如何阻止 React 陷入无限循环?

时间:2021-06-23 17:45:49

标签: reactjs recursion redux redux-thunk reddit

我正在尝试制作一些类似于 reddit 评论部分的内容,其中回复相互嵌套。我已经设置了几乎所有完成递归函数的问题,当我按下按钮时,我希望新回复出现,就像手风琴效果一样,我得到的基本上是旧回复和新回复。

所以我试图通过制作一个 const [acknowledge setAcknowledge] = useState([]) 来阻止重复,我遇到了一个循环,因为这里是一点:

const helperFunction = (repi, idx) => {
        return (
            { /// first I want to see if the id is in my acknowledge if it is return null otherwise display and get those divs
                acknowledge.includes(repi?.id) ? null :
            <div key={repi?.id} className="container-nested-replies">
                <p className="repeat-reply-author">{repi?.author}</p>
                <p className="repeat-reply-text">{repi?.body}</p>
                <p className="timeStamp">{timeAgo(repi?.utc * 1000)}</p>

                    typeof repi?.replies === 'object' &&
                    // trying to make the recursion Function here the function is calling itself
                    <TiMessage onClick={(e) => recursionReplies(null, repi?.replies, null, idx)} className="reddit-symbol post-symbol" />
                {/* {setReplyRepeat(idx)} */}
            {setAcknowledge([...acknowledge, repi?.id])} // at the end I want push the ID into the state of acknowledge to check validation for this BUT THIS IS GIVING ME THE INIFINTE LOOP HOW CAN I STOP IT??

那个 setAcknowledge([...acknowledge, repi?.id]) 给了我无限循环

这个函数存在于我的 Reply 组件中,它是:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { TiMessage } from 'react-icons/ti';
import { repeatReplies, selectRepeatReplies } from '../../../../../feature/post/postSlice.js'
import { timeAgo } from '../../../../../util/mathWork.js';

const Reply = (props) => {
    const { idx, repliesClick, allReplies } = props;
    const [repeating, setRepeating] = useState(null);
    const [replyRepeat, setReplyRepeat] = useState(null);
    const [acknowledge, setAcknowledge] = useState([]);
    const theRepeat = useSelector(selectRepeatReplies); // grabbing the redux
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    const recursionReplies = (replies, secondReplies = undefined, count = undefined, idx = undefined) => {

        if (replies === undefined || replies === null) {
            replies = ["hi", "damn", "you"]
        } else if (Object.values(replies).length === 1 || Object.values(replies).length === 0) {


        if (secondReplies !== null && secondReplies !== undefined) { 
            if (replyRepeat === idx) {
            } else {
                dispatch(repeatReplies(secondReplies.data.children.map(child => child.data))) 
        } else {
            if (repeating === count) { 
                console.log("Im parent count but turn me off")
            } else {
                console.log("Im parent count but turn me on")
                setRepeating(count) // toggle on
                dispatch(repeatReplies(replies.data.children.map(child => child.data)));

    const helperFunction = (repi, idx) => {
        return (
                acknowledge.includes(repi?.id) ? null :
            <div key={repi?.id} className="container-nested-replies">
                <p className="repeat-reply-author">{repi?.author}</p>
                <p className="repeat-reply-text">{repi?.body}</p>
                <p className="timeStamp">{timeAgo(repi?.utc * 1000)}</p>

                    typeof repi?.replies === 'object' &&
                    // trying to make the recursion Function here the function is calling itself
                    <TiMessage onClick={(e) => recursionReplies(null, repi?.replies, null, idx)} className="reddit-symbol post-symbol" />
            {setAcknowledge([...acknowledge, repi?.id])}

    useEffect(() => {
  /// trying some how to stop the infinite loop here but I am clueless on how to stop it
  /// even put the acknowledge as a dependency array
    }, [dispatch, allReplies, theRepeat, replyRepeat, repeating, acknowledge])

    return (

                repliesClick === idx &&
                <div className="reply-container">
                        allReplies.length > 0 && allReplies.map((reply, count) =>

                            <div className="reply-div" key={reply.id}>
                                <p className="relpy-author">{reply.author}</p>
                                <p className="reply-text">{reply.body}</p>
                                <p className="timeStamp">{timeAgo(reply.utc * 1000)}</p>

                                    typeof reply.replies === 'object' &&
                                    // first stage of the function when it is pressed
                                    <TiMessage onClick={(e) => recursionReplies(reply.replies, null, count, null)} className="reddit-symbol post-symbol" />

                                    repeating === count &&
                                    theRepeat.map(val => 
                                        val.map((repi, idx) =>
                                    {helperFunction(repi, idx)}
                                    {replyRepeat === idx && helperFunction(repi, idx)}


export default Reply;

这里是 redux,我将它分派到然后收集回来

redux 文件:

import { createSlice, createAsyncThunk } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reddit from "../../util/reddit-data";

export const postThunk = createAsyncThunk(
    async (permalink) => {
        const post = await Promise.resolve(reddit.getPost(permalink))
        return post;

export const repliesThunk = createAsyncThunk(
    async (permalink) => {
        const replies = await Promise.resolve(reddit.getPost(permalink))
        return replies;

const postSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'posts',
    initialState: {
        posts: [],
        replies: [],
        repeatReplies: [],
        postLoading: false,
        postError: false
    reducers: {
        repliesList(state, action) {
            /* this grabs the inital reply from the post when the React.Component dispatches the replies to this payload */
            state.replies = action.payload.data.children.map(child => ({
                id: child.data.id,
                author: child.data.author,
                body: child.data.body,
                permalink: child.data.permalink,
                utc: child.data.created_utc,
                replies: child.data.replies
        repeatReplies(state, action) {
            const obj = action.payload.map(child => ({ 
                id: child.id,
                author: child.author,
                body: child.body,
                permalink: child.permalink,
                utc: child.created_utc,
                replies: child.replies

    extraReducers: { // 
        [postThunk.pending]: (state) => {
            state.postLoading = true;
            state.postError = false;
        [postThunk.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
            state.postLoading = false;
            state.postError = false;

            state.posts = (action.payload.map(child => ({
                id: child.id,
                author: child.author,
                body: child.body,
                permalink: child.permalink,
                utc: child.created_utc,
                replies: child.replies

        [postThunk.rejected]: (state) => {
            state.postLoading = false;
            state.postError = true;

export const { repliesList, repeatReplies } = postSlice.actions;
export const selectPostLoading = (state) => state.posts.postLoading;
export const selectPost = (state) => state.posts.posts;
export const selectRepliesList = (state) => state.posts.replies;
export const selectRepeatReplies = (state) => state.posts.repeatReplies;
export default postSlice.reducer;

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