
时间:2021-07-12 13:46:56

标签: c linked-list iteration reverse singly-linked-list

问题是采用链表并仅反转偶数节点。也就是说,一个列表 1->2->3->8 应该变成 1->8->3->2。



listnode * solve(listnode* A) {
    if(A == NULL || A->next == NULL)
        return A;

    listnode * current = A, * prev = NULL;
    size_t dim = 0;
    int nextVal, hasPrevious = 0;

    while(current != NULL) {

        if(dim % 2 == 0 && !hasPrevious) {
            prev = current; //We store the previous value
            hasPrevious = 1; //We now have a previous value

        if(hasPrevious && dim % 2 == 0) {
            nextVal = current->val; //I store the value to plug it into previous
            current->val = prev->val; //Here I update next value with the previous value.
            prev->val = nextVal; //And now previous value has nextValue
            hasPrevious = 0; //We no longer have a previous value to copy

        current = current->next;

    return A;

第二种解决方案相同,但在复制值时使用 -> 运算符,但结果相同。

listnode * solve(listnode* A) {
    if(A == NULL || A->next == NULL)
        return A;

    listnode * current = A, * prev = NULL;
    size_t dim = 0;
    int nextVal, hasPrevious = 0;

    while(current != NULL) {
        //I work from the odd nodes such that I access the
        //other nodes deferencing the pointer, and thus
        //changing the content of the node.
        if(dim % 2 == 1 && !hasPrevious) {
            prev = current; //We store the previous value
            hasPrevious = 1; //We now have a previous value

        if(hasPrevious && dim % 2 == 1) {
            nextVal = current->next->val; //I store the value to plug it into previous
            current->next->val = prev->next->val; //Here I update next value with the previous value.
            prev->next->val = nextVal; //And now previous value has nextValue
            hasPrevious = 0; //We no longer have a previous value to copy

        current = current->next;

    return A;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

假设 a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j 应该变成 a -> j -> c -> h -> e -> f -> g -> d -> i -> b,(即以相反的顺序将所有节点放在偶数位置(从 1 开始计数)),我不相信这可以在一次遍历列表中完成,至少对于单链表。可以分两次完成。


  1. 将偶数节点提取到新列表中。
  2. 反转新列表的节点顺序。
  3. 将新列表合并回原始列表。

由于从单个节点以相反的顺序构造列表很容易,因此可以将步骤 1 和 2 合并为一个步骤。所以这两个pass是:

  1. 以相反的顺序将偶数节点提取到新列表中。
  2. 将新列表合并回原始列表。



#include <stddef.h>
#include "listnode.h"

listnode *solve(listnode *A) {
    listnode *rev;
    listnode *el;
    listnode *ne;

     * First pass.
     * Loop through pairs of nodes (el and ne) moving the second node
     * of each pair to a new list (rev) in reverse order.
    rev = NULL;
    el = A;
    while (el != NULL && (ne = el->next) != NULL) {
        el->next = ne->next;
        el = ne->next;
        ne->next = rev;
        rev = ne;

     * Second pass.
     * Merge the reversed list of nodes (second node of each pair in reverse
     * order) back into the original list.
    el = A;
    while (rev != NULL) {
        ne = rev;
        rev = ne->next;
        ne->next = el->next;
        el->next = ne;
        el = ne->next;

    /* Return start of reordered list. */
    return A;