将多个图像上传到 Firebase 存储,然后将下载 URL 调用到 Firebase 数据库

时间:2021-07-21 21:32:58

标签: javascript reactjs firebase-storage es6-promise

我正在尝试同时将多个图像上传到 firebase 存储,然后将它们调用到 firebase 数据库中。我有这个使用单一图像,但我不确定我需要如何修改我的代码以允许多个图像。当我选择要上传的多张图片时,它们成功上传到 firebase 存储,但是,只有上传的第一张图片会分配给 featuresImage 数组并因此显示。任何帮助将不胜感激。


class OtherEdit extends Component {
constructor(props) {
        id: '',
        info: {
            title: '',
            subtitle: ''
        article: {
            featuredImage: []


uploadImageCallBack = (e) => {
    return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
        const file = e.target.files[0]
        const fileName = uuidv4()
        storageRef.ref().child("OtherMedia/" + fileName).put(file)
        .then( async snapshot => {
            const downloadURL = await storageRef.ref().child("OtherMedia/" +fileName).getDownloadURL()

                success: true,
                data: {link: downloadURL},


<FormGroup className='edit-featured-image'> Featured images
                            <Input type="file" multiple accept='image/*' className="image-uploader"
                            onChange={async (e) => {
                                const uploadState = await this.uploadImageCallBack(e)
                                if(uploadState.success) {
                                   await this.setState({
                                        hasFeaturedImage: true,
                                        article: {
                                            featuredImage: uploadState.data.link
                            <div className='image'>
                                this.state.hasFeaturedImage ?
                                    <img src={this.state.article.featuredImage} /> : ''

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


const uploadImageCallBack = async (e) => {
  const uploads = [];
  const promises = [];

  e.target.files.forEach(file => {

    const path = storageRef.ref().child(`OtherMedia/${uuidv4()}`);
    const uploadPromise = path.put(file).then(async snapshot => {
      /** @TODO it's a good idea to do some error handling here */
      const downloadURL = await path.getDownloadURL();
        success: true,
        data: { link: downloadURL },

  await Promise.all(promises); // Wait for all promises to complete
  return uploads;

现在您可以从 InputonChange 更新您的状态:

<Input type="file" multiple accept='image/*' className="image-uploader"
  onChange={async (e) => {
    const uploads = await this.uploadImageCallBack(e);
    const featuredImages = uploads.filter(upload => upload.success).map(upload => upload.data.link);
    await this.setState({
      hasFeaturedImage: true,
        article: {
          featuredImages // I took the liberty to rename this to plural, as this is an array

您可能想要放弃 hasFeaturedImage 状态,因为您可以简单地显示所有图像(如果数组为空,则不会显示任何图像)。

  this.state.article.featuredImages.map((imageSrc, index) => (
    <img key={`image-${index}`} src={imageSrc} />
