优化多个左连接 SQLite 查询

时间:2021-08-01 14:11:42

标签: sql database sqlite


    Post name: Anything
    Post tag: 1, 2, 3
    Post keywords: 1, 2, 3
    Tag 1: is the id of Male
    Tag 2: is the id of United States
    Tag 3: is the id of India
    The 1 tag belongs to the gender topic, the 2 and 3 tags belong to the country topic.
    Keyword 1: is the id of the Test keyword 1
    Keyword 2: is the id of the Test keyword 2 
    Keyword 3: is the id of the Test keyword 3



     - id
     - name
     - id
     - name
     - topic_id
     - id
     - name
     - tag_id
     - post_id
     - id
     - keyword
     - keyword_id
     - post_id

搜索屏幕允许用户搜索帖子名称、帖子关键字和属于特定主题的标签,其 id 1,用户也可以通过选择多个标签进行过滤。

现在,如果用户在 UI 上选择了男性和美国,我想执行这样的过滤器,因此我应该选择所有具有男性和美国标签的帖子。

    SELECT * FROM posts where tag_relation = Male and tag_relation = United States
    tag_relation here means JOIN to tags_posts table

但是如果用户在 UI 上选择了男性、美国和印度,那么我应该选择所有带有男性和(美国或印度)标签的帖子。

    SELECT * FROM posts where tag_relation = Male and (tag_relation = United States or tag_relation = India)
    tag_relation here means JOIN to tags_posts table

如您所见,如果标签属于同一个主题,那么 where 应该是 OR,但如果它们属于不同的主题,那么 where 应该是 AND。


    SELECT posts.id, posts.name FROM posts
    LEFT JOIN posts_texts ON posts_texts.post_id = posts.id
    LEFT JOIN texts ON texts.id = posts_texts.text_id
    LEFT JOIN posts_tags ON posts_tags.post_id = posts.id
    LEFT JOIN tags ON tags.id = posts_tags.tag_id
    WHERE CASE WHEN 1 THEN posts.id in
    (SELECT tags_relation.post_id FROM tags tag
    LEFT JOIN posts_tags tags_relation ON tags_relation.tag_id = tag.id
    WHERE tag.name IN ('Male')
    GROUP BY tags_relation.post_id
    HAVING count(DISTINCT tag.topic_id) = (SELECT count(DISTINCT tag.topic_id) FROM tags tag
    WHERE tag.name IN ('Male'))) ELSE 1 END
    AND (posts.name LIKE '%' || 'a' || '%' OR texts.name LIKE '%' || 'a' || '%' OR tags.name LIKE '%' || 'a' || '%')
    GROUP BY posts.id

我正在根据用户是否选择标签从代码中更改此 WHERE CASE WHEN 1 THEN

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