当 awm 命令返回失败时停止 bash 脚本

时间:2021-05-28 12:10:36

标签: bash shell awk command-line exit


ads2 cls create 


kernel with pid 7148 (port 9011) killed
kernel with pid 9360 (port 9011) killed
probing service daemon @ http://fdt-c-vm-0093.fdtech.intern:9010
starting kernel FDT-C-VM-0093 @ http://fdt-c-yy-0093.ssbt.intern:9011 name=FDT-C-VM-0093 max_consec_timeouts=10 clustermode=Standard hostname=FDT-C-VM-0093 framerate=20000 schedmode=Standard rtaddr=fdt-c-vm-0093.fdtech.ssbt tickrole=Local tickmaster=local max_total_timeouts=1000
kernel FDT-C-VM-0093 running
probing service daemon @ http://172.16.xx.xx:9010
starting kernel FDT-C-AGX-0004 @ http://172.16.xx.xx:9011 name=FDT-C-AGX-0004 max_consec_timeouts=10 clustermode=Standard hostname=FDT-C-AGX-0004 framerate=20000 schedmode=Standard rtaddr=172.16.xx.xx tickrole=Local tickmaster=local max_total_timeouts=1000
kernel Fxx-x-xxx-xxx4 running
>>> start cluster establish ...
>>> cluster established ...
        nodes {
            node {
                name = "FDT-C-VM-xxxx";
                address = "http://fxx-x-xx-0093.xxx.intern:xxxx/";
                state = "3";
            node {
                name = "xxx-x-xxx-xxx";
                address = "http://1xx.16.xx.xx:9011/";
                state = "3";


kernel with pid 8588 (port 9011) killed
failed to probe service daemon @ http://xxx-c-agx-0002.xxxx.intern:90xx 

在这两种方式中,我都将此输出传递给 awk 以检查节点的状态,以防返回合理的输出,否则它应该退出整个脚本 (line 28)。

 ads2 cls create | awk -F [\"] ' BEGIN{code=1}               # Set the field delimiter to a double quote
 /^>>> cluster established .../ { 
               strt=1                                       # If the line starts with ">>> cluster established ...", set a variable strt to 1
 strt!=1    { 
               next                                         # If strt is not equal to 1, skip to the next line
 $1 ~ "name" { 
               cnt++;                                       # If the first field contains name, increment a cnt variable
               nam[cnt]=$2                                  # Use the cnt variable as the index of an array called nam with the second field the value
 $1 ~ "state" {   
               stat[cnt]=$2;                                # When the first field contains "state", set up another array called stat
               print "Node "nam[cnt]" has state "$2         # Print the node name as well as the state
           END { 
                 if (stat[1]=="3" && stat[2]=="3") { 
                   print "\033[32m" "Success" "\033[37m"    # At the end of processing,  the array is used to determine whether there is a success of failure.
    28            else { 
    29              print "\033[31m" "Failed. Check Nodes in devices.dev file"  "\033[37m" 
    30             exit code
   some other commands...

请注意,此代码块是 bash 脚本的一部分。

我要做的只是阻止整个脚本(其余的命令)在它进入 line 29 时继续执行,其中 exit 1代码实际上应该完成这项工作。但是它不起作用。换句话说。它实际上打印语句 Failed. Check Nodes in devices.dev file。但是,它继续执行下一个命令,而我希望脚本停止,因为第 30 行中的退出命令也应该被执行。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我怀疑您的主题 Stop a bash script from inside an awk command 是什么让您投票反对,因为试图从 awk 脚本内部控制调用 awk 的外壳程序是您不能也不应该尝试这样做的事情控制反转的坏情况,例如调用 C 中的函数来做某事,并且该函数决定退出整个程序而不是仅仅返回失败状态,因此调用代码可以决定在该失败时做什么(例如执行恢复操作和然后再次调用该函数)。

您似乎将退出 awk 脚本与退出 shell 脚本混淆了。如果你想在 awk 脚本以失败状态退出时退出你的 shell 脚本,那么你需要编写 shell 代码来告诉 shell 这样做,例如:

whatever | awk 'script' || exit 1


whatever | awk 'script' || { ret="$?"; printf 'awk exited with status %d\n' "$ret" >&2; exit "$ret"; }


$ cat tst.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

date | awk '{exit 1}' || { ret="$?"; printf 'awk exited with status %d\n' "$ret" >&2; exit 1; }

echo "we should not get here"

$ ./tst.sh
awk exited with status 1