我需要编写一个Python程序来加载PSD photoshop图像,它有多个图层并吐出png文件(每层一个)。 你能用Python做到吗?我尝试过PIL,但似乎没有任何方法可以访问图层。救命。 PS。编写我自己的PSD加载器和png编写器已经显示出太慢了。
答案 0 :(得分:5)
使用Gimp-Python? http://www.gimp.org/docs/python/index.html
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
im = Image.open("spam.psd")
layers = [frame.copy() for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im)]
答案 1 :(得分:2)
您可以使用win32com通过Python访问Photoshop。 您工作的可能伪代码:
import win32com.client pApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.Application') def makeAllLayerInvisible(lyrs): for ly in lyrs: ly.Visible = False def makeEachLayerVisibleAndExportToPNG(lyrs): for ly in lyrs: ly.Visible = True options = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.PNGSaveOptions') options.Interlaced = False tf = 'PNG file name with path' doc.SaveAs(SaveIn=tf,Options=options) ly.Visible = False #pApp.Open(PSD file) doc = pApp.ActiveDocument makeAllLayerInvisible(doc.Layers) makeEachLayerVisibleAndExportToPNG(doc.Layers)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch
#Save location
save_location = 'c:\\temp\\'
#call photoshop
psApp = Dispatch('Photoshop.Application')
options = Dispatch('Photoshop.ExportOptionsSaveForWeb')
options.Format = 13 # PNG
options.PNG8 = False # Sets it to PNG-24 bit
doc = psApp.activeDocument
#Hide the layers so that they don't get in the way when exporting
for layer in doc.layers:
layer.Visible = False
#Now go through one at a time and export each layer
for layer in doc.layers:
#build the filename
savefile = save_location + layer.name + '.png'
print 'Exporting', savefile
#Set the current layer to be visible
layer.visible = True
#Export the layer
doc.Export(ExportIn=savefile, ExportAs=2, Options=options)
#Set the layer to be invisible to make way for the next one
layer.visible = False
答案 3 :(得分:1)
还有用于读取PSD文件的https://code.google.com/p/pypsd/和https://github.com/kmike/psd-tools Python包。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
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