我在python中很新。我想在文件的某些行中匹配字符串。让我们说, 我有字符串:
british 7
German 8
France 90
<s id="69-7">...Meanwhile is the studio 7 album by British pop band 10cc.</s>
<s id="15-8">...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the german band Genesis 8 and was released in 1978.</s>
<s id="1990-2">Magnum Nitro Express is a France centerfire fire rifle cartridge 90.</s>
<s id="69-7">...Meanwhile is the studio <w2>7</w2> album by <w1>British</w1> pop band 10cc.</s>
<s id="15-8">...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the <w1>german</w1> band Genesis <w2>8</w2> and was released in 1978.</s>
<s id="1990-2">Magnum Nitro Express is a <w1>France</w1> centerfire fire rifle cartridge <w2>90</w2>.</s>
for i in file:
if left in i and right in i:
line = i.replace(left, '<w1>' + left + '</w1>')
lineR = line.replace(right, '<w2>' + right + '</w2>')
text = text + lineR + "\n"
return text
<s id="69-<w2>7</w2>">...Meanwhile is the studio <w2>7</w2> album by <w1>British</w1> pop band 10cc.</s>
那么,有没有办法搜索字符串作为字符而不是字符,以便我可以逃避<s id="69-<w2>7</w2>">
答案 0 :(得分:4)
我在之后添加了'in France'同时是英国流行乐队10cc的工作室7专辑
'1978'在由德国乐队Genesis 8发布并于1978年发布未修改,而'8'被修改。
应该做出改进,使 idi 始终是正确的音乐组名称,并不总是第一个,就像现在的解决方案一样。但是如果不知道你到底想要什么,这是一项艰苦的工作
ss ='''british 7
German 8
France 90'''
text = '''<s id="69-7">...Meanwhile is the studio 7 album by British pop band 10cc in France.</s>
<s id="15-8">...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the german band Genesis 8 and was released in 1978.</s>
<s id="1990-2">Magnum Nitro Express is a France centerfire fire rifle cartridge 90.</s>
import re
regx = re.compile('^(.+?)[ \t]+(\d+)',re.MULTILINE)
dico = dict((a.lower(),b) for (a,b) in regx.findall(ss))
print 'dico==',dico
print '\n\n'
rogx = re.compile('(<s id="[\d-]+">|</s>\r?\n)')
splitted = rogx.split(text)
print 'splitted==\n',splitted
print '=================\n'
def repl(mat):
idi = (b for (a,b) in the if b).next().lower()
x,y = mat.groups()
if x:
if dico[idi.lower()]==x:
return '<w2>%s</w2>' % x
return x
if y :
if y.lower()==idi:
return '<w1>%s</w1>' % y
return y
rigx = re.compile('(\d+)|(' + '|'.join(dico.keys()) + ')',re.IGNORECASE)
for i,el in enumerate(splitted[0::2]):
if el:
print '-----------------------------'
print '* index in splitted==',2*i
print '\n* el==\n',repr(el)
print '\n* rigx.findall(el)==\n',rigx.findall(el)
the = rigx.findall(el)
print '\n* modified el:\n',rigx.sub(repl,el)
splitted[2*i] = rigx.sub(repl,el)
print '\n\n##################################\n\n'
print 'modified splitted==\n',splitted
print ''.join(splitted)
dico== {'german': '8', 'british': '7', 'france': '90'}
['', '<s id="69-7">', '...Meanwhile is the studio 7 album by British pop band 10cc in France.', '</s>\n', '', '<s id="15-8">', '...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the german band Genesis 8 and was released in 1978.', '</s>\n', '', '<s id="1990-2">', 'Magnum Nitro Express is a France centerfire fire rifle cartridge 90.', '</s>\n', '']
* index in splitted== 2
* el==
'...Meanwhile is the studio 7 album by British pop band 10cc in France.'
* rigx.findall(el)==
[('7', ''), ('', 'British'), ('10', ''), ('', 'France')]
* modified el:
...Meanwhile is the studio <w2>7</w2> album by <w1>British</w1> pop band 10cc in France.
* index in splitted== 6
* el==
'...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the german band Genesis 8 and was released in 1978.'
* rigx.findall(el)==
[('', 'german'), ('8', ''), ('1978', '')]
* modified el:
...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the <w1>german</w1> band Genesis <w2>8</w2> and was released in 1978.
* index in splitted== 10
* el==
'Magnum Nitro Express is a France centerfire fire rifle cartridge 90.'
* rigx.findall(el)==
[('', 'France'), ('90', '')]
* modified el:
Magnum Nitro Express is a <w1>France</w1> centerfire fire rifle cartridge <w2>90</w2>.
modified splitted==
['', '<s id="69-7">', '...Meanwhile is the studio <w2>7</w2> album by <w1>British</w1> pop band 10cc in France.', '</s>\n', '', '<s id="15-8">', '...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the <w1>german</w1> band Genesis <w2>8</w2> and was released in 1978.', '</s>\n', '', '<s id="1990-2">', 'Magnum Nitro Express is a <w1>France</w1> centerfire fire rifle cartridge <w2>90</w2>.', '</s>\n', '']
<s id="69-7">...Meanwhile is the studio <w2>7</w2> album by <w1>British</w1> pop band 10cc in France.</s>
<s id="15-8">...And Then There Were Three... is the ninth studio album by the <w1>german</w1> band Genesis <w2>8</w2> and was released in 1978.</s>
<s id="1990-2">Magnum Nitro Express is a <w1>France</w1> centerfire fire rifle cartridge <w2>90</w2>.</s>
repl()获取rigx.findall(el)的值 我为
添加了一行 = rigx.findall(el)答案 1 :(得分:3)
这样的东西import re
i1 = re.sub('(?i)(\s+)(%s)(\s+)'%left, '\\1<w1>\\2</w1>\\3', i)
i2 = re.sub('(?i)(\s+)(%s)(\s+)'%right, '\\1<w2>\\2</w2>\\3', i1)
给了我们'<s id="69-7">...Meanwhile is the studio <w2>7</w2> album by <w1>British</w1> pop band 10cc.</s>'
import re
def do(left, right, line):
parts = [x for x in re.split('(<[^>]+>)', line) if x]
for idx, l in enumerate(parts):
lu = l.upper()
if (not ('<s' in l or 's>' in l) and
(left.upper() in lu and right.upper() in lu)):
l = re.sub('(?i)(\s+)(%s)(\s+)'%left, '\\1<w1>\\2</w1>\\3', l)
l = re.sub('(?i)(\s+)(%s)(\s+)'%right, '\\1<w2>\\2</w2>\\3', l)
parts[idx] = l
return ''.join(parts)
line = '<s id="69-7">...Meanwhile is the studio 7 album by British pop band 10cc.</s>'
print(do('british', '7', line))
print(do('british', '-7', line))
答案 2 :(得分:1)
最好的方法是使用正则表达式。 但是如果'left'和'right'总是至少有一个尾随和前导空间,那么你可以使用一个简单的技巧(只需在你的模式中添加前导和尾随空格):
line = file.replace(' ' + left + ' ', ' <w1>' + left + '</w1> ')
lineR = line.replace(' ' + right + ' ', ' <w2>' + right + '</w2> ')