为什么语音识别在 Safari 中无法正常工作?

时间:2021-07-18 10:04:11

标签: javascript safari speech-recognition webkitspeechrecognition

我正在使用浏览器技术 SpeechRecognition/webkitSpeechRecognition 在浏览器中进行语音识别。我需要麦克风在打开页面后始终听取命令,在用户说出所需短语后,我会根据命令更改视频的状态(例如,播放/暂停)。

在Chrome浏览器的桌面上,一切正常,打开页面后麦克风开始监听(rec.start(),浏览器在页面上显示允许使用麦克风的通知,用户同意) ) 如果用户什么也没说,那么浏览器会在 7-10 秒的静音后停止录制,但是在停止麦克风后我重新启动它并且不会引起任何问题。

一个在 Chrome 桌面上运行良好的简化示例:

let rec = null;
let isRecording = false;

function startRecording() {
  if (rec && !isRecording) rec.start();

function stopRecording() {
  if (rec && isRecording) rec.stop();

// Сhecking the technology support in the browser
try {
  var SpeechRecognition = SpeechRecognition || webkitSpeechRecognition;
  rec = new SpeechRecognition();
} catch(e) {

// If the technology is supported, then we set up the recording
if (rec) {

  rec.continuous = true;
  rec.lang = 'en-US';
  rec.interimResults = false;

  // Event after receiving voice transcription as text
  rec.onresult = function(e) {
    // Сode that compares what the user said with existing commands,
    // after which some action takes place with the video on the page

  // The event is triggered after recording has started
  // rec.start();
  rec.onstart = function(e) {
    isRecording = true;

  // Event after recording stopped
  // rec.stop(); or after an error occurs
  rec.onend = function(e) {
    isRecording = false;

    startRecording(); // Restart recording

  // Event that occurs when audio recording fails
  rec.onerror = function(e) {
    console.log('Speech recognition error detected: ' + e.error);

  // Start recording after page load

在safari浏览器中(iOS),用户第一次说出这句话后,脚本处理了onresult事件,该事件将不再触发,但录音不会返回错误(onerror 事件)且不停止(onend 事件),在地址栏中继续显示红色麦克风图标。为什么会发生这种情况?


有助于在 Safari 中聆听多个短语的更改:

// Event after receiving voice transcription as text
rec.onresult = function(e) {
  // Сode that compares what the user said with existing commands,
  // after which some action takes place with the video on the page

  // Restart recording;




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