雪花 SQL MERGE 语句成功执行但在过程中失败

时间:2021-07-16 20:50:57

标签: merge snowflake-cloud-data-platform procedure

我有一个单独成功执行的雪花 MERGE 语句,但是当我将它包装在一个过程中时,它抱怨列“无效标识符”之一。

这是我的 SQL 语句:

with artist_twitter as  
(select lower(trim(twitter_handle_1)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_1 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_1 is not null 
and twitter_handle_1 is not null
and twitter_id_1 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_1)), twitter_id_1


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_2)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_2 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_2 is not null 
and twitter_handle_2 is not null
and twitter_id_2 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_2)), twitter_id_2


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_3)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_3 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_3 is not null 
and twitter_handle_3 is not null
and twitter_id_3 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_3)), twitter_id_3


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_4)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_4 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_4 is not null 
and twitter_handle_4 is not null
and twitter_id_4 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_4)), twitter_id_4


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_5)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_5 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_5 is not null 
and twitter_handle_5 is not null
and twitter_id_5 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_5)), twitter_id_5

, count_artist_by_twitter_handle as  
select trim(a.twitter_handle) as twitter_handle, count(distinct b.artist_name) as unique_artists
from artist_twitter a
inner join warehouse.artist_dim b 
on a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_1 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_2 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_3 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_4 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_5 
where b.twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by trim(a.twitter_handle)

, count_art_by_artist as  
select a.artist_name
, lower(trim(c.twitter_handle)) as twitter_handle
, count(distinct a.collection_contract_uid || '-' || a.collection_item_id) as unique_art
, row_number() over (partition by lower(trim(c.twitter_handle)) order by unique_art desc) as rank
from warehouse.art_dim a 
inner join warehouse.artist_dim b 
on a.artist_name = b.artist_name
inner join artist_twitter c 
on (c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_1 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_2 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_3 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_4 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_5 )
group by a.artist_name, lower(trim(c.twitter_handle))
order by lower(trim(c.twitter_handle)), rank


, pick_ranked_artist as  
  from count_art_by_artist
  where rank = 1

, twitter_handle_artist_cnt_ranked as  
(select a.twitter_handle, a.unique_artists, 
case when b.artist_name is not null then b.artist_name 
    else c.artist_name end artist_name
from count_artist_by_twitter_handle a 
left join pick_ranked_artist b 
on a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle
left join (select twitter_handle_1 as twitter_handle, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_1 is not null
          select twitter_handle_2, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_2 is not null
          select twitter_handle_3, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_3 is not null
          select twitter_handle_4, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_4 is not null
          select twitter_handle_5, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_5 is not null
          ) c 
on a.twitter_handle = c.twitter_handle

, artist_twitter_associations as 
,row_number() over (partition by a.tweet_id order by a.as_of_datetime desc) as rank
from stage.twitter_tweet_history a 
left join artist_twitter b 
on a.twitter_author_id = b.twitter_id 
left join twitter_handle_artist_cnt_ranked c 
on b.twitter_handle = c.twitter_handle
group by  

,ranked_tweet_associations as  
from artist_twitter_associations 
where rank = 1

, derive_link_info as  
(select  tweet_id, twitter_author_id, twitter_handle, artist_name,
as_of_datetime, tweet_date,
case when tweet_unwound_url is null  
    then tweet_expanded_url 
    else tweet_unwound_url end as url_to_parse
from ranked_tweet_associations

, split_url as  
  select tweet_id, twitter_author_id, twitter_handle, artist_name
  , as_of_datetime, tweet_date
  , url_to_parse
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 0) as site_url_0
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 1) as site_url_1
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 2) as site_url_2
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 3) as site_url_3
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 4) as site_url_4
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 5) as site_url_5
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 6) as site_url_6
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 7) as site_url_7
  , case when site_url_3 = 'niftygateway.com'
      then 'nifty'
      else 'other' end as site 
  , case when site = 'nifty' and site_url_4 = 'collections'
      then site_url_5 
      when site = 'nifty' and site_url_4 = 'profile'
      then site_url_5 
      when site = 'nifty' and site_url_4 = 'itemdetail'
      then site_url_6 
      else 'Other'
      end as artist_info
  from derive_link_info

,identify_art_or_artist as  
  select a.tweet_id
  , a1.tweet_conversation_id
  , a.twitter_author_id
  , a.twitter_handle
  , a.artist_name as tweet_artist_name
  , a.as_of_datetime
  , a.tweet_date
  , a1.tweet_text
  , a1.tweet_public_retweet_count 
  , a1.tweet_public_reply_count
  , a1.tweet_public_like_count 
  , a1.tweet_public_quote_count
  , a.url_to_parse
  , a.site_url_4
  , a.site_url_5
  , a.site_url_6
  , a.site_url_7
  , a.site 
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
          case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then b.artist_name 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then c.artist_name
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then a.site_url_5 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then d.artist_name
      else 'Other' end as art_artist_name
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
      then case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then b.collection_contract_uid 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then c.collection_contract_uid
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then 'None'
      else 'None' end as collection_contract_uid 
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
      then case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then b.collection_item_id 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then 'None'
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then 'None'
      else 'None' end as collection_item_id
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
      then case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then a.site_url_7
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then 'None'
      else 'None' end as token_id             
  from split_url a 
  inner join ranked_tweet_associations a1 
  on a.tweet_id = a1.tweet_id
  left join warehouse.art_dim b 
  on a.site_url_6 = b.collection_contract_uid 
  and a.site_url_7 = b.collection_item_id
  left join ( select collection_contract_uid, artist_name
              from warehouse.art_dim 
              group by collection_contract_uid, artist_name) c 
  on a.site_url_6 = c.collection_contract_uid 

  left join (select artist_name from warehouse.art_dim 
            group by artist_name) d 
  on a.site_url_5 = d.artist_name
,a.twitter_handle as tweet_twitter_handle
,NVL(b.art_name,'None') as art_name
from identify_art_or_artist a
left join warehouse.art_dim b 
on a.collection_contract_uid = b.collection_contract_uid
and a.collection_item_id = b.collection_item_id

) s 
ON s.tweet_id = t.tweet_id 
AND s.collection_contract_uid = t.collection_contract_uid
AND s.collection_item_id = t.collection_item_id
AND s.token_id = t.token_id
AND s.tweet_artist_name = t.tweet_artist_name
AND s.tweet_twitter_handle = t.tweet_twitter_handle
AND s.art_artist_name = t.art_artist_name
AND NVL(s.art_name,'None') = NVL(t.art_name,'None')
AND s.tweet_text = t.tweet_text
AND s.tweet_conversation_id = t.tweet_conversation_id
AND s.twitter_author_id = t.twitter_author_id
AND s.tweet_date = t.tweet_date 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url,'x')
AND NVL(s.tweet_expanded_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_expanded_url,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_display_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_display_url,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_unwound_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_unwound_url,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url_status,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url_status,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url_title,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url_title,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url_description,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url_description,'x') 
AND s.tweet_public_retweet_count = t.tweet_public_retweet_count
AND s.tweet_public_reply_count = t.tweet_public_reply_count
AND s.tweet_public_like_count = t.tweet_public_like_count
AND s.tweet_public_quote_count = t.tweet_public_quote_count




create or replace procedure NFT_DEV_DB.WAREHOUSE.load_art_twitter_transaction_fact()
  returns string 
  language javascript
  execute as owner

// Construct the merge sql statement  
// Snowflake currently only supports a single sql statement execution in a procedure.
//     Due to this limitation, sql updates and inserts must be formatted as a merge statement.
// This procedure loads new or changed tweets from landing.twitter_tweet_changes to stage.twitter_tweet_history.
//      It will check each field for changes so if a tweet comes through on multiple twitter pulls it will only 
//      be inserted if there is something different since the last pull of that record.

    var sql_command = 
with artist_twitter as  
(select lower(trim(twitter_handle_1)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_1 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_1 is not null 
and twitter_handle_1 is not null
and twitter_id_1 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_1)), twitter_id_1


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_2)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_2 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_2 is not null 
and twitter_handle_2 is not null
and twitter_id_2 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_2)), twitter_id_2


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_3)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_3 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_3 is not null 
and twitter_handle_3 is not null
and twitter_id_3 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_3)), twitter_id_3


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_4)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_4 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_4 is not null 
and twitter_handle_4 is not null
and twitter_id_4 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_4)), twitter_id_4


select lower(trim(twitter_handle_5)) as twitter_handle, twitter_id_5 as twitter_id 
from warehouse.artist_dim
where twitter_id_5 is not null 
and twitter_handle_5 is not null
and twitter_id_5 <> '0'
and twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by 
lower(trim(twitter_handle_5)), twitter_id_5

, count_artist_by_twitter_handle as  
select trim(a.twitter_handle) as twitter_handle, count(distinct b.artist_name) as unique_artists
from artist_twitter a
inner join warehouse.artist_dim b 
on a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_1 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_2 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_3 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_4 
or a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_5 
where b.twitter_filter_flag = 1
group by trim(a.twitter_handle)

, count_art_by_artist as  
select a.artist_name
, lower(trim(c.twitter_handle)) as twitter_handle
, count(distinct a.collection_contract_uid || '-' || a.collection_item_id) as unique_art
, row_number() over (partition by lower(trim(c.twitter_handle)) order by unique_art desc) as rank
from warehouse.art_dim a 
inner join warehouse.artist_dim b 
on a.artist_name = b.artist_name
inner join artist_twitter c 
on (c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_1 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_2 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_3 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_4 
or c.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle_5 )
group by a.artist_name, lower(trim(c.twitter_handle))
order by lower(trim(c.twitter_handle)), rank


, pick_ranked_artist as  
  from count_art_by_artist
  where rank = 1

, twitter_handle_artist_cnt_ranked as  
(select a.twitter_handle, a.unique_artists, 
case when b.artist_name is not null then b.artist_name 
    else c.artist_name end artist_name
from count_artist_by_twitter_handle a 
left join pick_ranked_artist b 
on a.twitter_handle = b.twitter_handle
left join (select twitter_handle_1 as twitter_handle, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_1 is not null
          select twitter_handle_2, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_2 is not null
          select twitter_handle_3, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_3 is not null
          select twitter_handle_4, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_4 is not null
          select twitter_handle_5, artist_name from warehouse.artist_dim
          where artist_type = 'NON-ARTIST'
          and twitter_handle_5 is not null
          ) c 
on a.twitter_handle = c.twitter_handle

, artist_twitter_associations as 
,row_number() over (partition by a.tweet_id order by a.as_of_datetime desc) as rank
from stage.twitter_tweet_history a 
left join artist_twitter b 
on a.twitter_author_id = b.twitter_id 
left join twitter_handle_artist_cnt_ranked c 
on b.twitter_handle = c.twitter_handle
group by  

,ranked_tweet_associations as  
from artist_twitter_associations 
where rank = 1

, derive_link_info as  
(select  tweet_id, twitter_author_id, twitter_handle, artist_name,
as_of_datetime, tweet_date,
case when tweet_unwound_url is null  
    then tweet_expanded_url 
    else tweet_unwound_url end as url_to_parse
from ranked_tweet_associations

, split_url as  
  select tweet_id, twitter_author_id, twitter_handle, artist_name
  , as_of_datetime, tweet_date
  , url_to_parse
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 0) as site_url_0
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 1) as site_url_1
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 2) as site_url_2
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 3) as site_url_3
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 4) as site_url_4
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 5) as site_url_5
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 6) as site_url_6
  , split_part(url_to_parse, '/', 7) as site_url_7
  , case when site_url_3 = 'niftygateway.com'
      then 'nifty'
      else 'other' end as site 
  , case when site = 'nifty' and site_url_4 = 'collections'
      then site_url_5 
      when site = 'nifty' and site_url_4 = 'profile'
      then site_url_5 
      when site = 'nifty' and site_url_4 = 'itemdetail'
      then site_url_6 
      else 'Other'
      end as artist_info
  from derive_link_info

,identify_art_or_artist as  
  select a.tweet_id
  , a1.tweet_conversation_id
  , a.twitter_author_id
  , a.twitter_handle
  , a.artist_name as tweet_artist_name
  , a.as_of_datetime
  , a.tweet_date
  , a1.tweet_text
  , a1.tweet_public_retweet_count 
  , a1.tweet_public_reply_count
  , a1.tweet_public_like_count 
  , a1.tweet_public_quote_count
  , a.url_to_parse
  , a.site_url_4
  , a.site_url_5
  , a.site_url_6
  , a.site_url_7
  , a.site 
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
          case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then b.artist_name 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then c.artist_name
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then a.site_url_5 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then d.artist_name
      else 'Other' end as art_artist_name
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
      then case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then b.collection_contract_uid 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then c.collection_contract_uid
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then 'None'
      else 'None' end as collection_contract_uid 
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
      then case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then b.collection_item_id 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then 'None'
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then 'None'
      else 'None' end as collection_item_id
  , case when a.site = 'nifty'
      then case when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'primary'
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'itemdetail' and a.site_url_5 = 'secondary'
          then a.site_url_7
          when a.site_url_4 = 'profile' 
          then 'None' 
          when a.site_url_4 = 'collections'
          then 'None'
      else 'None' end as token_id             
  from split_url a 
  inner join ranked_tweet_associations a1 
  on a.tweet_id = a1.tweet_id
  left join warehouse.art_dim b 
  on a.site_url_6 = b.collection_contract_uid 
  and a.site_url_7 = b.collection_item_id
  left join ( select collection_contract_uid, artist_name
              from warehouse.art_dim 
              group by collection_contract_uid, artist_name) c 
  on a.site_url_6 = c.collection_contract_uid 

  left join (select artist_name from warehouse.art_dim 
            group by artist_name) d 
  on a.site_url_5 = d.artist_name
,a.twitter_handle as tweet_twitter_handle
,NVL(b.art_name,'None') as art_name
from identify_art_or_artist a
left join warehouse.art_dim b 
on a.collection_contract_uid = b.collection_contract_uid
and a.collection_item_id = b.collection_item_id

) s 
ON s.tweet_id = t.tweet_id 
AND s.collection_contract_uid = t.collection_contract_uid
AND s.collection_item_id = t.collection_item_id
AND s.token_id = t.token_id
AND s.tweet_artist_name = t.tweet_artist_name
AND s.tweet_twitter_handle = t.tweet_twitter_handle
AND s.art_artist_name = t.art_artist_name
AND NVL(s.art_name,'None') = NVL(t.art_name,'None')
AND s.tweet_text = t.tweet_text
AND s.tweet_conversation_id = t.tweet_conversation_id
AND s.twitter_author_id = t.twitter_author_id
AND s.tweet_date = t.tweet_date 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url,'x')
AND NVL(s.tweet_expanded_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_expanded_url,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_display_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_display_url,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_unwound_url,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_unwound_url,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url_status,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url_status,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url_title,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url_title,'x') 
AND NVL(s.tweet_url_description,'x') = NVL(t.tweet_url_description,'x') 
AND s.tweet_public_retweet_count = t.tweet_public_retweet_count
AND s.tweet_public_reply_count = t.tweet_public_reply_count
AND s.tweet_public_like_count = t.tweet_public_like_count
AND s.tweet_public_quote_count = t.tweet_public_quote_count


    var stmt = snowflake.createStatement(
          sqlText: sql_command
 try {
        var result1 = stmt.execute();
        return "Succeeded.";   // Return a success/error indicator.
    catch (err)  {
        return "Failed: " + err;   // Return a success/error indicator.





失败:SQL 编译错误:位置 12 处的错误行 11 无效标识符“TWITTER_HANDLE”

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

所以我的解决方案是将所有 CTE 代码提取到一个视图中,并在使用后引用该视图。这似乎有效,所以我想知道 Snowflake 是否对程序有某种字符限制。到目前为止,我在互联网上的搜索中还没有看到任何提及。所以,我想现在已经解决了。
