
时间:2021-06-09 17:14:20

标签: python function


function Victory 检查行、列和对角线值。如果行、列或对角线值等于 'X''O',则程序应打印 computer's winUser's win。但我不确定在 Update_board 中的何处调用它。有人可以帮忙吗。

import random

def board():
    "Creating Board dictionary"
    dic_board = {}
    v = 1
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            k = str(i) + str(j)
            dic_board[k] = v
            v += 1

def draw_board(board):
    """Draw board"""
    for i in range(3):
        print('+' + '-' * 5 + '+' + '-' * 5 + '+' + '-' * 5 + '+', end='')
        print('|' + ' ' * 5 + '|' + ' ' * 5 + '|' + ' ' * 5 + '|')
        for j in range(3):
            k = str(i) + str(j)
            print('| ' + str(board[k]) + ' ' * 3, end='')
        print('|' + ' ' * 5 + '|' + ' ' * 5 + '|' + ' ' * 5 + '|')
    print('+' + '-' * 5 + '+' + '-' * 5 + '+' + '-' * 5 + '+', end='')

def update_board(board):
    """the first move belongs to the computer -
    it always puts its first 'X' in the middle of the board that is at 5;"""
    total_moves = 0
    flag = True  #Flag = True for computer's move and False for user's move
    while total_moves < 9 :
        available_num = [v for k, v in board.items() if v not in ('X','O')]
        if flag :
            if total_moves == 0:
                Update_moves(board, 'Comp', 5)
                flag = False


                num = random.choice(available_num)
                Update_moves(board, 'Comp', num)
                flag = False
                s = str(available_num)
                val = int(input('Select Number '+ s + ': '))
                Update_moves(board, 'User', val)
                flag = True
                print('Invalid Input!!')
        total_moves += 1
    return board

def Update_moves(board, moves,val):
    "Updating borad as per input"
    key_to_update = [k for k, v in board.items() if v == val]
    if moves == 'Comp':
        board[key_to_update[0]] = 'X'
    elif moves == 'User':
        board[key_to_update[0]] = 'O'
    return board

def Victory(board,sign):
    message = ''
    message = row_status(board,sign,message)
    message = column_status(board,sign,message)
    message = digonals_status(board,sign,message)
    return message

def row_status(board,sign,message):
    """checking for Horizontal row"""
    if board['00'] == board['01'] == board['02'] == sign or \
            board['10'] == board['11'] == board['12'] == sign or \
            board['20'] == board['21'] == board['22'] == sign:
        if sign == 'X':
            message = 'computer win !!'
        elif sign == 'O':
            message = 'Your win !!'
    return message

def column_status(board,sign,message):
    """checking for verticle column """
    if board['00'] == board['10'] == board['20'] == sign or \
            board['01'] == board['11'] == board['21'] == sign or \
            board['02'] == board['12'] == board['22'] == sign:
        if sign == 'X':
            message = 'computer win !!'
        elif sign == 'O':
            message = 'Your win !!'
    return message

def digonals_status(board,sign,message):
    """checking for digonals """
    if board['00'] == board['11'] == board['22'] == sign or \
       board['02'] == board['11'] == board['20'] == sign :
        if sign == 'X':
            message = 'computer win !!'
        elif sign == 'O':
            message = 'Your win !!'
    return message


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