
时间:2011-07-24 12:43:07

标签: ruby mongodb mongoid mongomapper


      categories: {        
        "Title": { /// thats a displayed category title
          [ collection: "collection_name", ] /// defaultize to title.snake_case
          [ template: "some_template", ] /// defaultize to title.snake_case
          [ css: { /// object will be passed to template

          }, ]
          fields: {        
            "Field Title": {
              [name: "attribute_name" ,] /// defaultize to field_title.snake_case
              [required: true or false, ] /// defaultize to false
              [template: "template_name", ] /// defaultize to field_title.snake_case
              [ css: { /// same as above, passed to template
                // ..      
              }, ]         
              [validations: [
                function(field_value, record){
                  return []; /// this should be array with errors or empty if none
                ["validationName", ...] /// this should be one of functions defined in validations collection name or DBRef to it
              ], ]         
            // ...         

snake_case实际上是ActiveSupport中称为String的{​​{1}}方法:“AsdAsd”.underscore => “asd_asd”。 那些underscore定义了可选属性。

一切都很好并按预期工作,直到我遇到验证。 这些验证存储在MongoDB中,使用控制台,我可以这样做:


我可以使用MongoID或MongoMapper从Ruby做同样的事情吗? 或者我应该改变我的做法?


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