Javascript 在控制台和回调消息中捕获错误

时间:2021-07-30 17:49:46

标签: javascript node.js


request( url, function (error, data) {
errorText = arguments['0'];
  if (error) {
      callback('Unable to connect to location services!', undefined)
  } else if (errorText.includes('Cannot read property')) {
      callback ('Unable to find location, try another search.', undefined)
  else {
    callback( {
      data = data.body,
      namePlace: data.suggestions[1].entities[0].name,
      idPlace: data.suggestions[1].entities[0].destinationId,


namePlace: data.suggestions[1].entities[0].name,
TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

听起来您要检查的是 data.suggestions[1].entities 是否有任何条目。也许是这样的:

else if (data.suggestions[1].entities.length === 0) {
  callback('Unable to find location, try another search.', undefined)

根据生成的数据结构的可靠性,您还可以检查 nullundefined 值。但是对于这个特定的错误,它看起来像是定义了 entities 并且是一个数组,但没有条目。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

需要改变第一个if的逻辑顺序,否则else if (error)会阻止if (errorText.includes('Cannot read property'))

您之前是否定义过 let request = new Request(<uri>)


request( url, function (error, data) {
errorText = arguments['0']; // What are you trying to do here?
  if (errorText.includes('Cannot read property')) {
      callback ('Unable to find location, try another search.', undefined)
  } else if (error) {
      callback('Unable to connect to location services!', undefined)
  } else {
    callback( {
      data = data.body, // What are you trying to do here?
      namePlace: data.suggestions[1].entities[0].name, // What are you trying to do here?
      idPlace: data.suggestions[1].entities[0].destinationId,
}); // <- semicolon here