我正在尝试制作一个具有 Akinator 命令的 discord.js 机器人(我猜你知道那是什么) 我找到了 tutorial 的 aki-api 我做了它所说的一切,我得到了这个“简单”可修复的错误
TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
at regionURL (E:\Users\kazak\Documents\GitHub\Vixo\node_modules\aki-api\dist\functions\Request.js:90:63)
at Akinator.start (E:\Users\kazak\Documents\GitHub\Vixo\node_modules\aki-api\dist\Akinator.js:35:56)
at Object.execute (E:\Users\kazak\Documents\GitHub\Vixo\commands\fun\aki.js:36:16)
at Object.execute (E:\Users\kazak\Documents\GitHub\Vixo\events\message.js:202:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
我去了错误位置,发现了这一行 await aki.start()
const { Aki } = require('aki-api');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name: 'aki',
description: 'Akinator',
category: 'fun',
aliases: [],
cooldown: 4,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async execute(message, args, client) {
const regions = ['person', 'object', 'animal'];
const { verify } = require('../../function');
if (!args[0]) return message.channel.send('Please provide a category!\nEither `person or object or animal`');
let region;
const stringAki = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (stringAki === 'person'.toLocaleLowerCase()) region = 'en';
if (stringAki === 'object'.toLocaleLowerCase()) region = 'en_objects';
if (stringAki === 'animal'.toLocaleLowerCase()) region = 'en_animals';
if (!regions.includes(stringAki)) return message.channel.send('Please provide a valid category!');
message.channel.send('Please wait...').then((m) => m.delete({ timeout: 4000 }));
try {
const aki = new Aki(region); // i have a suspission that the error has to do something with this
let ans = null;
let win = false;
let timeguessed = 0;
let guessResetNum = 0;
let wentBack = false;
let forceGuess = false;
const GuessBlackList = [];
while (timeguessed < 3) {
if (guessResetNum > 0) guessResetNum--;
if (ans === null) {
await aki.start(); // The error leads me here
else if (wentBack) {
wentBack = false;
else {
try {
await aki.step(ans);
catch(err) {
await aki.step(ans);
if (!aki.answers || aki.currentStep >= 79) forceGuess = true;
const answers = aki.answers.map((answer) => answer.toLowerCase());
if (aki.currentStep > 0) answers.push('back');
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`Question Number ${aki.currentStep + 1}`, client.user.avatarURL())
'Available answers:',
`${aki.answers.join(' | ')}${aki.currentStep > 0 ? ' | Back' : ''} | End **`,
await message.channel.send(embed);
const filter = (res) => res.author.id === message.author.id && answers.includes(res.content.toLowerCase());
const messages = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 30000,
if (!messages.size) {
await message.channel.send('Times up!');
win = true;
const choice = messages.first().content.toLowerCase();
if (choice.toLowerCase() === 'end'.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
forceGuess = true;
else if (choice.toLowerCase() === 'back'.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
wentBack = true;
await aki.back();
else {
ans = answers.indexOf(choice);
if ((aki.progress >= 90 && !guessResetNum) || forceGuess) {
guessResetNum += 10;
await aki.win();
const guess = aki.answers.filter((g) => !GuessBlackList.includes(g.id))[0];
if (!guess) {
await message.channel.send('I can\'t think of anyone!');
win = true;
const embedss = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`I'm ${Math.round(guess.proba * 100)}% sure its`)
.setDescription(`${guess.name}${guess.description ? `\nProffesion - ${guess.description}` : ''}\nRanking : ${guess.ranking}
Type yes/no to confirm or deny!`)
.setImage(guess.absolute_picture_path || null);
await message.channel.send(embedss);
const verification = await verify(message.channel, message.author);
if (verification === 0) {
win = 'time';
else if (verification) {
win = false;
else {
const exmessage = timeguessed >= 3 || forceGuess ? 'I give up!' : 'I can keep going!';
const embeds = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription([`Is that so? ${exmessage}`])
await message.channel.send(embeds);
if (timeguessed >= 3 || forceGuess) {
win = true;
if (win === 'time') return message.channel.send('I guess your silence means i won >:D');
if (win) {
const embedsss = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('You have defeated me this time!')
return message.channel.send(embedsss);
else {
return message.channel.send('Guessed it right once again!');
catch(err) {
return message.channel.send(`Oh no an error occured: \`${err.message}\` Try again`);
还有一个文件,但我不会显示它,因为它会在 await aki.start()