
时间:2021-06-06 13:31:27

标签: python

我收到了学校的作业,我必须创建一个函数,该函数接收一个字符串,并将字符串中每个单词的第一个字母的连接作为首字母缩写词返回。返回应该类似于 " the first letter in word number {counter} is {letter}",其中 {counter} 是单词在给定字符串中的位置,{letter} 是单词的第一个字母。最后,我必须连接以下格式 " the Acronym for the text given is {acronym}",其中 {acronym} 是文本的首字母缩写词,它是文本中给出的每个单词的第一个字母的连接。


def Acronym_Creator(text:str()):

   text= 'Hello World I Need Help'
   if text != '':
       for word in range(len(text.split())):
          Counter= Counter+word+1
          print (  'The first letter  in  word number {Counter} is ')


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


def acronym(string):
    str_lst = string.split()
    acronym = ""
    for i in str_lst: # go through all the string elements in our list
        acronym += i[0].capitalize() # add the character as 0th position in that string, also you might want to capitalize that letter(if not already). 
    return acronym

String = "Hello World I Need Help"

答案 1 :(得分:0)


def acronym(text):
    words = text.split(' ')
    acro = ''
    for i in range(len(words)):
        print('The first letter in  word number {} is {}'.format(i+1, words[i]))
        acro += words[i][0].upper()

    print('The acronym is {}'.format(acro))

text = 'Hello World this is some text input'


The first letter in  word number 1 is Hello
The first letter in  word number 2 is world
The first letter in  word number 3 is this
The first letter in  word number 4 is is
The first letter in  word number 5 is some
The first letter in  word number 6 is text
The first letter in  word number 7 is input
The acronym is HWTISTI

答案 2 :(得分:0)



  • \b - 匹配单词开头或结尾的空字符串
  • () - 是您要查找的组
  • [A-Za-z] - 仅字母,忽略以无效字符开头的表达式,例如数字
  • \w - 匹配 a-z 或数字
  • * - 零次或多次出现
import re

def acronymizer(string: str):
    words = re.findall(pattern=r'\b([A-Za-z]{1}\w*)', string=string)
    [print(f"The First letter in {w} is {w[0]}") for w in words]
    acronym = ''.join([w[0].upper() for w in words])
    print(f"acronym is: {acronym}")
    return acronym

String = "Hello World I Need Help !"