我在使用 onChanged 时调用了 debounce 方法以减少对 API 的调用次数。 实际上,如果我在页面上,我会在搜索栏中记录一些内容,我会得到结果,我可以毫无错误地返回。 但是,如果我在页面上,然后按返回按钮,则会收到此错误:
The following _CastError was thrown while finalizing the widget tree:
Null check operator used on a null value
#0 Debounce.dispose
package:drawer/…/share/debounce.dart:17 -> void dispose() => _timer!.cancel();
#1 _HistoriquePageState.dispose
package:drawer/…/pages/historique_page.dart:26 -> _debounce.dispose();
class _HistoriquePageState extends State<HistoriquePage> {
final _debounce = Debounce();
DateTimeRange? dateRange;
String searchedValue = "";
Post? user;
void dispose() {
void _sendSearch(String value) {
_debounce.run(() {
setState(() {
searchedValue = value;
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
onChanged: _sendSearch
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class Debounce {
final int milliseconds;
late VoidCallback action;
Timer? _timer;
Debounce({this.milliseconds = 500});
void run(VoidCallback action) {
if (_timer?.isActive != null) _timer!.cancel();
_timer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: this.milliseconds), action);
void dispose() => _timer!.cancel();
所以正如我所说,只有当我没有录制一些东西来抛出 _sendSearch 并且我按下返回时才会出现问题。 如果我录了一些东西,我回去就不会出错。