while 循环未根据条件集正确运行

时间:2021-05-30 12:54:17

标签: python while-loop

我有一个句子列表,我需要代码使用从第一个单词开始的 4 次迭代多次分解成更小的短语

例如句子是:我是一个男人,我 12 岁


I am
I am a
I am a man

第一个循环结束,第 4 次迭代,继续第 2 个字

我可以通过编写一个名为 new_sen1 的单独函数来获得第一部分,该函数没有问题。我的第二个函数没有正确运行。这是我的代码:

sen = 'I am a man and I am 12 years old'

def new_sen2(sen):
    split_sen = sen.split()
    x = ' '
    y = 0
    i = 0
    num_list = [0]
while num_list[-1] < 5:
    while y < 5:
        new_sen = x.join(split_sen[0:y])
        y += 1
    i += 1


am a
am a man
am a man and

为什么我的 while 循环没有按照条件的规定再继续运行 4 次?感谢所有帮助,谢谢!

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

sen = 'I am a man and I am 12 years old' #initial sentence (a)
convert_sen = sen.split(" ")             #convert (a) to list = (b)
len_of_convert_sen= len(convert_sen)     #determine length of (b)
item_in_convert_sen = 1                  #initialise variable for iteration
while item_in_convert_sen < len_of_convert_sen:
    word = convert_sen[:item_in_convert_sen]
    convert_to_str =" ".join(map(str, word))
    item_in_convert_sen +=1

答案 1 :(得分:0)


sen = 'I am a man and I am 12 years old'

sen=sen.split(" ")
for i_word in range(len(sen)):
    for l in range(i_word+1,min(i_word+5,len(sen))):
        print(" ".join(sen[i_word:l]))

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我认为最好的方法是将句子字符串拆分为一个列表,然后一次打印出一个单词,在每个 for 循环中增加。


sen = 'I am a man and I am 12 years old'
words = sen.split()

for i in range(5):
    print(" ".join(words[:i]))

答案 3 :(得分:0)



def new_sen2(sen):
split_sen = sen.split() # split_sen is a list of strings from sen split by space
x = ' '                 # x is a str of space
y = 0                   # y is int 0
i = 0                   # i is int 0
num_list = [0]          # num_list is a list with one element which is int 0

我会将 while 循环中的 while 循环展开 5 次,以便于理解。

while num_list[-1] < 5:                 # 1st iteration num_list[-1] = 0 which is <5
split_sen.pop(0)                        # remove first element in split_sen, which is 'I'
num_list.append(i)                      # add 'I' to new_list. nw_list now = [0, 'I']

while y < 1:                            # 1st iteration y = 0 which is < 1
    new_sen = x.join(split_sen[0:y])    # new sen = join split_sen[0:0] which equals '' (empty string)
    print(new_sen)                      # prints empty string
    y += 1                              # add 1 to y, y = 1

while y < 2:                            # 2nd iteration y = 1 which is < 2
    new_sen = x.join(split_sen[0:y])    # new sen = join split_sen[0:1] which equals 'am'
    print(new_sen)                      # prints 'am' string
    y += 1                              # add 1 to y, y = 2

while y < 3:                            # 3rd iteration y = 2 which is < 3
    new_sen = x.join(split_sen[0:y])    # new sen = join split_sen[0:2] which equals 'am a'
    print(new_sen)                      # prints 'am a' string
    y += 1                              # add 1 to y, y = 3

while y < 4:                            # 4th iteration y = 3 which is < 4
    new_sen = x.join(split_sen[0:y])    # new sen = join split_sen[0:3] which equals 'am a man'
    print(new_sen)                      # prints 'am a man' string
    y += 1                              # add 1 to y, y = 4

while y < 5:                            # 5th iteration y = 4 which is < 5
    new_sen = x.join(split_sen[0:y])    # new sen = join split_sen[0:3] which equals 'am a man and'
    print(new_sen)                      # prints 'am a man and' string
    y += 1                              # add 1 to y, y = 5
i += 1                                  # add 1 to i, i = 1

然后返回到外部 while 循环并导致 TypeError 因为 num_list[-1] = 'I' 无法与 5 进行比较。因此您的程序在那里停止。


for i in range(len(sen_split)-3):
    for j in range(1, 5):
        print(' '.join(sen_split[i:i+j]))


I am
I am a
I am a man
am a
am a man
am a man and
a man
a man and
a man and I
man and
man and I
man and I am
and I
and I am
and I am 12
I am
I am 12
I am 12 years