谷歌分析管理 API

时间:2021-06-07 19:31:02

标签: python-3.x google-analytics google-api analytics google-analytics-api

我在从 Google 的管理 API 站点找出这段代码的确切位置时遇到了麻烦。我让他们的 HelloAnalytics 程序正常工作:

# Note: This code assumes you have an authorized Analytics service object.
# See the User Permissions Developer Guide for details.

# Example #1:
# Requests a list of all account-user links for the authorized user.
  account_links =

except TypeError, error:
  # Handle errors in constructing a query.
  print 'There was an error in constructing your query : %s' % error

except HttpError, error:
  # Handle API errors.
  print ('There was an API error : %s : %s' %
         (error.resp.status, error.resp.reason))

# Example #2:
# The results of the list method are stored in the account_links object.
# The following code shows how to iterate through them.

for accountUserLink in account_links.get('items', []):
  entity = accountUserLink.get('entity', {})
  accountRef = entity.get('accountRef', {})
  userRef = accountUserLink.get('userRef', {})
  permissions = accountUserLink.get('permissions', {})

  print 'Account User Link Id   = %s' % accountUserLink.get('id')
  print 'Account User Link kind = %s' % accountUserLink.get('kind')
  print 'User Email             = %s' % userRef.get('email')
  print 'Permissions effective  = %s' % permissions.get('effective')
  print 'Permissions local      = %s' % permissions.get('local')
  print 'Account Id             = %s' % accountRef.get('id')
  print 'Account Kind           = %s' % accountRef.get('kind')
  print 'Account Name           = %s\n' % accountRef.get('name')

谁能帮帮我?我想要一个程序,我可以从中提取用户帐户电子邮件并查看/更新权限。我觉得这个程序除了帐户 ID 和 OAuth 链接之外,对于所有 Google Management API 用户来说都是类似的。

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