matplotlib 散点图的帕累托前沿

时间:2021-07-07 10:13:09

标签: python numpy matplotlib pareto-chart


array([[1.44100000e+04, 3.31808987e+07],
       [1.21250000e+04, 3.22901074e+07],
       [6.03000000e+03, 2.84933900e+07],
       [8.32500000e+03, 2.83091317e+07],
       [6.68000000e+03, 2.56373373e+07],
       [5.33500000e+03, 1.89331461e+07],
       [3.87500000e+03, 1.84107940e+07],
       [3.12500000e+03, 1.60416570e+07],
       [6.18000000e+03, 1.48054565e+07],
       [4.62500000e+03, 1.33395341e+07],
       [5.22500000e+03, 1.23150492e+07],
       [3.14500000e+03, 1.20244820e+07],
       [6.79500000e+03, 1.19525083e+07],
       [2.92000000e+03, 9.18176770e+06],
       [5.45000000e+02, 5.66882578e+06]])


enter image description here

我使用这个 tutorial 来绘制帕累托图,但由于某种原因,结果非常奇怪,我得到了很小的红线:

enter image description here


def identify_pareto(scores):
    # Count number of items
    population_size = scores.shape[0]

    # Create a NumPy index for scores on the pareto front (zero indexed)
    population_ids = np.arange(population_size)

    # Create a starting list of items on the Pareto front
    # All items start off as being labelled as on the Parteo front
    pareto_front = np.ones(population_size, dtype=bool)
    # Loop through each item. This will then be compared with all other items
    for i in range(population_size):
        # Loop through all other items
        for j in range(population_size):
            # Check if our 'i' pint is dominated by out 'j' point
            if all(scores[j] >= scores[i]) and any(scores[j] > scores[i]):
                # j dominates i. Label 'i' point as not on Pareto front
                pareto_front[i] = 0
                # Stop further comparisons with 'i' (no more comparisons needed)
    # Return ids of scenarios on pareto front
    return population_ids[pareto_front]

pareto = identify_pareto(scores)

pareto_front_df = pd.DataFrame(pareto_front)
pareto_front_df.sort_values(0, inplace=True)
pareto_front = pareto_front_df.values

#here I get as output weird results:
array([[ 5, 81],
       [15, 80],
       [30, 79],
       [55, 77],
       [70, 65],
       [80, 60],
       [90, 40],
       [97, 23],
       [99,  4]])

x_all = scores[:, 0]
y_all = scores[:, 1]
x_pareto = pareto_front[:, 0]
y_pareto = pareto_front[:, 1]

plt.scatter(x_all, y_all)
plt.plot(x_pareto, y_pareto, color='r')
plt.xlabel('Objective A')
plt.ylabel('Objective B')



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


数组 [1.44100000e+04, 3.31808987e+07] 的第一个元素与其他值相比确实很大,因此它是函数内部唯一不满足 if all(scores[j] >= scores[i]) and any(scores[j] > scores[i]): 条件且未减少到零的外部迭代。所有其他点都减少到零。

