我正在尝试制作一个机器人,它可以检查所有语音频道,看看是否有人在其中,然后加入人数最多的频道,然后播放声音。 我在下面附上了我的代码。
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.player import FFmpegPCMAudio
from discord.utils import get
import datetime
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="<")
async def on_ready():
print("Bot is ready")
async def start(ctx):
while not bot.is_closed():
while not "00" in str(MINUTE):
MINUTE = datetime.datetime.now().minute
if "00" in str(MINUTE):
hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour
number = hour
while number > 0:
# here is where I need the code to check all voice channels and find the one with the most people in
voice = await channel.connect()
source = FFmpegPCMAudio('audio source')
player = voice.play(source)
number = number-1
bot.run("my bot token")