLASS = Rococoa.createClass("NSWorkspace", _Class.class);
public interface _Class extends NSClass
// static method to get the workspace in
NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace();
boolean openFile_withApplication(NSString fullPath, NSString appName);
// then we can call on it to do stuff
final NSWorkspace nsWorkspace = NSWorkspace.CLASS.sharedWorkspace();
boolean isRunning = nsWorkspace.openFile_withApplication(
我仍在使用Carbon进行其他一些LaunchApplication服务。 java.net/projects/rococoa/是它的主页,如果在java.net/projects/rococoa/lists/users/archive上有一些有用的聊天