
时间:2021-06-04 16:33:13

标签: typescript generics domain-driven-design composition

我正在尝试创建一个在打字稿中进行域建模的系统,受到 Scott Wlaschin 的 Domain Modeling Made Functional 的强烈影响,该系统基于 F#。


// We create a Simple generic so that we can
// prevent the direct use of primitives
// giving us an oppotunity to validate input (see make* fns below)
type Simple<
    Input extends
        | string
        | number
        | boolean,
    Tag extends string
> = Input & Record<Tag, never>

// We create an Id type which is a Simple string
type Id<Tag extends string> = Simple<string, Tag>

// We create an Entity type which accepts a
// string indexed interface with any Simple type as it's properties
// and a Tag which is passed down to lock the Id type
type Entity<
    Input extends {[index: string]: Simple},
    Tag extends string
> = Input & { id: Id<Tag> }

// We create a Deal type
// which is an Entity with an Id tagged with 'deal'
type Deal = Entity<{
    name: DealName
}, 'deal'>

// We define our Deal property types
type DealId = Id<'deal'>
type DealName = Simple<string, 'dealName'>

// we define Factories for creating
// our Deal properties and our Deals
// as the types are locked by the tags,
// this is now the only way to create them.
// This means once we have a Deal instance at run time,
// we know it has been validated
const makeDealId = (input: string) => {
    // validate deal id here
    return input as DealId

const makeDealName = (input: string): DealName => {
    // validate deal name here
    return input as DealName

const makeDeal = (input: {
    id: DealId
    name: DealName
}): Deal => {
    // validate deal here
    return input as Deal

// Fails
const dealIdA: DealId = 'qwerty' // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'DealId'
const dealNameA: DealName = 'Deal A' // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'DealName'
const dealA: Deal = {
    id: dealIdA,
    name: dealNameA,

// Succeed
const dealIdB =  makeDealId('qwerty')
const dealNameB = makeDealName('Deal B')
const dealB: Deal = makeDeal({
    id: dealIdB,
    name: dealNameB,

// dealB is a valid Deal


问题是实体定义无效,因为 Simple 是泛型,我们没有提供它的参数,所以我们得到这个错误:

Generic type 'Simple' requires 2 type argument(s).

然而此时我们并不关心我们采用什么形式的 Simple,只关心属性必须是某种 Simple 的东西,而不是字符串 |数量 |布尔值,或其他任何东西...


type Entity<
    Input extends {[index: string]: Simple<unknown>},
    Tag extends string
> = Input & { id: Id<Tag> }


type Entity<
    Input extends {[index: string]: Simple<any>},
    Tag extends string
> = Input & { id: Id<Tag> }


** 需要注意的一件事,无论好坏,我都试图使其尽可能具有功能性(因为我的大脑喜欢它并且因为它有助于使其与 Scott 的 F# 想法保持一致),因此所有类型都被声明为“类型” ' 没有接口或类*

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


通用类型“简单”需要 2 个类型参数。



type Entity<
    Input extends Record<string, Simple<string | number | boolean, string>>,
    Tag extends string
> = Input & { id: Id<Tag> }

string | number | boolean 来自SimpleInput 的约束,而string 来自SimpleTag 的约束。

现在 Entity 可以接收将被传递的更具体的类型。


type SimpleInputConstraint = string | number | boolean

type Simple<
  Input extends SimpleInputConstraint,
  Tag extends string
> = //...

type Entity<
    Input extends Record<string, Simple<SimpleInputConstraint, string>>,
    Tag extends string
> = //...


type Deal = Entity<{
    name: Simple<string, 'dealName'>
}, 'deal'>
// Index signature is missing in type 'String & Record<"dealName", never>'.(2344)


问题在于 Record<K, V>{ [key in K]: V } 的简写,它是定义索引签名的语法。然而 string(或其他原始类型)不能被索引。所以我不相信你在这里建立品牌的方法会奏效。

相反,如果您使用已知密钥标记 Simple,则不需要索引签名,一切都应该正常。

type Simple<
    Input extends SimpleInputConstraint,
    Tag extends string
> = Input & { _tag: Tag }

这应该同样安全,因为您无法在运行时真正创建 string & { tag: 'foo' }

