
时间:2011-08-03 02:45:05

标签: c#

我在WPF C#中编程。我有例如以下路径:

C:\Program Files\hello.txt

我希望从中输出“ hello ”。


string path = "C:\\Program Files\\hello.txt";
string[] pathArr = path.Split('\\');
string[] fileArr = pathArr.Last().Split('.');
string fileName = fileArr.Last().ToString();


10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:461)

答案 1 :(得分:74)

答案 2 :(得分:27)



string fileName = @"C:\mydir\myfile.ext";
string path = @"C:\mydir\";
string result;

result = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
Console.WriteLine("GetFileNameWithoutExtension('{0}') returns '{1}'", 
    fileName, result);

result = Path.GetFileName(path);
Console.WriteLine("GetFileName('{0}') returns '{1}'", 
    path, result);

// This code produces output similar to the following:
// GetFileNameWithoutExtension('C:\mydir\myfile.ext') returns 'myfile'
// GetFileName('C:\mydir\') returns ''


答案 3 :(得分:23)

您可以使用Path API,如下所示:

 var filenNme = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension([File Path]);


答案 4 :(得分:17)

var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);


答案 5 :(得分:10)


string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(@"C:\Program Files\hello.txt");


答案 6 :(得分:6)


string FilePath=@"C:\mydir\myfile.ext";
string Result=Path.GetFileName(FilePath);//With Extension
string Result=Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath);//Without Extension

答案 7 :(得分:3)

首先,问题中的代码不会产生描述的输出。它提取文件扩展名"txt"),而不提取文件基本名"hello")。为此,最后一行应这样调用First(),而不是Last() ...

static string GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit(string path)
    string[] pathArr = path.Split('\\');
    string[] fileArr = pathArr.Last().Split('.');
    string fileBaseName = fileArr.First().ToString();

    return fileBaseName;


  • 一个string[],其中每个string中的每个路径段都包含一个path
  • string[]的最后一个路径段中,每个string至少包含一个.的{​​{1}}

因此,从示例路径path中提取基本文件名应产生"C:\Program Files\hello.txt"object"C:""Program Files",{ {1}},"hello.txt""hello""txt"。如果在大量路径上调用该方法,则可能很重要。为了改善这一点,我们可以自己搜索string[3]来找到基本名称的起点和终点,并使用它们创建一个一个新的string[2] ...


这是使用最后一个string之后的字符索引作为基础名称的开头,然后从那里寻找第一个static string GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe(string path) { // Fails on paths with no file extension - DO NOT USE!! int startIndex = path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1; int endIndex = path.IndexOf('.', startIndex); string fileBaseName = path.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); return fileBaseName; } 用作结尾之后的字符索引基本名称的名称。这比原始代码短吗?不完全的。它是“更智能”的解决方案吗?我认同。至少,如果不是这样的话……




对于实现此功能的.NET方法,许多其他答案建议使用Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(),这是一个显而易见的简单解决方案,但不会产生与其中的代码相同的结果问题。 .static string GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe(string path) { int startIndex = path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1; int endIndex = path.IndexOf('.', startIndex); int length = (endIndex >= 0 ? endIndex : path.Length) - startIndex; string fileBaseName = path.Substring(startIndex, length); return fileBaseName; } (下面的GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit())之间存在细微但重要的区别:前者提取 first Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension()之前的所有内容,而后者提取 first GetFileBaseNameUsingPath()提取 last .之前的所有内容。这与问题中的示例.并没有什么区别,但请看一下这张表,比较了以不同路径调用时上述四种方法的结果...


...,您将看到| Description | Method | Path | Result | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt" | "hello" | | Single extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt" | "hello" | | Single extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt" | "hello" | | Single extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt" | "hello" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt.ext" | "hello" | | Double extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt.ext" | "hello.txt" | | Double extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt.ext" | "hello" | | Double extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt.ext" | "hello" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | No extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "C:\Program Files\hello" | "hello" | | No extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "C:\Program Files\hello" | "hello" | | No extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello" | EXCEPTION: Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter 'length') | | No extension | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello" | "hello" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Leading period | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "C:\Program Files\.hello.txt" | "" | | Leading period | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "C:\Program Files\.hello.txt" | ".hello" | | Leading period | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "C:\Program Files\.hello.txt" | "" | | Leading period | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "C:\Program Files\.hello.txt" | "" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Trailing period | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt." | "hello" | | Trailing period | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt." | "hello.txt" | | Trailing period | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt." | "hello" | | Trailing period | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "C:\Program Files\hello.txt." | "hello" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "C:\Program Files\" | "" | | Directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "C:\Program Files\" | "" | | Directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "C:\Program Files\" | EXCEPTION: Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter 'length') | | Directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "C:\Program Files\" | "" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Current file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "hello.txt" | "hello" | | Current file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "hello.txt" | "hello" | | Current file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "hello.txt" | "hello" | | Current file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "hello.txt" | "hello" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Parent file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | "..\hello.txt" | "hello" | | Parent file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | "..\hello.txt" | "hello" | | Parent file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | "..\hello.txt" | "hello" | | Parent file path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | "..\hello.txt" | "hello" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Parent directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit() | ".." | "" | | Parent directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingPath() | ".." | "." | | Parent directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe() | ".." | "" | | Parent directory path | GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe() | ".." | "" | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| 在传递路径时出现不同的结果,该路径中文件名具有双扩展名或前导和/或尾随Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension()。您可以使用以下代码自行尝试...


TL; DR 问题中的代码在某些极端情况下的表现似乎并不理想。如果您要编写自己的路径操作代码,请务必考虑...

  • ...如何定义“扩展名”(是第一个using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace SO6921105 { internal class PathExtractionResult { public string Description { get; set; } public string Method { get; set; } public string Path { get; set; } public string Result { get; set; } } public static class Program { private static string GetFileBaseNameUsingSplit(string path) { string[] pathArr = path.Split('\\'); string[] fileArr = pathArr.Last().Split('.'); string fileBaseName = fileArr.First().ToString(); return fileBaseName; } private static string GetFileBaseNameUsingPath(string path) { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); } private static string GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringUnsafe(string path) { // Fails on paths with no file extension - DO NOT USE!! int startIndex = path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1; int endIndex = path.IndexOf('.', startIndex); string fileBaseName = path.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); return fileBaseName; } private static string GetFileBaseNameUsingSubstringSafe(string path) { int startIndex = path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1; int endIndex = path.IndexOf('.', startIndex); int length = (endIndex >= 0 ? endIndex : path.Length) - startIndex; string fileBaseName = path.Substring(startIndex, length); return fileBaseName; } public static void Main() { MethodInfo[] testMethods = typeof(Program).GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static) .Where(method => method.Name.StartsWith("GetFileBaseName")) .ToArray(); var inputs = new[] { new { Description = "Single extension", Path = @"C:\Program Files\hello.txt" }, new { Description = "Double extension", Path = @"C:\Program Files\hello.txt.ext" }, new { Description = "No extension", Path = @"C:\Program Files\hello" }, new { Description = "Leading period", Path = @"C:\Program Files\.hello.txt" }, new { Description = "Trailing period", Path = @"C:\Program Files\hello.txt." }, new { Description = "Directory path", Path = @"C:\Program Files\" }, new { Description = "Current file path", Path = "hello.txt" }, new { Description = "Parent file path", Path = @"..\hello.txt" }, new { Description = "Parent directory path", Path = ".." } }; PathExtractionResult[] results = inputs .SelectMany( input => testMethods.Select( method => { string result; try { string returnValue = (string) method.Invoke(null, new object[] { input.Path }); result = $"\"{returnValue}\""; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TargetInvocationException) ex = ex.InnerException; result = $"EXCEPTION: {ex.Message}"; } return new PathExtractionResult() { Description = input.Description, Method = $"{method.Name}()", Path = $"\"{input.Path}\"", Result = result }; } ) ).ToArray(); const int ColumnPadding = 2; ResultWriter writer = new ResultWriter(Console.Out) { DescriptionColumnWidth = results.Max(output => output.Description.Length) + ColumnPadding, MethodColumnWidth = results.Max(output => output.Method.Length) + ColumnPadding, PathColumnWidth = results.Max(output => output.Path.Length) + ColumnPadding, ResultColumnWidth = results.Max(output => output.Result.Length) + ColumnPadding, ItemLeftPadding = " ", ItemRightPadding = " " }; PathExtractionResult header = new PathExtractionResult() { Description = nameof(PathExtractionResult.Description), Method = nameof(PathExtractionResult.Method), Path = nameof(PathExtractionResult.Path), Result = nameof(PathExtractionResult.Result) }; writer.WriteResult(header); writer.WriteDivider(); foreach (IGrouping<string, PathExtractionResult> resultGroup in results.GroupBy(result => result.Description)) { foreach (PathExtractionResult result in resultGroup) writer.WriteResult(result); writer.WriteDivider(); } } } internal class ResultWriter { private const char DividerChar = '-'; private const char SeparatorChar = '|'; private TextWriter Writer { get; } public ResultWriter(TextWriter writer) { Writer = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer)); } public int DescriptionColumnWidth { get; set; } public int MethodColumnWidth { get; set; } public int PathColumnWidth { get; set; } public int ResultColumnWidth { get; set; } public string ItemLeftPadding { get; set; } public string ItemRightPadding { get; set; } public void WriteResult(PathExtractionResult result) { WriteLine( $"{ItemLeftPadding}{result.Description}{ItemRightPadding}", $"{ItemLeftPadding}{result.Method}{ItemRightPadding}", $"{ItemLeftPadding}{result.Path}{ItemRightPadding}", $"{ItemLeftPadding}{result.Result}{ItemRightPadding}" ); } public void WriteDivider() { WriteLine( new string(DividerChar, DescriptionColumnWidth), new string(DividerChar, MethodColumnWidth), new string(DividerChar, PathColumnWidth), new string(DividerChar, ResultColumnWidth) ); } private void WriteLine(string description, string method, string path, string result) { Writer.Write(SeparatorChar); Writer.Write(description.PadRight(DescriptionColumnWidth)); Writer.Write(SeparatorChar); Writer.Write(method.PadRight(MethodColumnWidth)); Writer.Write(SeparatorChar); Writer.Write(path.PadRight(PathColumnWidth)); Writer.Write(SeparatorChar); Writer.Write(result.PadRight(ResultColumnWidth)); Writer.WriteLine(SeparatorChar); } } } 之前的所有内容还是最后一个.之前的所有内容?)
  • ...具有多个扩展名的文件
  • ...没有扩展名的文件
  • ...文件中带有前导.的文件
  • ...后缀为.的文件(可能不是Windows上遇到的文件,但它们是possible
  • ...具有“扩展名”或其他包含.的目录
  • ...以.结尾的路径
  • ...相对路径


答案 8 :(得分:1)

.reveal {
  z-index: 5;
  position: absolute;
  top: calc(50% - 10rem);
  left: calc(50% - 10rem);
  width: 20rem;
  height: 20rem;
  background: url("http://i.imgur.com/Im9luhE.png") 50% 50% no-repeat fixed;
  background-size: cover;
  border-radius: 50%;
  -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0.8) 36%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%);

答案 9 :(得分:1)

string filepath = "C:\\Program Files\\example.txt";
FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(filepath);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filepath);

//input to the "fi" is a full path to the file from "filepath"
//This code will return the fileName from the given path
