
时间:2021-05-26 14:59:49

标签: discord.js

    const quiz = [
            "question": "What color is the sky?",
            "answer": "blue"
            "question": "How many letters are there in the alphabet?",
            "answer": "26"
    const item = quiz[Math.floor(Math.random() * quiz.length)];
    const user = message.author
    let myRole = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === "Verified");
    const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setTitle('Mrrocketman10s Official Verification System')
        .setDescription('Makes sure that you are a human')
        .addField('Username: ', user.username)
        .addField('Account created at: ', user.createdAt.toLocaleDateString())
        .addField("To verify answer the following question.", item.question)
        console.log("Question and answer doesn't exist")
        return false

    const filter = response => {
        return item.answer.toLowerCase() === response.content.toLowerCase();
        message.channel.send(embed).then(() => {
            message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1, time: 30000, errors: ['time'] })
                .then(collected => { 
                    message.reply("Great! You are now verified!").then(user.member.addRole(role)); 
                .catch(collected => { 
                    message.reply("Looks like you didn't get the correct answer, the correct answer is " + item.answer)

这是我需要帮助的代码,因此它的作用是通过让您回答问题来确保您是人类,例如:“天空是什么颜色”但如果您回答蓝色它会说“太好了!您现在已通过验证!”然后说“看起来你没有得到正确的答案,正确的答案是蓝色的”即使你写了正确的答案,它甚至没有给你经过验证的角色 the code

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


首先,您声明了一个变量 myRole,但实际上从未使用它来分配代码中的角色。



addRole v12 开始,似乎没有 GuildMemberDiscord.js 方法。我建议这样做:


第三,您必须检查 response 消息是否也来自 message.author,否则其他人可能会回答并且机器人会认为它是正确的。

const filter = response => {
    return item.answer.toLowerCase() === response.content.toLowerCase() && response.author == message.author;


旁注:我认为 if (!item) 部分是无关紧要的,因此我将其删除。


const quiz = [
        "question": "What color is the sky?",
        "answer": "blue"
        "question": "How many letters are there in the alphabet?",
        "answer": "26"
const item = quiz[Math.floor(Math.random() * quiz.length)];
const user = message.author;
const member = message.guild.member(user);
let myRole = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === "Verified");
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
    .setTitle('Mrrocketman10s Official Verification System')
    .setDescription('Makes sure that you are a human')
    .addField('Username: ', user.username)
    .addField('Account created at: ', user.createdAt.toLocaleDateString())
    .addField("To verify answer the following question.", item.question)

//removed if (!item) check

const filter = response => {
    //added an extra parameter to check if the user responding is the original author
    return item.answer.toLowerCase() === response.content.toLowerCase() && response.author == message.author;

message.channel.send(embed).then(() => {
    message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1, time: 30000, errors: ['time'] })
        .then(collected => {
            //modified section here
            message.reply("Great! You are now verified!").then(member.roles.add(myRole).catch(console.error));
        .catch(collected => {
            message.reply("Looks like you didn't get the correct answer, the correct answer is " + item.answer)


  1. Understanding how to use roles
  2. Discord.js - GuildMember