App 有行,每一行都有不同大小的单元格。添加行有效。添加单元格有效。但是,删除行不会。如果我单击第 0 行的删除按钮,第 2 行就会消失。如果我单击第 1 行的按钮,第 2 行就会消失。查看反应开发工具,似乎在引擎盖下右行被删除(处于状态),右行被选中进行删除,但无论如何它都不会以我期望的方式呈现(如果我点击删除第 0 行,例如第 0 行消失)。
App 类的deleteRowButtonHandler 是我一直在努力的地方。
deleteRowButtonHandler( e )
const targetRow = parseInt( e.target.id )
console.log( "TARGETING: ", targetRow )
const currentRows = this.state.rows
let newArray = []
currentRows.forEach( entry =>
console.log( "Looking at ", entry.id )
if( entry.id == targetRow )
console.log( 'skipping entry with id', entry.id )
newArray.push( entry )
console.log( newArray )
this.setState( {rows: newArray})
//let newRows = currentRows.filter( thisRow => {console.log( thisRow.id + ' and the target ' + targetRow);
// if( thisRow.id == targetRow )
// {
// console.log( thisRow )
// console.log( '...is the row that we are trying to delete' )
// }
// return thisRow.id !== targetRow}
//this.setState( {rows: newArray}, console.log( "NEW STATE:", this.state ))
>https://codepen.io/philipvdg/pen/mdmmWLG 是代码;任何指向正确方向的指针将不胜感激。
一般来说,问题是我(作为一个新手)不明白构造函数只运行一次。在子组件的构造函数中,我使用了 this.cells = this.props.cells
,然后在渲染方法中调用了 this.cells.map( ... )
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在 Controls
渲染中,您应该添加行 const id = row.id;
( row ) => {
const id = row.id;
let rowId = 'controlRow' + id
使用数组 idx 是错误的。您应该使用数据结构中的 idx。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
它以某种方式获得了重复的 ID。
Looking at 3
pen.js:74 Looking at 4
pen.js:81 (4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
pen.js:225 TEMPLATE PROPS: {rows: Array(4)}rows: Array(4)0: {cells: Array(0), id: 0}1: {cells: Array(1), id: 3}2: {cells: Array(0), id: 3}3: {cells: Array(0), id: 4}length: 4__proto__: Array(0)__proto__: Object
pen.js:232 row 0 is {cells: Array(0), id: 0}
pen.js:232 row 1 is {cells: Array(1), id: 3}
pen.js:232 row 2 is {cells: Array(0), id: 3}
pen.js:232 row 3 is {cells: Array(0), id: 4}
// in newRowButtonHandler
this.setState( { rows: [ ...this.state.rows, {cells:[], id: this.state.rows.length} ] } )
// try this
this.setState( { rows: [ ...this.state.rows, {cells:[], id: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)} ] }) )
UPD id 的问题,渲染和删除函数使用不同的值集。 https://codepen.io/Asmyshlyaev177/pen/yLbXBGo?editors=0010