自定义睡眠功能在不挂起的情况下睡眠 UI - 问题:计时器略微漂移

时间:2021-06-26 11:13:44

标签: powershell

我编写了一个自定义 Start-SleepNoUIHang 函数来休眠 Windows 窗体 UI,同时不挂起它以允许用户使用 ForEach 循环进行交互,并在该循环内调用 [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents()阻止它这样做。

它按我的预期工作,但唯一的问题是该函数稍微偏离了参数 $Milliseconds

如果我将其设置为 5000,则计时器大约需要 6300 毫秒。

我曾尝试在 ForEach 循环中添加一个计数器,然后在到达 $Milliseconds 参数时中断它,但这似乎不起作用。

我不想使用 .net 计时器,因此我将其创建为单行程序,以便在程序中需要它的任何地方使用。




This function attempts to pause the UI without hanging it without the need for a
timer event that does work.

The only trouble is that the timer slight drifts more than the provided
$Milliseconds argument.


function Start-SleepNoUIHang {

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'The time to wait in milliseconds.')]

  $timeBetween = 50 # This value seems to be a good value in order for the UI not to hang itself.
  $timeElapsed = 0 # Increment this to check and break out of the ForEach loop.

  # ($Milliseconds/$timeBetween)*$timeBetween # Time is the total wait time in milliseconds.

  1..($Milliseconds/$timeBetween) | ForEach {

    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $timeBetween
    Try { [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() } catch{} # A try catch here in case there's no windows form.
    $timeElapsed = $timeElapsed + $timeBetween # Increment the $timeElapsed counter.

    Write-Host $timeElapsed

    # This doesn't seem to have any effect on the timer. It ends on its own accord.
    if ($timeElapsed -gt $Milliseconds) {
      Write-Host 'Break'



$elapsed = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
Write-Host "Started at $(get-date)"

Start-SleepNoUIHang -Milliseconds 5000

Write-Host "Ended at $(get-date)"
Write-Host "Total Elapsed Time: $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())"

我也尝试用 While 循环替换 ForEach 循环,但行为相同。

  While ( $Milliseconds -gt $timeElapsed ) {

    $timeElapsed = $timeElapsed + $timeBetween # Increment the $timeElapsed counter.
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $timeBetween

    Write-Host $timeElapsed


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