
时间:2021-06-01 22:02:04

标签: javascript arrays count nested

我最近开始学习 JavaScript 并遇到了一个问题。

var clothes = [
    ['cap', 'scarf'],                 //-- When adding a new element, the counter breaks
    ['T-shirt', 'shirt', 'trousers'], //-- When adding a new item, the counter works fine
    ['boots', 'sneakers']             //-- When adding a new item, the counter works fine

var totalItems = function () {
    for (var i = 0; i < clothes.length; i++) {
        var total = 0;
        for (var k = 0; k <= clothes[i].length; k++) {
            total = total + clothes[k].length;
        return total

console.log('all clothes: ' + totalItems());



在 totalItems (test2.js:13)
在 test2.js:31


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

var totalItems = function () {
    for (var i = 0; i <= clothes.length; i++) {
        var total = 0;
        for (var k = 0; k < clothes[i].length; k++) {
            total = total + clothes[k].length;
        return total


答案 1 :(得分:0)

你有几个问题。您的 for 循环需要检查 < clothes.length,因为 <= 将检查不在您的数组中的额外值(数组是基于 0 的,array.length 是基于 1 的)。您还每次通过 for 循环重新分配总数,并且在通过循环后从 for 循环返回。每次创建将急剧增长的数字时,您的内部循环也会不断增加 total 的值。


var totalItems = function () {
    var total = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < clothes.length; i++) {
        total += clothes[i].length;
    return total;

ES6 方式:

let totalItems = () => {
    let total = 0;
    clothes.forEach(entry => total += entry.length);
    return total;

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以使用迭代器,每次函数在嵌套数组中找到新值时都会加 1 (iterator++)。在下面的示例中,我使用 forEach 嵌套在另一个 forEach 循环中。

var clothes = [
  ['cap', 'scarf', 'hat'], //-- Added a new element no breaky
  ['T-shirt', 'shirt', 'trousers'], //-- When adding a new item, the counter works fine
  ['boots', 'sneakers'] //-- When adding a new item, the counter works fine

var totalItems = function() {
  let total = 0 //<-- iterator
  clothes.forEach(items => {
    items.forEach((item) => {
      total++ // iterate by one each time around
  return total

console.log('all clothes: ' + totalItems());
