Haskell,Aeson& JSON解析为自定义类型

时间:2011-08-03 17:56:40

标签: json haskell aeson

previous post之后,我发现自己完全卡住了。我正在尝试将JSON结构解析为我自己的类型,而且我不仅坚持如何解析数组,我甚至不确定我是否按预期使用了Aeson库。任何帮助将不胜感激。


data Exif = Exif [(T.Text, ExifValue)] deriving (Show)
data ExifValue = 
    ExifText T.Text | 
    ExifInt Integer | 
    ExifDouble Double | 
    ExifBool Bool | 
    ExifArray [ExifValue] 
    deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON ExifValue where
    parseJSON (Number (I n)) = return $ ExifInt n
    parseJSON (Number (D n)) = return $ ExifDouble n
    parseJSON (String s)     = return $ ExifText s
    parseJSON (Bool b)       = return $ ExifBool b
    -- parseJSON (Array a)      = ?????

instance FromJSON Exif where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        x <- sequence $ map f (M.assocs o)
        return $ Exif x
        f (t, x) = do
            y <- parseJSON x 
            return ((t, y) :: (T.Text, ExifValue))

parseExifFile = fmap parseExifData . B.readFile

parseExifData :: B.ByteString -> Data.Attoparsec.Result (Data.Aeson.Result [Exif])
parseExifData content = parse (fmap fromJSON json) content


  "SourceFile": "test.jpg",
  "ExifTool:ExifToolVersion": 8.61,
  "File:FileName": "test.jpg",
  "File:FileSize": 2174179,
  "File:FileModifyDate": "2011:07:27 16:53:49-07:00",
  "File:FilePermissions": 644,
  "File:FileType": "JPEG",
  "File:MIMEType": "image/jpeg",
  "File:ExifByteOrder": "MM",
  "File:CurrentIPTCDigest": "32d6a77098a73aa816f2570c9472735a",
  "File:ImageWidth": 2592,
  "File:ImageHeight": 1936,
  "File:EncodingProcess": 0,
  "File:BitsPerSample": 8,
  "File:ColorComponents": 3,
  "File:YCbCrSubSampling": "2 2",
  "XMP:Subject": ["alpha","beta","gamma"]

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

你必须在兔子踪迹中稍微遵循parseJSON的类型,但是一旦你认识到(Array a)代表什么,它应该是直截了当的。

parseJSON的类型为Value -> Parser a,因此(Array a)的类型为ValueValue类型中的一个变体是Array Array,因此a中的(Array a)必须属于Array类型,其定义为{{1} }}。 Vector Value内的Value是您想要致电Vector以返回列表的内容,因此请查看您可以使用Vector执行的操作。


或者,您可以通过将Values变体更改为保留Vector,然后使用ExifArray来避免Vector ExifValue列出转化。

答案 1 :(得分:5)

我不是母语为英语的人,所以我可能不太了解你。我想你想知道如何将json解析为递归数据类型,如你提出的ExifValue。 所以我做了一个简单的例子来说明如何将json解析为递归数据类型。

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec
import Data.Attoparsec.Number
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Vector as V

data Data = D1 Int | D2 [Data]
    deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON Data where
    parseJSON (Number (I n)) = return $ D1 $ fromInteger n
    parseJSON (Array a)    = D2 <$> mapM parseJSON (V.toList a)

main = do
    let v = fromJust $ maybeResult $ parse json "[1,2,3,[5,3,[6,3,5]]]"
    let v1 :: Data
        v1 = case fromJSON v of
                 Success a -> a
                 Error s   -> error s
    print v1

答案 2 :(得分:3)

aeson library (的稍微新版本支持自动生成JSON实例。

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import Data.Attoparsec
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T

data Exif = Exif [(T.Text, ExifValue)] deriving (Show)
data ExifValue = 
    ExifText T.Text | 
    ExifInt Integer | 
    ExifDouble Double | 
    ExifBool Bool | 
    ExifArray [ExifValue] 
    deriving (Show)

deriveJSON id ''Exif
deriveJSON id ''ExifValue

parseExifFile = fmap parseExifData . B.readFile

parseExifData :: B.ByteString -> Data.Attoparsec.Result (Data.Aeson.Result [Exif])
parseExifData content = parse (fmap fromJSON json) content


instance ToJSON Exif where
  { toJSON
      = \ value_a1Va
          -> case value_a1Va of { Exif arg1_a1Vb -> toJSON arg1_a1Vb } }
instance FromJSON Exif where
  { parseJSON
      = \ value_a1Vc
          -> case value_a1Vc of {
               arg_a1Vd -> (Exif Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Vd) } }

instance ToJSON ExifValue where
  { toJSON
      = \ value_a1Wd
          -> case value_a1Wd of {
               ExifText arg1_a1We
                 -> object [(T.pack "ExifText" .= toJSON arg1_a1We)]
               ExifInt arg1_a1Wf
                 -> object [(T.pack "ExifInt" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wf)]
               ExifDouble arg1_a1Wg
                 -> object [(T.pack "ExifDouble" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wg)]
               ExifBool arg1_a1Wh
                 -> object [(T.pack "ExifBool" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wh)]
               ExifArray arg1_a1Wi
                 -> object [(T.pack "ExifArray" .= toJSON arg1_a1Wi)] } }
instance FromJSON ExifValue where
  { parseJSON
      = \ value_a1Wj
          -> case value_a1Wj of {
               Object obj_a1Wk
                 -> case Data.Map.toList obj_a1Wk of {
                      [(conKey_a1Wl, conVal_a1Wm)]
                        -> case conKey_a1Wl of {
                             _ | (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifText")
                               -> case conVal_a1Wm of {
                                      -> (ExifText Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wn) }
                               | (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifInt")
                               -> case conVal_a1Wm of {
                                      -> (ExifInt Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wo) }
                               | (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifDouble")
                               -> case conVal_a1Wm of {
                                      -> (ExifDouble Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wp) }
                               | (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifBool")
                               -> case conVal_a1Wm of {
                                      -> (ExifBool Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wq) }
                               | (conKey_a1Wl == T.pack "ExifArray")
                               -> case conVal_a1Wm of {
                                      -> (ExifArray Data.Functor.<$> parseJSON arg_a1Wr) }
                               | otherwise -> Control.Monad.mzero }
                      _ -> Control.Monad.mzero }
               _ -> Control.Monad.mzero } }