我正在尝试将我的状态迁移到某些上下文,这样我就不必不断地进行练习。问题是,状态不会在上下文中更新。我只想将 state 中的单个值在点击时更改为 true。
这是我的 projectTile.js
import React, {useContext} from 'react';
import {ProjectContext, ProjectProvider} from './ProjectContext.js';
import {ProjectFunctionsContext, ProjectFunctionsProvider} from './projectFunctionsContext';
// profpic is going to be pulled from the logged in user, for demonstration purposes I just have it pulling the default profile picture right now
import profpic from '../../icon.png';
// projectImage will be passed from the project component, for now it's just a default chosen from the directory.
import defaultProjectImage from '../../defaultProject.jpg';
const ProjectTile = ({projectAuthorName, projectTitle, projectImage,setSavedProjectData}) => {
const [projects, setProjects] = useContext(ProjectContext);
const [projectClicked, setProjectClicked] = useContext(ProjectFunctionsContext);
// Console Log to try to figure out where any errors are coming from, if they arise.
console.log('Project Author: ' + projectAuthorName + " \n Project Title: " + projectTitle + " \n Project Image: " + projectImage);
// In this return statement, we build the project tile out of the elements that we're getting from the ProjectContext
console.log('projectClicked is doing this: ' + projectClicked);
return (
<div className="ProjectTile__container" onClick={() => {setProjectClicked(true); console.log(projectClicked);setSavedProjectData({projectAuthorName: projectAuthorName})}}>
<img src={defaultProjectImage /*projectImage -- this is commented out because it doesn't work at the moment*/} className="ProjectTile__Img" alt="Placeholder"/>
<div className="ProjectTile__overlay" >
<img src={profpic} className="ProjectTile__icon" alt="Profile"/>
<div className="ProjectTile__text">
export default ProjectTile;
这是我的 projectFunctionsContext.js
import React, {useState, createContext} from 'react';
export const ProjectFunctionsContext = createContext();
export const ProjectFunctionsProvider = (props) => {
const [projectClicked, setProjectClicked] = useState(false);
它只是不会将 projectClicked 更新为 true,我做错了什么?
编辑: 在此组件的父级中调用上下文,使其重置状态。 它恰好可以通过一次调用来获取这些变量。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您需要在 ContextProvider 中设置 values 对象,以便您可以使用 useContext 钩子访问组件中的属性。
const contextValue = {
<ProjectFunctionsContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
然后在你的组件中使用 useContext 钩子来检索存储在上下文中的值:
const { projectClicked, setProjectClicked } = useContext(ProjectFunctionsContext);