
时间:2021-06-20 22:02:57

标签: python numpy classification logistic-regression

我正在尝试使用添加的脆弱性参数和 L1 正则化来实现条件逻辑回归。


Frailty Gradient

其中 X^W_rh 是比赛 r 中获胜马 h 的特征

W_rh 是脆弱参数

X_rh 是马 h 在比赛 r 中的特征

lambda 是 L1 正则化参数

Beta 是权重


def log_likelihood(features, weights, frailty, l1, groups):
    # Generate scores
    scores = np.dot(features, weights) + frailty
    # Calculate unregularized log-likelihood
    ll = np.sum(scores - np.log(np.sum(scores + frailty)))
    # Calculate log-likelihood with regularization
    reg_ll = ll - (l1 * np.sum(abs(weights)))
    return reg_ll

def conditional_log_reg(features, target, num_steps, learning_rate, groups, frailty, l1):
    weights = np.zeros(features.shape(1))
    for step in range(num_steps):
        scores = np.dot(features, weights)
        predictions = np.exp(scores + frailty)
        # Here we need to sum the upper half within the group
        upper_pred = np.dot(features, predictions)
        # Here we need to sum the lower half by the group
        lower_pred = predictions
        # Here we need to sum features by group
        gradient = features - (upper_pred / lower_pred) + l1
        weights += learning_rate * gradient 
        # Print log_likelihood every few steps
        if step % 10000 == 0:
            print(log_likelihood(features, target, frailty, l1, groups))
    return weights


  1. 我不确定真实变量或目标变量会去哪里,我的假设是 X^W_rh。然而,在 Silverman 博士的参考论文中,他将 X^W_rh 定义为 r 比赛中获胜马的特征。

  2. 我不知道如何使用 numpy 数组按组进行汇总。我熟悉使用 Pandas 按组进行汇总,但我试图避免在函数内转换为 Pandas df。

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