DomDoc / SimpleXML / XSLT:解析以向元素的每个唯一元素子元素添加自动递增id属性

时间:2011-07-27 15:34:46

标签: php xml data-structures simplexml domdocument


$xml = @simplexml_load_file("original.xml"); //Loading the original file, dubbed original.xml.
$array_key_target_parent = count($xml->xpath('/doc/*'); //Puts all of the children of <doc> into an _iterable_ array.
$key_targets = foreach($array_key_target_parent;){
  foreach($array_key_target_parent as $single_target){ // I tried foreach($array_key_target_parent[$i]).  It doesn't work, so don't even go there.
    $current_target = current($single_target);
} */ ////Puts the targets for keying into iterable arrays.  =>1 makes the array start from 1, so the id's will be right.

/* At this point, we have multiple elements that we want to key, each having a unique name.  There's <element_type1a> and <element_type1b>, etc.  We want each one to have its own id set.  So, we have to embed iteration within iteration. */
foreach($key_target){ //This will ensure that every unique element that we want to key gets its key set.
  $id = current($key_target=>1); //This allows us to reset the id to 1 (=>1), each time the key algorithm starts for a new element.
  foreach($key_target as $id){ //I tried for($i=0, $key_target[$i]; $i>$key_target; $i++), and it didn't work, so don't even go there.
    addAttribute('id', '$id');
}  //Adds an 'id' attribute and a unique number to each target.

$xml->asXML("new.xml"); //saves the output as a new xml document, new.xml


        <element_type2c lang="fr">not_unique_data</element_type2c>
        <!-- ... --->
    <!-- ... --->


    <table id="element_type1">
        <element_type1a id="1">unique_data</element_type1a>
        <element_type1b id="2">unique_data</element_type1b>
        <!-- ... --->
        <element_type1N id="M">unique_data</element_type1N>
    <table id="element_type2">
        <element_type2a id="1">unique_data</element_type2a>
        <element_type2b id="2">unique_data</element_type2b>
        <!-- ... --->
        <element_type2N id="M">unique_data</element_type2N>
    <table id="element_type2_fr">
        <element_type2a lang="fr" id="1">unique_data</element_type2a>
        <element_type2b lang="fr" id="2">unique_data</element_type2>
        <!-- ... (there are five languages) --->
        <element_type2N lang="fr" id="M">unique_data</element_type2N>
    <!-- ... --->
    <table id="element_typeN">

    <table id="intermediary_table_type1xtype2">
        <element id="1">
        <element id="2">
        <element id="3">
        <element id="4">
        <!-- ... --->
        <element id="N">

    <table id="intermediary_table_typeMxtypeN">






<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE catalog [
<!ELEMENT catalog (entry*)>
<!ELEMENT entry (ent_seq, country*, arist+, info?, title+)><!-- Entries consist of the name of the album, artist, and more information about the CD.  Each entry must contain an artist and an album title. -->
<!ELEMENT ent_seq (#PCDATA)><!-- A unique numeric sequence, showing the entry number -->
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)><!-- The title of the album/the album name. -->
<!ELEMENT artist (band+, name, nickname*)><!-- The name of the band, and if there was a famous artist, his name and nickname.  Must contain a band element. -->
<!ELEMENT band (#PCDATA)><!-- The name of the band. -->
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)><!-- The name of any famous artist in the band. -->
<!ELEMENT nickname (#PCDATA)><!-- The nickname of the popular artist that precedes the nickname element, from the band. -->
<!ELEMENT country (#PCDATA)><!-- Specifies countries where the album was released -->
<!ELEMENT company (name, country)><!-- Company/producer info.  The company's name is in the name element, and the country where the company originated is in the country element. -->
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)><!-- The name of the producer -->
<!ELEMENT country (#PCDATA)><!-- The country where the company does its primary business -->
<!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA)><!-- The year of the album's release -->
<!ELEMENT info (link*, bibl*)><!-- Additional info, including links and bibliography information -->
<!ELEMENT link (#PCDATA)><!-- Links where people can read more about the album -->
<!ELEMENT bibl (#PCDATA)><!-- Bibliography text about the artist -->
    <title>For Your Love</title>
      <name>The Yardbirds</name>
      <name>Eric Clapton</name>
      <name>Sweet Music</name>
    <title>Splish Splash</title>
      <name>Roberto Carlos</name>
      <nickname>The King</nickname>
      <name>Sweet Music</name>
    <title>How Great Thuo Art</title>
      <name>Elvis Presley</name>
      <nickname>The King</nickname>
      <nickname>The King of Rock 'n Roll</nickname>
      <name>Felton Jarvis</name>
    <title>Big Willie style</title>
      <band>Will Smith</band>
      <name>Will Smith</name>
    <title>Empire Burlesque</title>
      <band>Bob Dylan and Boby Rockhammer</band>
      <name>Bob Dylan</name>
      <name>Boby Rockhammer</name>
  <cd>  <!-- Update part 1: New Entry -->
    <title>Merry Christmas</title>
    <title>White Christmas</title>
      <name>Bing Crosby</name>
    <company>MCA Records</company>
  </cd> <!-- End update part 1-->


  <table id="album title">
    <title id="1">For your Love</title>
    <title id="2">Splish Splash</title>
    <title id="3">How Great Thuo Art</title>
    <title id="4">Big Willie style</title>
    <title id="5">Empire Burlesque</title>
    <title id="6">Merry Christmas</title> <!-- Update part 2: New output -->
    <title id="7">White Christmas</title> <!-- Update part 2: New output -->
  <table id="Band Name">
    <artist id="1">The Yardbirds</artist>
    <artist id="2">Roberto Carlos</artist>
    <artist id="3">Elvis Presley</artist>
    <artist id="4">Will Smith</artist>
    <artist id="5">Bob Dylan and Boby Rockhammer</artist>
    <artist id="6"> <!-- Update part 2: New output -->
  <table id="artist name">
    <artist id="1">Eric Clapton</artist>
    <artist id="2">Roberto Carlos</artist>
    <artist id="3">Elvis Presley</artist>
    <artist id="4">Will Smith</artist>
    <artist id="5">Bob Dylan</artist>
    <artist id="6">Boby Rockhammer</artist>
    <artist id="7">Bing Crosby</artist> <!-- Update part 2: New output -->
  <table id="nickname">
    <nickname id="1">Slowhand</nickname>
    <nickname id="2">The King</nickname>
    <nickname id="3">The King of Rock 'n Roll</nickname>

  <table id="artist by band name">
    <entry id="1">
    <entry id="2">
    <entry id="3">
    <entry id="4">
    <entry id="5">
    <entry id="6">
    <entry id="7">
  <table id="artist by nickname">
    <entry id="1">
    <entry id="2">
    <entry id="3">
    <entry id="4">

- 更新 - 存在两个元素共享相同条目ID的问题


<entry id="1">
  <word lang="SP">azul</word>



<table id="en">
  <word lang="en" id="0">blue</word>
  <word lang="en" id="1">beryl</word>
<table id="sp">
  <word lang="sp" id="0">azul</word>


<table id="translation id">
  <en_sp id="0"> <!-- en_sp means English-to-Spanish -->

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

- 更新


    <entry id="1">
      <word lang="SP">azul</word>
    <entry id="2">


$super = array();
$url = "original.xml";
if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($url, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA)) {
  foreach($xml->cd as $cd) {
     foreach ($cd->entry as $entry) {
      $id = (string)$entry['id'];
        foreach($entry->word as $word) {
            $lang = isset($word['lang']) ? (string)$word['lang'] : 'EN';
            $super[$id][$lang][] = (string)$word;


print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";

注意:这是另一种方法,基本上是您在使用xml对象时需要了解的内容,通常更多的是使用数组,您可以通过创建基于父级的结构化层次结构来存储数据 - &gt ;儿童;在这种情况下,我已经创建了一个像$super[$id][$lang][] = (string)$word;这样的数组,其中$id$lang的父项,它是$word的父项,它们分别是两者的子项;这会生成一个这样的数组:

    [1] => Array
            [EN] => Array
                    [0] => blue
                    [1] => beryl

            [SP] => Array
                    [0] => azul



  1. 如何获取匹配代码的属性,例如idlang,在我的示例中,我使用了$entry['id'],但$cd->entry['id']也有效。

  2. 如何将xml-dom-object转换为有效字符串,以便您可以将其重用为数组索引或值(string)$word

  3. 从我的例子中我可以看到:

        <title>For Your Love</title>


    $super = array();
    $url = "original.xml";
    if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($url, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA)) {
      $xml_array = @json_decode(@json_encode($xml), 1);
      foreach ($xml_array['cd'] as $val) {
      $key = $val['ent_seq'];
        if (is_array($val)) {
          foreach ($val as $k1 => $v1) {
            if (is_array($v1)) {
              switch ($k1) {
                case 'artist':
                  foreach ($v1 as $k2 => $v2) {
                    if (is_array($v2)) {
                      foreach ($v2 as $v3) {
                        $super[$k2][$key] = $v3;
                    else {
                      $super[$k2][$key] = $v2;
            else {
              switch ($k1) {
                case 'title':
                  $super[$k1][$key] = $v1;


    foreach( $super as $key => $val) {
      echo "<table id='{$key}'>\n";
       foreach($val as $key2 => $val2) {
        echo "<$key id='$key2'> " . $val2." </$key>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";                


    print "<pre>";
    print "</pre>";


        [title] => Array
                [1] => For Your Love
                [2] => Splish Splash
                [3] => How Great Thuo Art
                [4] => Big Willie style
                [5] => Empire Burlesque
        [name] => Array
                [1] => Eric Clapton
                [2] => Roberto Carlos
                [3] => Elvis Presley
                [4] => Will Smith
                [5] => Boby Rockhammer
        [nickname] => Array
                [1] => Slowhand
                [2] => The King
                [3] => The King of Rock 'n Roll
        [band] => Array
                [4] => Will Smith
                [5] => Bob Dylan and Boby Rockhammer

    注意:,因为你可以看到我使用switch - 大小写,因为你的xml标签并不总是相同的一致性,并且在某些情况下它们有类似名称,例如{ {1}}和<company><name>;你可以创建自己的案例。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

为了澄清一下,您正在尝试使用输入XML文档,使用XSL / T将其转换为另一个(格式不同的)xml文档,然后获取生成的XML并将其存储在MySQL数据库中?
