
时间:2011-07-27 16:11:55

标签: c# regex string replace richtextbox


  • 我正在加载.txt文件并创建一个列表来存储它。
  • while循环将所有文本存储到列表中。
  • 我创建了另外3个列表来存储不同的值。
  • 我使用REGEX来匹配看起来像“111.111”的数字。
  • 如果该行匹配,请将其分组为“X”和“Y”。
  • 将每个分组的项目添加到上面创建的新列表中(其中3个)。
  • 使用TextBox输入值对“X”和“Y”值使用加法。
  • StringBuilder值输出到RichTextBoxes

    private void calculateXAndYPlacement()
        // Reads the lines in the file to format.
        var fileReader = File.OpenText(filePath + "\\Calculating X,Y File.txt");
        // Creates a list for the lines to be stored in.
        var fileList = new List<string>();
        // Adds each line in the file to the list.
        var fileLines = "";                                       #UPDATED @Corey Ogburn
        while ((fileLines = fileReader.ReadLine()) != null)       #UPDATED @Corey Ogburn
            fileList.Add(fileLines);                              #UPDATED @Corey Ogburn
        // Creates new lists to hold certain matches for each list.
        var xyResult = new List<string>();
        var xResult = new List<string>();
        var yResult = new List<string>();
        // Iterate over each line in the file and extract the x and y values
        fileList.ForEach(line =>
            Match xyMatch = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<x>-?\d+\.\d+)\s+(?<y>-?\d+\.\d+)");
            if (xyMatch.Success)
                // Grab the x and y values from the regular expression match
                String xValue = xyMatch.Groups["x"].Value;
                String yValue = xyMatch.Groups["y"].Value;
                // Add these two values, separated by a space, to the "xyResult" list.
                xyResult.Add(String.Join(" ", new[]{ xValue, yValue }));
                // Add the results to the lists.
                // Calculate the X & Y values (including the x & y displacements)
                double doubleX = double.Parse(xValue);
                double doubleXValue = double.Parse(xDisplacementTextBox.Text);
                StringBuilder sbX = new StringBuilder();
                sbX.AppendLine((doubleX + doubleXValue).ToString());
                double doubleY = double.Parse(yValue);
                double doubleYValue = double.Parse(yDisplacementTextBox.Text);
                StringBuilder sbY = new StringBuilder();
                sbY.AppendLine((doubleY + doubleYValue).ToString());
                calculatedXRichTextBox.AppendText(sbX + "\n");
                calculatedYRichTextBox.AppendText(sbY + "\n");

NOW ::: 我要做的是采用calculatedXRichTextBoxcalculatedYRichTextBox以及替换旧值(在文件列表中)并输出它们以覆盖calculatedXRichTextBoxcalculatedYRichTextBox



TEXT   TEXT  227.905  203.244  180  
TEXT   TEXT  242.210  181.294  180  
TEXT   TEXT  236.135  198.644  90  

(剥离值“X”和“Y” - 在 2 不同的列表中)

227.905                      203.244  
242.210                      181.294  
236.135                      198.644  

(计算值将“10”添加到“X”并将“20”添加到“Y” - 将它们放入 2 不同的RichTextBoxes < / p>

237.905                      223.244
252.210                      201.294
246.135                      218.644

(这就是我想要结束的内容 - 原始文件+计算值替换旧值)

TEXT   TEXT  237.905  223.244  180  
TEXT   TEXT  252.210  201.294  180  
TEXT   TEXT  246.135  218.644  90  


  • 我该怎么做?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


这基本上就是下面的示例。它是为.NET 4.0编写的,如果你的目标是早期的运行时,你将不得不使用ReadAllLines方法(而不是ReadLines),而不是使用Tuple你'我需要创建一个容器类(可以是这个类的私有)来从函数中返回多个值。

void calculateXAndYPlacement()
    // Read data from file
    var path = @"[path to your document]";
    var data = File.ReadLines(path + "data.txt");

    // Parse the values you'll be modifying your data by
    var doubleXValue = double.Parse(xDisplacementTextBox.Text);
    var doubleYValue = double.Parse(yDisplacementTextBox.Text);                     

    // apply your transformation to all valid lines of data
    var modifiedData = from line in data
                       where LineIsValid( line )
                       select ModifyLine( line, doubleXValue, doubleYValue );

    // Do what you wish with the data
    foreach( var dataPoint in modifiedData )
         // grab the values from the Tuple and put them into the
         // appropriate text boxes.

Tuple<string,double,double> ModifyLine(string data, double xValue, double yValue)
    // split line into parts
    var columns = Regex.Split(data, @"\s+");
    // do your math on each part, I just assigned the new values
    // for the sake of the example.
    columns[3] = xValue.ToString();
    columns[4] = yValue.ToString();

    // recombine the line
    return Tuple.Create( string.Join(" ", columns), xValue, yValue );

bool LineIsValid(string lineData)
    return Regex.IsMatch(lineData, @"(?<x>-?\d+\.\d+)\s+(?<y>-?\d+\.\d+)");

答案 1 :(得分:0)




答案 2 :(得分:0)


int i=0;
      // replace old values with new ones
      line.Replace(oldXList[i], newXList[i]).Replace(oldYList[i], newYList[i]);
