网页抓取被阻止 - 使用 Googlesheets IMPORTXML()

时间:2021-06-05 01:48:07

标签: web-scraping google-sheets google-sheets-formula ip-blocking

希望比我更聪明的人知道如何绕过两个似乎阻止使用 IMPORTXML() 函数的网站 Woolworths.com.au 和 Coles.com.au。


Here's what my spreadsheet looks like so far, I am trying to avoid manually inputting the prices of the Woolworths and Coles items

一直在尝试 importHTML 和 importXML。 =IMPORTXML("https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/238473/colgate-plax-alcohol-free-mouthwash-freshmint","//shared-price[@class='ng-star-插入']")

I was initially able to get some price data but after about a day it seems to have stopped working (I think they block my sheet)

解决起来非常棘手,所以如果有人对高级 Googlesheets 论坛有建议

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