Discord.js V12.5.3 - MessageCollector 问题

时间:2021-07-19 20:39:27

标签: javascript discord.js


Evidence 1

Evidence 2


const {Client,Message,MessageEmbed} = require('discord.js')

 * @param {Client} bot 
 * @param {Message} message 

module.exports.run = async(bot, message) => {
    let guild = bot.guilds.cache.get(`851186051598123008`)
    let channels = guild.channels.cache.get(`866029925424824350`)

    const filter = m => m.author.id === message.author.id

    const intro = new MessageEmbed()
    .setTitle("Bug Report | Introduction")
    .setDescription("Hello, I think you have seen a bug lately! Want to report it? Say `next` in order to continue with this prompt!")
    .setFooter("Automatically cancelled in 2 minutes. | Say `cancel` to cancel the prompt.")

    const cancelEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
    .setTitle("Bug Report | Cancelled")
    .setDescription("Thank you for trying to report a bug! If you think this is a mistake, please run `<prefix>reportbug` or contact the CS team.")

    const collector1 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
        max: "1",
        maxMatches: '1',
        time: 120000,

    const collector2 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
        max: "1",
        maxMatches: '1',
        time: 120000,

    const collector3 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
        max: '1',
        maxMatches: '1',
        time: 120000,

    const collector4 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
        max: '1',
        maxMatches: '1',
        time: 1000*60*5,

    const collector5 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
        max: '1',
        maxMatches: '1',
        time: 1000*60*2,

    collector1.on('collect', msg => {
        if(msg.content.toLowerCase() === "cancel"){
            return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
        if(msg.content.toLowerCase() === "next"){
            const commandEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle("Bug Report | Command Title")
            .setDescription("What is the command name? This will give us the specific command.")
            .setFooter("Automatically cancelled in 2 minutes. | Say `cancel` to cancel the prompt.")

            collector2.on('collect', m => {
                if(m.content.toLowerCase() === "cancel"){
                    return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                    const descriptionEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
                    .setFooter("Automatically cancelled in 2 minutes. | Say `cancel` to cancel the prompt.")
                    .setDescription("What is the bug, as in what happened to reproduce?")
                    .setTitle("Bug Report | Bug Reproduction")

                    collector3.on('collect', ms => {
                        if(ms.content.toLowerCase() === "cancel"){
                            return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                            const evidence = new MessageEmbed()
                            .setFooter("Automatically cancelled in 5 minutes. | Say `cancel` to cancel the prompt.")
                            .setDescription("Is there any evidence? We only support gyzayo & discord atm! If you don't have any, put 'n/a'!")
                            .setTitle("Bug Report | Evidence")

                            collector4.on('collect', mm => {
                                if(mm.content.toLowerCase() === "cancel"){
                                    return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                                if(mm.content.startsWith('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/' || 'https://gyazo.com/')){
                                   const confirmEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
                                   .setFooter("Automatically cancelled in 2 minutes. | Say `cancel` to cancel the prompt.")
                                   .setDescription("Are you sure that you are going to post this? Option are `yes` or `no`")
                                   .setTitle("Bug Report | Confirmation")

                                   collector5.on('collect', me => {
                                       if(me.content.toLowerCase() === "cancel"){
                                           return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                                       if(me.content.toLowerCase() === "no"){
                                           cancelEmbed.setDescription("Thank you for trying to report a bug! | You have denied to post it!")
                                           return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                                       if(me.content.toLowerCase() === "yes"){
                                           const infoEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
                                           .setTitle("Bug Information")
                                                   name: 'Guild Name:',
                                                   value: `${message.guild.name} (${message.guild.id})`,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'User: ',
                                                   value: `${message.author.tag} (${message.guild.id})`,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'Command Name: ',
                                                   value: m.content,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'Bug Description: ',
                                                   value: ms.content,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'Bug Proof/Evidence: ',
                                                   value: mm.content,
                                                   inline: false

                                           message.channel.send(`Thank you for submitting a bug report! A developer of ours will review and fix this current bug! You may join the support server by using the following command: \`<prefix>support\`!`)
                                          cancelEmbed.setDescription(`Thank you for trying to report a bug! | Please include a choice: ['yes','no','cancel'], and please run the prompt again.`)
                                          return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)

                                    //    Thank you for trying to report a bug!
                                if(mm.content.toLowerCase() === "n/a"){
                                    const confirmEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
                                   .setFooter("Automatically cancelled in 2 minutes. | Say `cancel` to cancel the prompt.")
                                   .setDescription("Are you sure that you are going to post this? Option are `yes` or `no`")
                                   .setTitle("Bug Report | Confirmation")

                                   collector5.on('collect', me => {
                                       if(me.content.toLowerCase() === "cancel"){
                                           return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                                       if(me.content.toLowerCase() === "no"){
                                           cancelEmbed.setDescription("Thank you for trying to report a bug! | You have denied to post it!")
                                           return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)
                                       if(me.content.toLowerCase() === "yes"){
                                           const infoEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
                                           .setTitle("Bug Information")
                                                   name: 'Guild Name:',
                                                   value: `${message.guild.name} (${message.guild.id})`,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'User: ',
                                                   value: `${message.author.tag} (${message.guild.id})`,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'Command Name: ',
                                                   value: m.content,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'Bug Description: ',
                                                   value: ms.content,
                                                   inline: false
                                                   name: 'Bug Proof/Evidence: ',
                                                   value: "N/A",
                                                   inline: false

                                           message.channel.send(`Thank you for submitting a bug report! A developer of ours will review and fix this current bug! You may join the support server by using the following command: \`<prefix>support\`!`)
                                           cancelEmbed.setDescription(`Thank you for trying to report a bug! | Please include a choice: ['yes','no','cancel'], and please run the prompt again.`)
                                           return message.channel.send(cancelEmbed)

                                    //    Thank you for trying to report a bug!
                                if(!(mm.content.startsWith('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/' && 'https://gyazo.com/') && ['n/a','cancel'].includes(mm.content))){
                                    cancelEmbed.setDescription("Thank you for trying to report a bug! | Please include a choice: ['n/a','cancel'] or you used a unwhitelisted links of ours!")

            cancelEmbed.setDescription("Thank you for trying to report a bug! | Invalid option, choose: ['next','cancel'] and run the prompt again!")

    collector1.on('end', collect => {
        if(!collect.size) {
            return message.reply(`You didn't reply on time!`)

    collector2.on('end', collect2 => {
        if(collect2.size === 0) {
            return message.reply(`You didn't reply on time!`)

    collector3.on('end', collect3 => {
        if(collect3.size === 0){
            return message.reply(`You didn't reply on time!`)

    collector4.on('end', collect4 => {
        if(collect4.size === 0){
            return message.reply('You didn\'t reply on time!')

    collector5.on('end', collect5 => {
        if(collect5.size === 0) {
            return message.reply(`You didn't reply on time.`)

module.exports.config = {
    name: "bugreport",
    aliases: ['reportbug']

如果有人能帮忙,那就太好了! <3

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的代码同时创建所有收集器,这使得它们也同时触发,因为它们具有相同的 filter 函数。您应该这样做,以便它只在 收集来自前一个收集器的消息之后创建下一个收集器,如下所示:

await message.channel.send(intro);

const collector1 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
    max: "1",
    maxMatches: '1',
    time: 120000,

collector1.on('collect', msg => {
    const collector2 = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {
        max: "1",
        maxMatches: '1',
        time: 120000,

    collector2.on('collect', msg => {
        const collector3 = (...);

    collector2.on('end', collect => {
        if(!collect.size) {
            return message.reply(`You didn't reply on time!`)

collector1.on('end', collect => {
    if(!collect.size) {
        return message.reply(`You didn't reply on time!`)

顺便说一句,如果您改用 awaitMessages(),这可能会更简单。