
时间:2021-07-16 12:30:06

标签: python

我有我的数据 -

data = [['abc - a', 'A'], ['def - b', 'B'], ['ghi - c', 'C'], ['jkl - d', 'D']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['names', 'category'])
names   category
abc - a   A
def - b   B
ghi - c   C
jkl - d   D

我想要的输出是 -

names     division    category
    abc      a          A
    def      b          B
    ghi      c          C
    jkl      d          D

有很多方法可以执行此操作,但我想使用此逻辑执行此操作 -

遍历列名的每一行,并将每个值存储在 'st1' 中,然后 ->

first, middle, last = st1.partition(' - ')
df['names'] = first
df['division'] = last


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


df[['names','division']] = df.names.str.split(' - ',expand=True)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

像以前一样创建数据帧,然后遍历名称和类别的所有行,并通过 - 拆分名称并将它们附加到新数据集,然后将其转换为另一个数据帧,如下所示:

import pandas as pd

data = [['abc - a', 'A'], ['def - b', 'B'], ['ghi - c', 'C'], ['jkl - d', 'D']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['names', 'category'])

newdata = []
for names, category in zip(df.names, df.category):
    name, division = names.split("-")
    newdata.append([name.strip(), division.strip(), category])

new_df = pd.DataFrame(newdata, columns = ['names', 'division', 'category'])


>>> new_df
  names division category
0   abc        a        A
1   def        b        B
2   ghi        c        C
3   jkl        d        D

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我正在测试 github copilot,看看它如何解决 stackoverflow 问题。

# Solution 1
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = [['abc - a', 'A'], ['def - b', 'B'], ['ghi - c', 'C'], ['jkl - d', 'D']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['names', 'category'])

# Iterate through each rows of column-names, and store each value in 'st1' and then ->
# first, middle, last = st1.partition(' - ')
# df['names'] = first
# df['division'] = last
# and also assigning it to dataframe one by one, please help me to get my desired output in python.

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    st1 = row['names']
    first, middle, last = st1.partition(' - ')
    df.loc[index, 'names'] = first
    df.loc[index, 'division'] = last

# Explain what is df.loc
# df.loc[row index, column index]
# df.loc[0, 'names'] = first
# df.loc[0, 'division'] = last



  names category division
0   abc        A        a
1   def        B        b
2   ghi        C        c
3   jkl        D        d

答案 3 :(得分:0)

由于您想遍历 DataFrame 中的每一行并单独处理它们,因此您需要使用一些 NumPy 来完成您的工作。由于您要拆分行,因此 .partition() 在 Pandas 中的工作方式与 .split() 类似,但在 NumPy 中则不同。


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

在遍历行之前,您需要使用 .insert() 创建一个名为“division”的新列(我使用 np.nan 作为填充符,但您可以使用任何值你想要:

df.insert(1, 'division', np.nan)

现在您可以使用 Pandas 的 iterrows() 方法遍历行。

# index returns the index number, row returns a tuple of the row values
for index, row in df.iterrows():
    # convert row values from a tuple to a row
    row = list(row)
    # remove 'np.nan' value from the column we created above
    # split value from the 'names' column; creates values for 'names' and 'division' columns
    new_row = row[0].split(' - ')
    # append the value from the 'category' column
    new_row = np.append(new_row, row[1])
    # save the new row to the DataFrame
    df.iloc[index] = new_row


|    | names   | division   | category   |
|  0 | abc     | a          | A          |
|  1 | def     | b          | B          |
|  2 | ghi     | c          | C          |
|  3 | jkl     | d          | D          |