
时间:2021-07-04 10:14:17

标签: python function loops

def addition(number, number2, mathematic_assignment):
    sum_value = number + number2
    return f'The sum of {number} {mathematic_assignment} {number2} is {sum_value}'

def subtraction(number, number2, mathematic_assignment):
    subtract_value = number - number2
    return f'The subtraction of {number} {mathematic_assignment} {number2} is {subtract_value}'

def multiply(number, number2, mathematic_assignment):
    multiplied_value = number * number2
    return f'The result of multiplying {number} {mathematic_assignment} {number2} is {multiplied_value}'

def division(number, number2, mathematic_assignment):
    divided_value = number / number2
    return f'The division of {number} {mathematic_assignment} {number2} is {round(divided_value)}'

def run_program():
    print("Welcome to the base calculator")
    is_running = True
    while is_running:
        first_number = int(input('Please provide the first number: '))
        second_number = int(input('Please provide the second number: '))
        mathematic_assignment = input('Please provide mathematical preference: \n+\n-\n*\n/\n')
        if mathematic_assignment == '+':
            print(addition(first_number, second_number, mathematic_assignment))
        elif mathematic_assignment == '-':
            print(subtraction(first_number, second_number, mathematic_assignment))
        elif mathematic_assignment == '*':
            print(multiply(first_number, second_number, mathematic_assignment))
        elif mathematic_assignment == '/':
            print(division(first_number, second_number, mathematic_assignment))
            print('There can be an error in the output, you must only put in "+", "-", "*", "/"')

        choice = input("Press 'q' to quit or anything to go on: ")
        if choice == 'q':
            print('The program will now quit')enter code here
            is_running = False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    run_program()enter code here

以下代码是由函数组成的基本计算器的示例。然而,我一直在努力解决的问题是启动计算器,其中第一个数字是前一个结果,所以你只能得到第二个数字和所需的数学运算(所以如果 5+5 是 10,那么下次运行代码时(使用 while 循环)现在第一个数字是 10 + {another number})。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先计算方法应该返回数值,以便您稍后使用它,我删除了参数 ffmpeg -ss 00:06:51 -i truth.mp4 -c:a aac -c:v copy -t 8 true-30sec.mp4 ,因为每个方法都知道自己的



  • 保存每次调用的结果
  • 询问是否使用先前的结果,如果存在(如果存在,您也可以不询问并自动使用它)
def addition(number, number2):
    sum_value = number + number2
    return sum_value, f'The sum of {number} + {number2} is {sum_value}'
def subtraction(number, number2):
    subtract_value = number - number2
    return subtract_value, f'The subtraction of {number} - {number2} is {subtract_value}'
def multiply(number, number2):
    multiplied_value = number * number2
    return multiplied_value, f'The result of multiplying {number} * {number2} is {multiplied_value}'
def division(number, number2):
    divided_value = number / number2
    return divided_value, f'The division of {number} / {number2} is {round(divided_value)}'


def run_program():
    numeric_result = None
    print("Welcome to the base calculator")
    while True:
        result = None
        if numeric_result:
            first_number = input(
                f'Please provide the first number or empty to use the previous result ({numeric_result}):')
            first_number = int(first_number) if first_number else numeric_result
            first_number = int(input('Please provide the first number: '))

        second_number = int(input('Please provide the second number: '))
        mathematic_assignment = input('Please provide mathematical preference: + - * / : ')

        if mathematic_assignment == '+':
            result = addition(first_number, second_number)
        elif mathematic_assignment == '-':
            result = subtraction(first_number, second_number)
        elif mathematic_assignment == '*':
            result = multiply(first_number, second_number)
        elif mathematic_assignment == '/':
            result = division(first_number, second_number)
            print('There can be an error in the output, you must only put in "+", "-", "*", "/"')

        if result:
            numeric_result, str_result = result

        choice = input("Press 'q' to quit or anything to go on: ")
        if choice == 'q':
            print('The program will now quit')